Results: 118Comments by: Wizardling
File: Atlas Mists of Pandaria07-24-22
Bug report
Posted By: Wizardling
Upon login I get these two: 30x Error loading Atlas_MistsofPandaria\Core.lua 30x Error loading Atlas_MistsofPandaria\Data.lua
File: Fishing Buddy07-17-22
Love Fishing Buddy, but still super buggy when configuring.
Posted By: Wizardling
4x ...\FishingBuddy\Libs\LibFishing-1.0\LibFishing-1.0-101085.lua:1142: Usage: FishLibTooltip:SetHyperlink(link) "]: in function `SetHyperlink' :1142: in function `SetHyperlink' :2200: in function `FishingBonusPoints' :2266: in function `GetBestFishingItem' :2306: in function `GetFishingOutfitItems' :147: in function `Initializ...
File: gmEquipSet06-22-22
Error report
Posted By: Wizardling
2x FrameXML\PaperDollFrame.lua:2490: attempt to get length of field 'equipmentSetIDs' (a nil value) :2490: in function `PaperDollEquipmentManagerPane_Update' :2416: in function Locals: equipmentSetsDirty = nil _ = "Fishing" setID = 1 isEquipped = false (*temporary) = nil (*temporary) = 1...
File: gmDurability06-22-22
attempt to compare nil with number
Posted By: Wizardling
10x gmDurability\core.lua:322: attempt to compare nil with number :322: in function :374: in function :324: in function Locals: self = TitanPanelgmDurabilityButton { 0 = registry = { } tooltip = { } } row...
File: This Scampi Happening06-20-22
I wish ThisScampiHappening was updated again.
Posted By: Wizardling
It was great fun :-)
File: Auctioneer01-08-19
Timeouts and Internal Auction Errors with only some items.
Posted By: Wizardling
Posting batch of: - Duration: 48 hours - Posting 1 items ----------------------------------- Posted 1 items Total minbid value: 32796 Total buyout value: 36440 ----------------------------------- Internal auction error. Posting batch of: - Duration: 48 hours - Posting 1 items --------------------------------...
File: Handy Notes - Netherwing Eggs (Retail)01-01-19
Crippling repeating error in v3.01 !!!
Posted By: Wizardling
197x NetherwingEggs\NetherwingEggs-3.01.lua:1074: bad argument #1 to 'unpack' (table expected, got nil) : in function `unpack' NetherwingEggs\NetherwingEggs-3.01.lua:1074: in function NetherwingEggs\NetherwingEggs-3.01.lua:1208: in function Netherwi...
File: GraphPaper12-28-18
Re: Re: Something has gone amiss in 8.1
Posted By: Wizardling
I just uploaded version 1.4.11 that should fix that issue. Yup, working fine again, thanks! :-)
File: GraphPaper12-24-18
Do you have UI scale set to anythin...
Posted By: Wizardling
Do you have UI scale set to anything other than 1.0 ? I have SET uiScale "0.90" and I can't replicate your issue. With that same settings. ## Interface: 80000 ## Author: Vrul ## Version: 1.4.9 Nope, I've UI scaling set to 1.0. I don't know what happened, other than 8.1.
File: GraphPaper12-23-18
Something has gone amiss in 8.1
Posted By: Wizardling
File: RepSwitch09-18-18
Re: Version (2018-08-25)
Posted By: Wizardling
Version (2018-08-25) - No longer attempts to set the Watched Faction when below max level I'd still very much like that as an option, please :-) For me, unless I'm wanting to avoid going over a level before I turn off XP, to enjoy a tier for a while, I care more about faction than levels, as I level up. Levelling up is a...
File: Skillet09-16-18
Skillet sometimes prevents queuing for a BG.
Posted By: Wizardling
2x AddOn 'Skillet' tried to call the protected function 'JoinBattlefield()'. !BugGrabber\BugGrabber.lua:519: in function : in function `JoinBattlefield' Blizzard_PVPUI\Blizzard_PVPUI-1.0.lua:562: in function `HonorFrame_Queue' :2: in function <:1>
File: TomTom09-14-18
TomTom occasionally preventing use of BG finder.
