Results: 543Comments by: Tojaso
File: Raven11-15-11
Re: Re: Re: question /suggestion
Posted By: Tojaso
ah okay, hopefully you can find time if not thats cool. normaly i just hide buffs cause i use weak auras to display important ones. but i can't do that in all raids or even when i need to drop a flag unless i create a macro but im out of macro space lol anyways, ty for ur time I have the detection of bar group mouseover working in...
File: Raven11-15-11
Unfortunately, the end of parenting...
Posted By: Tojaso
Unfortunately, the end of parenting my bar groups wasn't the end of my issues. The random mis-placement of text still's an example of just how messed up it can get: I have spent quite a while trying to reproduce this. I first suspected something in the merge bar group code but that...
File: Raven11-15-11
Re: question /suggestion
Posted By: Tojaso
hey, i'm trying to show a buff bar upon hover like sexymap Fader Enable normal opacity bar and hover opacity bar way i have my buffs set up now is fade opacity set to 0.1 and delay to 3 so i can see buffs while i play but i have main buffs tracked by weak auras so i don't need a whole list showing you know? unless im...
File: Raven11-14-11
Unfortunately, the end of parenting...
Posted By: Tojaso
Unfortunately, the end of parenting my bar groups wasn't the end of my issues. Investigating this now... Nothing obvious yet, though.
File: Raven11-13-11
I spent about an hour tonight tryin...
Posted By: Tojaso
I spent about an hour tonight trying to find some kind of correlation with the flickering and can't. The icons I have showing player buffs seem to work fine, but target buffs flicker. I've tried messing with all kinds of options trying to find something causing it and am coming up empty. Would you like my SavedVariable file to try an...
File: Raven11-12-11
I spent about an hour tonight tryin...
Posted By: Tojaso
I spent about an hour tonight trying to find some kind of correlation with the flickering and can't. The icons I have showing player buffs seem to work fine, but target buffs flicker. I've tried messing with all kinds of options trying to find something causing it and am coming up empty. Would you like my SavedVariable file to try an...
File: Raven11-10-11
Re: BUG: Stackable Buff etc.
Posted By: Tojaso
Hello! If a buff ist stackable the count of the buff is shown on the right buff near the stacked buff. For example: Life bloom of DUDU can be stacked 3x the counter ist shown 1buff right of them. Christian Check on the Layout tab to see if you might have changed a setting under Icon Text that would cause the count to be dis...
File: Raven11-10-11
Not sure if it's just me, but I'm h...
Posted By: Tojaso
Not sure if it's just me, but I'm having an issue with icon clock layers "flickering". Seems to be happening very evenly and consistently (about once per second), and looks as if something was hiding and then showing the clocks for just a fraction of a second. I am not seeing that myself (after squinting and staring for some time th...
File: Raven11-10-11
How do I go about getting the Targe...
Posted By: Tojaso
How do I go about getting the Target (the one that is prebuilt) to show every buff or debuff on my target? I tooled around with the settings but I can't seem to find what I am looking for. On the Buffs and Debuffs tabs you can change the Cast By setting from Player to Anyone. You may also need to set Show If Unlimited Duration on...
File: Raven11-06-11
Originally posted by Archer50 Lov...
Posted By: Tojaso
Originally posted by Archer50 Loving the addon, but I was wondering if there was a way to consolidate buffs like the default blizzard buffs can? Not currently, sorry. There are enhancement requests related to this but I haven't determined how I want to address it yet.
File: Raven10-23-11
Re: Execute
Posted By: Tojaso
Originally posted by HaredZombie Is there anyway to make an icon that show execute, when the mob can be executed? Sure, just create a condition that uses the Spell Ready test to check if Execute is usable and ready (don't bother to check range). The summary should look like this: Condition Name: Execute! Spell Ready: "Execute...
File: Raven10-17-11
Originally posted by JStrese 4.3...
Posted By: Tojaso
Originally posted by JStrese 4.3 PTR Issue Enabling Raven and targetting a mob causes massive FPS issues. Possibly divide by zero? I've been testing on the PTR with r208 and I am not seeing any FPS issues with Raven. Do you have LUA errors enabled and are you seeing any? Are you using any addons in addition to Raven (in particul...
File: Raven10-16-11
Originally posted by akgis How I...
Posted By: Tojaso
Originally posted by akgis How I add a totem duration I wana add searing totem and fire elemental to my short buff bars. I know you have a totem preset but I dont want all totems there. Thanks The Totems standard bar group is a special case that always shows slots for the four types of totems. Totems are not buffs themselves...
