Results: 2510Comments by: Shadowd
File: SSPVP310-13-07
Try the arena.lua file in http://sh...
Posted By: Shadowd
Try the arena.lua file in and see if that fixes it.
File: WoWI Mod Uploader10-13-07
Originally posted by Gazmik Yep.....
Posted By: Shadowd
Originally posted by Gazmik Yep... to get the shell to pass the entire path as one arg to svn, you have to quote the whole path or escape the spaces with backslashes, and then it works just fine. (Same goes for any other *nix, really... it's just that filenames with spaces in them are a bit more common on the Mac.) Again, that's at...
File: WoWI Mod Uploader10-12-07
Originally posted by Gazmik In th...
Posted By: Shadowd
Originally posted by Gazmik In the shell, can pass the args to /usr/bin/java (and through it, to WoWIUploader) as either -svn-path "/Applications/World of Warcraft" or -svn-path /Applications/World\ of\ Warcraft... either way, once it gets to your code as a single item in the args array, containing the path without any escape codes...
File: WoWI Mod Uploader10-12-07
Originally posted by Gazmik Nice!...
Posted By: Shadowd
Originally posted by Gazmik Nice! Anything that makes posting updates to my mods less of a hassle is good by me! Suggestions: BUG: Fetching the svn logs fails if the path contains spaces. (BTW, on Mac OS X the default install for WoW puts it in "/Applications/World of Warcraft".) Not wrapping the path in quotes when passing it...
File: SSPVP310-12-07
Type /sspvp ui go to General and ma...
Posted By: Shadowd
Type /sspvp ui go to General and make sure you don't have the score frame unlocked.
File: Damn Quest Icons10-11-07
The current code should work fine,...
Posted By: Shadowd
The current code should work fine, just probably broken would need to look at it a bit closer. Thanks thought.
File: SSPVP310-11-07
Upgrade to r257
Posted By: Shadowd
Upgrade to r257
File: Damn Quest Icons10-10-07
Originally posted by Lombra Now i...
Posted By: Shadowd
Originally posted by Lombra Now it doesn't work at all. Just getting the normal yellow colour. Doh! Yea you're out of luck, just redownload and replace the LUA file to make it work again. You're stuck with the icons like that thought, can't do much short of someone actually making a grey bullet point/quest icon.
File: Damn Quest Icons10-09-07
Oops, replace it with SetDesaturate...
Posted By: Shadowd
Oops, replace it with SetDesaturated not SetDesaturation, so texture:SetDesaturated and so on.
File: Damn Quest Icons10-09-07
Lombra: Try this, open Interface/Ad...
Posted By: Shadowd
Lombra: Try this, open Interface/Addons/DamnQuestIcons/DamnQuestIcons.lua At line #27 replace SetDesaturation(texture, nil) with texture:SetDesaturation(nil) line #34 SetDesaturation(texture, true) with texture:SetDesaturation(true) line #49 SetDesaturation(getglobal(button:GetName() .. "GossipIcon"), ni...
File: Nameplates Modifier10-09-07
Correct, theres a chance at some la...
Posted By: Shadowd
Correct, theres a chance at some later date I may continue but I'm not really motivated to deal with the annoyances of name plates right now.
File: Damn Quest Icons10-08-07
Originally posted by Lombra I don...
Posted By: Shadowd
Originally posted by Lombra I don't know what you did, but with the latest release I'm getting properly grayed out icons! :D Good to hear! Originally, it was just basically "brute forcing" the check and trying a couple of possible methods which is why sometimes things would get missed. The last change made it use the correc...
File: Damn Quest Icons10-08-07
Originally posted by Frigidman We...
Posted By: Shadowd
Originally posted by Frigidman Well... I think its dependant on the NPC you are talking too, as I just now saw one with questionmarks in the dialog instead of bullets... then afterwards saw someone else with bullets instead of questionmarks. Sooooo... chalk that one up to Blizzard for not staying uniform there on that. No fault of...
File: Scrooge10-07-07
If you're removing donations, you'v...
Posted By: Shadowd
If you're removing donations, you've either donated already and don't need to see it anymore, or you're not donating anyway and don't want to see it. You know, exactly like those ad blocker plugins half the people run. Logic is hard eh?
File: Scrooge10-07-07
I could care less what your opinion...
Posted By: Shadowd
I could care less what your opinions are, unless you have a bug don't bother posting.
File: SSPVP310-07-07
isocence: Do /script SSPVP.db.profi...
Posted By: Shadowd
isocence: Do /script SSPVP.db.profile.priority.arena = nil that should do it. As I said in the last comment, theres a bunch of more features still coming still like GY timers and better support and options in the arena frame.s
File: SSPVP310-05-07
You'll have to be patience on the c...
Posted By: Shadowd
You'll have to be patience on the color fix, since it'll probably take me another 2-3 weeks to do 40 -> 70 before I start doing battlegroudnds again.
File: Damn Quest Icons10-05-07
Thats because I switched to using B...
Posted By: Shadowd
Thats because I switched to using Blizzards SetDesaturated function, if for some reason your graphics card doesn't support it it'll use vertex color.
File: SSPVP310-04-07
The display bug was fixed in arena....
Posted By: Shadowd
The display bug was fixed in arena.lua not SSPVP.lua, grab the r241 is live now which has both the display bug fix and auto join.
File: SSPVP310-04-07
Grab http://shadowed-wow.googlecode...
Posted By: Shadowd
Grab annd replace the SSPVP.lua file in Interface/Addons/SSPVP with the one from the URL, if you're in game you'll need to do a reloadui before the file takes effect. Try again, and that should fix it let me know if it does and I'll upload it to WoWI.
File: SSPVP310-04-07
Re: Auto Join
Posted By: Shadowd
Originally posted by Emanuel Hello, when i first log in and click on the AV battlemaster it joins me into the que. When the que proc's i get joined straight in, and thats how i think it should work. However after the first AV, when i go to select the battlemaster it joins me in the que, but when it proc's it does not auto join me i...
File: SSPVP310-03-07
Sunhead: I'll look into it. The...
Posted By: Shadowd
Sunhead: I'll look into it. The arena rating issue will be fixed in the next update.
File: Damn Quest Icons10-03-07
Doublewide doesn't modify any quest...
Posted By: Shadowd
Doublewide doesn't modify any quest functions, just moves things around mostly which is why it worked fine without changes. EQL modified things like the gossip page and such which is what caused issues.
File: SSPVP310-03-07
I'm unable to replicate this, even...
Posted By: Shadowd
I'm unable to replicate this, even with a new configuration. Can you try resetting your priorities using /script SSPVP.db.profile.priority = nil and a reloadui and seeing if that fixes it?
File: Honest10-02-07
Thortok, fixed r231 bonsailucco,...
Posted By: Shadowd
Thortok, fixed r231 bonsailucco, when I have a chance I'll add it but probably not for another month or two while I focus on leveling.