Results: 3Comments by: Renak
File: Roth UI (Diablo)08-09-08
Originally posted by Elloria When...
Posted By: Renak
Originally posted by Elloria When i downloaded it there were several other realms available. I didnt even use the rothar set up i used another one of the profiles available. If nothing is showing up youve installed the ui wrong. or it was corrupted. Try redownloading and installing if not just set up bongos your self its not hard...
File: Roth UI (Diablo)08-09-08
Still waiting on a response... Can'...
Posted By: Renak
Still waiting on a response... Can't Select Rothar - Eredar on the bongos menu and I cant find him in-game anywhere. neither he nor his guild seem to exist. His realm is apparently NOT a European realm, so I have no idea how I'm supposed to contact him. Any help is appreciated, but I think I'm going to have to let this go if I can't...
File: Roth UI (Diablo)08-06-08
Can't Select Rothar - Eredar
Posted By: Renak
It just doesn't show on the profiles page. Only my current char/realm. Anyone know how I can fix this? It's a really awesome looking UI but if I'm not going to be able to get this set up I'm just going to have to let it go. Also for some reason I can't post on the thread it's from on the WoW forums. I'm on a US realm too if that matt...