Results: 2270Comments by: Phanx
File: TipTac03-21-08
You could just change that code in...
Posted By: Phanx
You could just change that code in OnShow, but it's slightly wasteful to redo the "is Chippu enabled?" check every time a tooltip is shown. That's why I checked once on VARIABLES_LOADED and saved the status as a boolean. The additional check on GetItem is good, though. Or you could just add the item-by-quality feature in TipTac. T...
File: SLCore03-18-08
Re: Not saving info
Posted By: Phanx
@Taffu Why are you listing localization and utility files in the embeds.xml files? The intended use of an embeds.xml file is to list embedded libraries -- i.e. files that will not be present if the user is running the required libraries as standalone and deletes the embedded copies. It's not intended to list files that will still be...
File: System Message Control Tool03-18-08
I am the author of PhanxChat, and r...
Posted By: Phanx
I am the author of PhanxChat, and run my own addon and this one together with no issues. Are you getting duplicates of ALL messages, or only system messages? In which chat frame(s) are the duplicate messages appearing? Edited to add -- if you simply want to move ALL system messages to another chatframe, I wouldn't recommend using...
File: Ghost: Pulse03-18-08
... why on earth does your addon in...
Posted By: Phanx
... why on earth does your addon include TWO frameworks (Ace2 and Rock) ? Edit: it's also littered with stray globals. :(
File: TipTac03-18-08
Discovered a bug -- when mousing ov...
Posted By: Phanx
Discovered a bug -- when mousing over a unit and then mousing over a world object such as a mailbox or signpost, without letting the tooltip disappear in between, the tooltip background color is reset to the game's default ugly bluish gray. This does not occur if the tooltip is allowed to disappear in between. This occurs without any...
File: TipTac03-17-08
Could you possibly add compatibilit...
Posted By: Phanx
Could you possibly add compatibility with Chippu? It colors item tooltip borders by the item's quality, but doesn't work when TipTac is enabled. Originally posted by Aezay ... Are you using the Aloft addon or something similar, I seem to remember something about it having to change unnamed statusbar frames to do what it does, ma...
File: Group O Matic03-16-08
I haven't tried your addon yet, but...
Posted By: Phanx
I haven't tried your addon yet, but it looks interesting. However, I'm curious about what kind of "rules" it follows in arranging groups; the description provides no information about this, and the screenshots don't seem to show any examples of raids after the addon has arranged them. Though if those screenshots ARE after arrangement...
File: Merek's Raid UI ver. 1.1 Patch for Grid layouts03-16-08
You know, instead of posting a patc...
Posted By: Phanx
You know, instead of posting a patch for an unspecified problem with Grid, you could contact the authors of Grid with your patch and specific details about the problem it fixes so they can fix it in the official release version.
File: UnderHood03-14-08
It's "Ace", not "ACE". Ace is a wor...
Posted By: Phanx
It's "Ace", not "ACE". Ace is a word, not an acronym. :p
File: Broker Reincarnation03-04-08
Hi all, I just wanted to post a...
Posted By: Phanx
Hi all, I just wanted to post a quick comment letting you all know that Ankh Cooldown Timer is not abandoned. It's still fully functional, and I still use it myself, but I simply haven't had time lately to work on it. I do have some plans for improvements in the future though!
File: OnScreenHealth03-04-08
Uploading version 20300-r02. This r...
Posted By: Phanx
Uploading version 20300-r02. This release adds support for LibMobHealth-4.0 (used by the popular PitBull unit frames), fixes standby mode, and includes some miscellaneous small cleanups.
File: MikScrollingBattleText03-04-08
By default, the multiple heals from...
Posted By: Phanx
By default, the multiple heals from a single Chain Heal cast are merged; the merged total shows both actual healing and overhealing. As I'd prefer to see each heal separately, I've added Chain Heal to the "merge exclusion" list. However, I now see only the "total" healing amount for each heal, not the actual amount healed, and not th...
File: Reagent Restocker02-27-08
What's up with the flood of a, b, a...
