Results: 10Comments by: Srosh
File: gmFonts07-27-24
It's a diff file so you can't just...
Posted By: Srosh
It's a diff file so you can't just copy-paste it. The code block should look like this after the diff is correctly applied: local options = CreateFrame("Frame", ADDON.."Options", InterfaceOptionsFramePanelContainer) local category, layout UIParent:UnregisterEvent("GLOBAL_MOUSE_DOWN") = GetAddOnMetadata(ADDON, "...
File: tekticles10-14-20
Commenting out line 67 in tekticles...
Posted By: Srosh
Commenting out line 67 in tekticles.lua seems to have done the trick. To comment a line out, add '--' infront of it: --SetFont(SystemFont_Shadow_Outline_Huge2, NORMAL, 22, "OUTLINE") Thanks, will try that. Should i use the release version or beta ? The release one, (it's confusingly also named beta but it's...
File: tekticles10-14-20
Commenting out line 67 in tekticles...
Posted By: Srosh
Commenting out line 67 in tekticles.lua seems to have done the trick. To comment a line out, add '--' infront of it: --SetFont(SystemFont_Shadow_Outline_Huge2, NORMAL, 22, "OUTLINE")
File: IceHUD12-16-10
Originally posted by AnrDaemon I'...
Posted By: Srosh
Originally posted by AnrDaemon I'm not very familiar with many pet-users... Which pet using non-instant skills? For me, it would mainly be of interest for mind controlled targets and vehicles.
File: IceHUD12-13-10
Great mod, thanks! I couldn't fi...
Posted By: Srosh
Great mod, thanks! I couldn't find it, is there a way to enable a pet casting bar?
File: Quick Auctions 312-01-09
Suggestion: make the addon ignore t...
Posted By: Srosh
Suggestion: make the addon ignore the maximum price gap setting if the item is already posted at its fallback value. Thanks for this awesome addon!
File: Quick Auctions 311-03-09
Ignore bid only auctions
Posted By: Srosh
I would like to see an option to ignore auctions that don't have a buyout price set.
File: Cast Donut08-20-09
I have a small issue with Cast Donu...
Posted By: Srosh
I have a small issue with Cast Donut not showing the gcd ring on my DK under specific cirumstances: (I have a frost spec, so I'm explaining it along that; I don't know how far it can be generalized.) I open up with Icy Touch (1 Frost rune goes on CD, GCD ring is shown), then Plague Strike (1 Unholy rune goes on CD, GCD ring is...
File: MikScrollingBattleText06-02-09
One thing I'm missing is a rainbow/...
Posted By: Srosh
One thing I'm missing is a rainbow/fountain style animation with the option to alternate the directions. Any possibility this gets added or maybe someone knows a plugin that adds this?
File: Cork10-16-08
Collapsing into Groups
Posted By: Srosh
I would like to see the following feature: if more than 2 (or whatever is set in the options for multi-target buffs) in a group need a buff, then only show the group and no longer the individual members in the tooltip (kind of like the old CorkFu worked).