Results: 4Comments by: Merixa
File: Altz UI07-06-18
Can you please add an option to see...
Posted By: Merixa
Can you please add an option to see debuffs of the target's target? I'm tanking in BFA and it's annoying not being able to see my other tank's debuff stacks. I love this UI but I'll have to switch if I can't tank effectively with it. Edit: Also for some reason can't set a focus target in raids.
File: Altz UI03-25-18
Re: Re: Re: AltzUI File
Posted By: Merixa
so once i move this file out of the folder and run the game it has no lag. if you still get this problem when you disable other addons only use altzui, try 2 way: 1.AltUi config > item > common > convenient item button 2.Altzui config > item > common > item level IDK what "try 2 way:" is and Yes if I disable ALL but AltzU...
File: Altz UI12-19-17
Is there a way to set the clock to...
Posted By: Merixa
Is there a way to set the clock to show server time, rather than local time? Like ElvUI does. Would be useful for me as my server time is an hour ahead of my local time. try CVar: timeMgrUseLocalTime Erm.. what do I do with this? Edit: I disabled the addon, set the clock to show server time. Re enabled AltzUi and it's back t...
File: Altz UI12-10-17
Is there a way to set the clock to...
Posted By: Merixa
Is there a way to set the clock to show server time, rather than local time? Like ElvUI does. Would be useful for me as my server time is an hour ahead of my local time.