Posted By: Wizardling
2x AddOn 'TomTom' tried to call the protected function 'JoinBattlefield()'. !BugGrabber\BugGrabber.lua:519: in function : in function `JoinBattlefield' Blizzard_PVPUI\Blizzard_PVPUI-1.0.lua:562: in function `HonorFrame_Queue' :2: in function <:1>
File: Outfitter09-13-18
Swimming script error broke Outfitter completely till UI reload
Posted By: Wizardling
3x :29: attempt to call global 'GetMapNameByID' (a nil value) :29: in function `Function' Outfitter\MC2EventLib.lua:39: in function `DispatchEvent' Outfitter\Outfitter-5.20.3.lua:4382: in function `SetSpecialOutfitEnabled' Outfitter\Outfitter-5.20.3.lua:4192: in function `Function' Outfitter\MC2SchedulerLib.lua:242: in function...
File: Fishing Buddy09-09-18
Double luring with consumable lure and hat lure.
Posted By: Wizardling
Latest version double lures on the first cast without a current lure, using up a consumable lure and then replacing that with the hat lure. When it should only use the highest lure available.
File: Chocobo09-02-18
Re: Re: Bugs
Posted By: Wizardling
63x Error loading Chocobo\libs\LibStub\LibStub.lua and 63x Couldn't open Chocobo\libs\CallbackHandler-1.0-7\CallbackHandler-1.0.xml Seems the library configuration wasn't fully correct in the configs, so the libraries were not being included. I have pushed a new version and will upload it here as soon as it's packaged and re...
File: Chocobo09-01-18
Posted By: Wizardling
63x Error loading Chocobo\libs\LibStub\LibStub.lua and 63x Couldn't open Chocobo\libs\CallbackHandler-1.0-7\CallbackHandler-1.0.xml
File: FuBar - RestFu09-01-18
Bug report
Posted By: Wizardling
14x ...s\Broker_RestFu\Libs\LibAbacus-3.0\LibAbacus-3.0-90050.lua:535: C stack overflow ...s\Broker_RestFu\Libs\LibAbacus-3.0\LibAbacus-3.0-90050.lua:535: in function <...s\Broker_RestFu\Libs\LibAbacus-3.0\LibAbacus-3.0.lua:527> ...s\Broker_RestFu\Libs\LibAbacus-3.0\LibAbacus-3.0-90050.lua:535: in function <...s\Broker_RestFu\Libs\...
File: Auctioneer08-29-18
Thank goodness the nightly build 7....
Posted By: Wizardling
Thank goodness the nightly build 7.7.6113 solves the posting problem! I just downloaded it from the Auctioneer site and I can finally empty my mailbox and bags again :-D
File: Auctioneer08-28-18
I see an update was just released.
Posted By: Wizardling
But posting is still broken, stuck in a loop every time.
File: Auctioneer08-28-18
Auctioneer is broken as of an hour ago.
Posted By: Wizardling
Posting gets stuck in a loop, with no success: 473x Auc-Advanced\CorePost.lua:1008: attempt to perform arithmetic on a nil value Auc-Advanced\CorePost.lua:1008: in function `LoadAuctionSlot' Auc-Advanced\CorePost.lua:488: in function ...dvanced\Modules\Auc-Util-SimpleAuction\SimpFrame.lua:874: in...
File: Fishing Buddy08-17-18
FB is applying a lure every cast, again.
Posted By: Wizardling
Last version fixed this. But it's back to applying a lure every single cast, in the latest version.
File: Fishing Buddy07-19-18
Still buggy today with latest update, sorry :-(
Posted By: Wizardling
2x AddOn 'FishingBuddy' tried to call the protected function 'FishingActionButton:Hide()'. !BugGrabber\BugGrabber.lua:573: in function : in function `Hide' :2: in function <:1> Locals: InCombatSkipped
File: CensusPlus07-19-18
Error in BfA pre-patch.
Posted By: Wizardling
1x CensusPlus\CensusButton.lua:54: attempt to index field 'Info' (a nil value) CensusPlus\CensusButton.lua:54: in function Locals: self = CensusButtonFrame { 0 = } event = "ADDON_LOADED" arg1 = "CensusPlus" arg2 = "nil" arg3 = "nil" arg4 = "nil" (*temporary) = nil (*temporary...
File: Jobs'a'goodn10-12-12
That would be awesome :p Sure wo...
Posted By: Wizardling
That would be awesome :p Sure would be. Is the author still here? Love to see a couple more Warcraft peon soundbites for various quest steps.