Posted By: Phanx
What's up with the flood of a, b, and c updates today?
File: Examiner02-27-08
Spiderkeg, It is intended that E...
Posted By: Phanx
Spiderkeg, It is intended that Examiner and the Blizzard character sheet show different numbers. Examiner shows you only stats added by equipped items. It does not show you base stats and combat attributes, which are dependent on your level, race, and class. If you are not wearing any gear, Examiner should show you as having zero...
File: PhanxChat02-21-08
No, I have no plans for in-game cus...
Posted By: Phanx
No, I have no plans for in-game customization of replacement text. I'd prefer to keep configuration limited to simple toggles, not micromanagement of every option with hundreds of suboptions... if I wanted that, I'd just use Prat. :p The new version will be easier for advanced users to configure by modifying variables at the top o...
File: TooltipExchange02-21-08
Usz: Any plans to update Tooltip...
Posted By: Phanx
Usz: Any plans to update TooltipExchange? Currently in order to find healing items I must search for intellect, which isn't very precise, as the "Equip" text for bonus healing now includes multiple numbers. Solving this problem would also enable searches for mana regen. New stats like expertise, armor penetration, haste, and sp...
File: PhanxChat02-17-08
For the adventurous, a new beta ver...
Posted By: Phanx
For the adventurous, a new beta version is available here:
File: PhanxChat02-13-08
Right now it's about 95% functional...
Posted By: Phanx
Right now it's about 95% functional if you don't try to change any settings. Once I fix the other 5% I'll post a beta. Probably a day or so, and certainly no later than this weekend.
File: MyThreat02-09-08
There is no "default Ace GUI". You...
Posted By: Phanx
There is no "default Ace GUI". You can use additional addons like DeuceCommander (dropdown menu) or Niagara (window) to provide GUI access to configuration for addons that use Ace2 option tables. The Rock framework used by ckknight's addons (Cartographer, CowTip, FuBar, PitBull, etc) does include a GUI for configuring its addons, and...
File: TipTac02-08-08
Any possibility of making the new <...
Posted By: Phanx
Any possibility of making the new tag optional? I personally find it a bit annoying, since the white "Offline" on the third line is plenty to tell me that someone has disconnected, and I'm used to a white bracketed thing next to a name being an AFK/DND status. Offline isn't really in the same category. Originally posted by Bu...
File: Satrina Buff Frames 302-08-08
Standalone libs FTW. I always know...
Posted By: Phanx
Standalone libs FTW. I always know which addon is the culprit. :P
File: Satrina Buff Frames 302-08-08
Mycroft77: SBF and Buffalo2 both...
Posted By: Phanx
Mycroft77: SBF and Buffalo2 both use Ace2 libraries. Many other addons also use Ace2 libraries. When these libraries are embedded (packaged inside an addon instead of running as a separate addon that the first depends on, so you don't need to worry about the libraries at all) and multiple addons are using them, you will not get ac...
File: PhanxChat02-05-08
Just as a general update, I'm curre...
Posted By: Phanx
Just as a general update, I'm currently working on a completely rewritten version of PhanxChat that will consume fewer system resources and no longer depend on any libraries. Should have a beta ready for public testing fairly soon.
File: Satrina Buff Frames 301-28-08
So that's what the minimum buff tim...
Posted By: Phanx
So that's what the minimum buff time setting is for! I'll change it to "All Buffs". :P Regarding the flashing, later on on another character I noticed that the flashing was almost normal again, although it was flashing at a sort of variable speed... fade out, fade in, fade-blink blink blink blink-fade in, fade out, etc. Not sure w...
File: TipTac01-28-08
Some tooltips don't seem to be affe...
Posted By: Phanx
Some tooltips don't seem to be affected by either the anchor settings for either unit tooltips (cursor) or non-unit tooltips (smart), and insist on attaching themselves to the TipTac anchor... if they don't have a frame to smart-attach themselves to, I'd like them to attach to the tooltip. Is something like this possible? I'd also...