File: Raven10-14-11
Originally posted by Highend Than...
Posted By: Tojaso
Originally posted by Highend Thank you, Tojaso. I thought this would be a general problem (I haven't been in a group since I'm using Raven) but it seems it happens only on this specific occasion. In this case, don't spend any time on fixing this, it's not worth the time. Apart from that I think I've found a bug. Same setting...
File: Raven10-14-11
Originally posted by Bellante_mazri...
Posted By: Tojaso
Originally posted by Bellante_mazrigos Both Torment and Tormented works fine for me with those settings. I have also seen reports of this before. When working with people who report the issue, it has always been an issue with their settings (most commonly the timer option Show If Unlimited Duration is not set).
File: Raven10-14-11
Originally posted by Nibelheim Ma...
Posted By: Tojaso
Originally posted by Nibelheim Make sure your bars are all anchored correctly relative to where you want them to show. For example, if a bar is anchored to the TOPLEFT, but is positioned above a Unit Frame that's anchored to the BOTTOM, it will change positions whenever you resize your WoW window. There are several ways to positi...
File: Raven10-14-11
Originally posted by Highend I'm...
Posted By: Tojaso
Originally posted by Highend I'm afraid I have to bother you again ;( I intended to setup only one profile (Default) for all classes (10 in my case) because I've done that in the past with SBF, too. I've created several bars. Two of them are named: Player: Buffs Target: Debuffs What I have enabled for Player: Buffs Ena...
File: Raven10-11-11
Version r208
Posted By: Tojaso
Version r208 includes mostly bug fixes. It also has been tested on the 4.3 PTR (although presets have not yet been updated for new/modified spells). Changes in r208 include: Fix in-combat bar so it can't be dragged when locked. Fix time text to not show under icon border when using default border texture. Fix cooldown textur...
File: Raven10-09-11
Originally posted by Highend Hi,...
Posted By: Tojaso
Originally posted by Highend Hi, <- long time SBF user (and now it's time for a change)^^ Somehow I'm unable to recreate a (not so) special setup from SBF for the player buffs (via a whitelist, I'll only want Raven to display 6 buttons in one row right above my player frame (Pitbull addon)). It should look like this: Bu...
File: Raven10-09-11
Re: Dear Sir
Posted By: Tojaso
Originally posted by Celtcat You ought to add raid targets and boss targets, or maybe an option to choose targets for conditions based on UNITID ^_^ I have considered this. It is a major change given Raven's current design and unlikely to be added in the near future. I am thinking about a much more generalized condition evaluatio...
File: Raven10-06-11
Re: Re: Re: Anchor bar groups
Posted By: Tojaso
Originally posted by Tonyleila W00t ... you must have use Mind Vision again :D Sry i just looked quick through the options menu and thought: No thats such a special option he can't have implemented this already! Anyway why can't I use fractional digits like after anchoring to make it pixel perfekt :0 e.g. if not anchored I us...
File: Raven10-06-11
Originally posted by Bellante_mazri...
Posted By: Tojaso
Originally posted by Bellante_mazrigos I should have been clearer, I apologise. The Renew is cast by the mob targeted, the Crimson Hand Blood Knight. It's only me and the mage in there as players, it's an NPC healing the other npc's. That's why as far as I can see, having NPC spells cast that are stealable/magic, and that type...
File: Raven10-06-11
Originally posted by Bellante_mazri...
Posted By: Tojaso
Originally posted by Bellante_mazrigos Discovered a slight issue with the new NPC filter. It doesn't check if the buff is magic/stealable or not: The green bar is my "non-dispellable buffs" group. The blue one is "dispellable buffs". In the first group, filter by type is enabled, with castable/s...
File: Raven10-05-11
Re: Anchor bar groups
Posted By: Tojaso
Originally posted by Tonyleila Hey Tojaso woud it be possible to Anchor bar groups to a frame? Gnosis castbar e.g. has this future... so I Anchor the Castbar to my Dominos buttons. If you now move the buttons it moves the castbar with it ;) This is already possible. Look at the Attachment options on the Layout tab. You can set Pa...
File: Raven10-03-11
Originally posted by Nibelheim Ah...
Posted By: Tojaso
Originally posted by Nibelheim Ahh, figured as much. There's definitely going to be a little bit of mucking about to get such an abstract filtering method working properly, and I thank you for all the effort you're putting into this addon, it's most excellent. Hope to hear back, and maybe I can find some tricks in the meantime t...