Results: 229Comments by: Tuhljin
File: Overachiever10-26-08
Originally posted by IceShadow An...
Posted By: Tuhljin
Originally posted by IceShadow Another suggestion! :D I know you have built in a search feature which is awesome, but it would be even better if the achievement window actually had a search bar connected to it somewhere. Not sure if you would be able to do this or not since I'm not such a lua editor n' such. It would be a lot ea...
File: ZoneDefense10-26-08
Originally posted by GrissomXIX W...
Posted By: Tuhljin
Originally posted by GrissomXIX Worked like a charm, thanks for the quick fix. Sorry if I seemed a bit short in my previous post, but as I said it was 3.10am and I was getting frustrated... :) No problem. The new version has been released. Thanks again for helping me squash the bug - it may have been quite a while before I notice...
File: Overachiever10-26-08
Jerricka: Saving the achievement fr...
Posted By: Tuhljin
Jerricka: Saving the achievement frame's position will be made an option very soon. A feature to remember achievements earned on your alts is a good suggestion - I'll add it to the list of things to consider. Lastly, while I'd love to add something that lets you quickly compare your achievement status to others' when they send you...
File: Overachiever10-26-08
Svensn: Okay, I'll include the fix...
Posted By: Tuhljin
Svensn: Okay, I'll include the fix in the next version. Friko: Just so we're on the same page, here are some basics (which you might already know). For a localization to work, OVERACHIEVER_STRINGS_CAT_EXPLORATION has to be set to the exact name of the "Exploration" category of achievements - this is the category which contains sub...
File: Overachiever10-25-08
Originally posted by Xorghan In l...
Posted By: Tuhljin
Originally posted by Xorghan In localization.lua start the german part with if (GetLocale() == "deDE") then ZoneDefense_Locale didn't work for me. Oops - I was experimenting with something and forgot to change it back! Fixing it now. (That bit was from my ZoneDefense addon, which in developer versions I used to simulate l...
File: Overachiever10-24-08
Originally posted by IceShadow I...
Posted By: Tuhljin
Originally posted by IceShadow I got the new version and I was happy to be able to drag it, but it doesn't seem to save positioning. You probably made it like this on purpose, but could you possibly add another check box to remember position too? That would be really helpful to me. :) Sure thing. I was planning on putting a syste...
File: Overachiever10-24-08
FYI: I've started a discussion thre...
Posted By: Tuhljin
FYI: I've started a discussion thread here: Quick comments and reports could go here, while "discussion" could go there. Really, though, feel free to post in whichever place/format you prefer. And be sure to add Overachiever to your favorites if you like it! This can hel...
File: Overachiever10-23-08
The main Achievement frame will be...
Posted By: Tuhljin
The main Achievement frame will be draggable in the next version. The other suggestions will take more time. Svensn: Thanks for the localization. It will go in the next version, but I noticed the OVERACHIEVER_STRINGS_MSG_INVALIDID line is still in English. If you could get me that soon I could slip it in; if not, no worries. We'll...
File: Gossipmonger10-23-08
Somnifer: I've looked into it and i...
Posted By: Tuhljin
Somnifer: I've looked into it and it's definitely an issue you'll have to take up with simpleMinimap's author. Gossipmonger simply utilizes Blizzard's system for placing frames like the Character or talents panel. When I moved the minimap to the bottom-left side of the screen, as you did, moved the quest tracker and such to the right...
File: ZoneDefense10-23-08
GrissomXIX: Sorry about that; I was...
Posted By: Tuhljin
GrissomXIX: Sorry about that; I wasn't sure exactly what the problem was so I wanted to cover all my bases to be sure it was a bug. I've since duplicated the issue and have "fixed it internally," as they like to say. A new version of ZD should be released soon. In the meantime, you can fix your own copy by editing a line in ZoneDefen...
File: Overachiever10-22-08
Thanks for the input! I do plan on...
Posted By: Tuhljin
Thanks for the input! I do plan on improving Overachiever over time. The suggestions you made are some I considered, though I may end up creating a separate (but compatible) addon for some of those things. I'll of course try to let Overachiever users know if that happens.
File: ZoneDefense10-22-08
GrissomXIX: You want the "ZoneDefen...
Posted By: Tuhljin
GrissomXIX: You want the "ZoneDefense Alarms/Chat" option for the chat frame checked, not WoW's standard "WorldDefense" or "LocalDefense" channels. Information on how to configure where ZD messages appear can be found in the readme.txt file included with ZD. In version 0.72, I put the more important instructions right at the top of i...
