Results: 2Comments by: Zynea
File: OT RollMonitor08-18-08
No, he hasn't updated it yet. It st...
Posted By: Zynea
No, he hasn't updated it yet. It still works and both Grudgebearer and I still use it. At one point he even made some really nice changes to it. But then his computer died and he lost all his data. I didn't get a copy of it before it died, which was a bummer. He hasn't really had time to do it again and with the existing mod stil...
File: OT RollMonitor01-22-07
few ideas
Posted By: Zynea
if in raid have announce winner announce directly to raid. If only in poarty have it automatically announce to party. have the ability to roll multiple times, with a number denoting if it was X's second, third fourth roll. Incase someone steps away from the keyboard and someone else has to roll for them. Or in the case where a...