File: RatingBuster10-22-08
Re: Re: Spell school consolidation
Posted By: Tuhljin
Originally posted by AnrDaemon I went backwardly. Disabled common Spell Damage, leaving school damage displayed. That may be fine if you only care about one type of spell damage on your character's gear, but I'd prefer the option I suggested below, if only because it's a more "clean" solution, in my opinion (what with not needing...
File: Gossipmonger10-21-08
Originally posted by Somnifer Thi...
Posted By: Tuhljin
Originally posted by Somnifer This is a great addon, and I wouldn't be surprised if Blizzard adopted this behavior in the default UI. It just seems so natural, like this is the way it should be. :D Thank you! Spread the word. :cool: As for your question, it does sound like another addon isn't playing nice with Gossipmonger. I'm...
File: OmniCC10-16-08
Pulses will now only happen for coo...
Posted By: Tuhljin
Pulses will now only happen for cooldowns that have a duration > 30 seconds Why not make this an adjustable option instead of a fixed amount? As a frost mage, Ice Barrier (with additional cooldown-reducing talents) has a 24 second cooldown and it'd be nice if I could decide to use the pulse effect with it.
File: Gossipmonger10-09-08
Originally posted by jaliborc It...
Posted By: Tuhljin
Originally posted by jaliborc It would be nice if you add an option to skip greetings even when there is more than 1 option. I'm planning on creating a custom filter system for Gossipmonger that would let advanced users determine how to handle such situations, perhaps providing for them a function similar to Blizzard's ChatFrame_A...
File: Gossipmonger09-04-08
Thanks, everyone, for the comments...
Posted By: Tuhljin
Thanks, everyone, for the comments and the praise. It's always good to know that your work is appreciated. I'm trying to keep Gossipmonger pretty simple and to-the-point, but if you have any suggestions, feel free to let me know.
File: PartyAnimal09-01-08
Posted By: Tuhljin
This is an interesting idea. I have one suggestion: If someone says "invite " or "inv ," could you have it make a hyperlink to invite that person instead of the person who said it? You'd of course have to detect when they says things like "invite me" or "invite plz" or "invite ?" and whatnot, as well as detectin...
File: ZoneDefense08-10-08
Originally posted by Zyland To be...
Posted By: Tuhljin
Originally posted by Zyland To be honest, I'm not sure. Well, if it was, it should be fixed in the latest version. Let me know if it happens again.
File: ZoneDefense08-08-08
Originally posted by Zyland Blood...
Posted By: Tuhljin
Originally posted by Zyland Bloodvenom Post is coming up as 'unknown' rather than Felwood. I'll update that for the next release, which could be out as soon as tomorrow (hopefully). If you find any other "unknown" zone or ping locations, please PM me. Thanks! Edit: The alarm wouldn't happen to be displayed with an extra space...
File: RatingBuster08-04-08
Spell school consolidation
Posted By: Tuhljin
I have a suggestion. Currently, if you tell RB to display (as part of the Stat Summary options) both spell damage and, say, Frost spell damage, the summary displays redundant information on an items that increase spell damage but do not increase Frost spell damage specifically. This gets especially redundant when you enable all the v...
File: Intel07-31-08
Okay, thanks for the reports. WoW d...
Posted By: Tuhljin
Okay, thanks for the reports. WoW does a lot of these things in ways that you'd probably not expect, ways that often seem (or just plain are) redundant; I just have to find all these quirks and make Intel work around them. I should have it fixed in the next update.
File: Intel07-31-08
Re: Hellfire Issues
Posted By: Tuhljin
I'll look into it. Has this happened every time a Hellfire Peninsula node is captured while you are in the zone? Have you noticed this happen in any other zones, like Eastern Plaguelands? My guess right now is that the WorldDefense message is sometimes being received just before WoW actually updates the point of interest information,...
File: ZoneDefense05-17-08
Re: Re: Error on login
Posted By: Tuhljin
UPDATE: Astrolabe's Load.xml apparently didn't like the way Astronomer embedded it. I'm uploading a new version that works around this now. (Note that I am in no way blaming Astrolabe's author for this problem!) Please remove the ZoneDefense folder in Interface\Addons before installing the new version.
File: ZoneDefense05-17-08
Re: Error on login
Posted By: Tuhljin
Originally posted by Thorlin Interface\AddOns\ZoneDefense\libs\Astronomer\Astrolabe\Load.xml:1: unexpected symbol near '<' Count: 1 Call Stack: : ? This is a known issue with the Astrolabe library (known by me, at least; I don't know about Astrolabe's author), but it should be harmless. Let me know if you have any trouble be...