Results: 168Comments by: ckaotik
File: Broker_Garbage02-15-10
Originally posted by Movarrin I'v...
Posted By: ckaotik
Originally posted by Movarrin I've uninstalled and resintalled, but since the last 3 updates I continually get this error upon logging in to the game. Date: 2010-02-14 14:08:53 ID: 1 Error occured in: Global Count: 1 Message: ..\AddOns\Broker_Garbage\options.lua line 26: attempt to index local 'pre' (a string value)...
File: Broker_Garbage02-14-10
Originally posted by Gsusnme It wil...
Posted By: ckaotik
Originally posted by Gsusnme It will stay for the session but if I log out of said toon and then back in, it will happen again, just a heads up on a very small bug, other than that I have no problems, thanks! Fixed in 3.3v12. And I should really really really stop uploading stuff when I'm half asleep -.- Sorry for the .git folder...
File: Broker_CTracker02-12-10
No, there is currently no way to do...
Posted By: ckaotik
No, there is currently no way to do this though it is definetely worth to implement ;)
File: Konfer PUG Edition02-09-10
Hey there! I rally love small, sim...
Posted By: ckaotik
Hey there! I rally love small, simple raid addons. Just one question on my side: Will it work in German? I have tried a fair share of loot addons and none of them really did it's job on a non-English locale. Also, on my server it's common to have off-spec rolls with "/random 99" - any plan to implement this? (you know, people and t...
File: Broker_CTracker01-26-10
Originally posted by Politig I fo...
Posted By: ckaotik
Originally posted by Politig I found my error, you need DataStore_Characters as well. One issue I do have though. When enabled, it shows me all of the emblem icons as well as the amount, but the amount is show very high up, so high that it goes off the top of my screen. The number should be directly next to the icon, but it is n...
File: Broker_CTracker01-24-10
Are you sure you have DataStore act...
Posted By: ckaotik
Are you sure you have DataStore active? Otherwise, yes, it will not load as it depends on two of those modules: DataStore_Currencies and DataStore_Characters which won't load without DataStore ;) DataStore is included in Altoholic or you can get it at Curse.
File: Broker_Garbage01-15-10
Re: Ability to choose icon?
Posted By: ckaotik
Originally posted by Bornabe I've switched everything from FuBar over to LDB and loved the little recycle bin from GarbageFu. Your icon is about as nice as they come, but something keeps telling me I need a recycle bin. Is there a way you could add the ability / option to choose from a small list of 'Garbage' style icons for some...
File: Broker_Garbage01-03-10
Re: Choc bar problem
Posted By: ckaotik
Originally posted by Chrome67 using choc bar the tip pops up and disappears almost immediately when hovering. Also, nothing happens with the "shift-left click" on the item, meaning it doesn't delete (or anything else for that matter). Are you sure you use the most recent version? I had a little ... let's say missunderstanding...
File: Broker_Garbage01-01-10
Re: shards
Posted By: ckaotik
Originally posted by Darkorical One thing GarbageFu doesn't do and this one doesn't state that it does is offer the option to drop Soul Shards Well, there are other addons out there that do exactly that ;) Otherwise, if you enjoy your tooltip getting messy, you could manually add soulshards to the list of deletable items (I know...
File: Broker_Garbage12-31-09
Hrm, can you give me some more info...
Posted By: ckaotik
Hrm, can you give me some more info on that (or maybe even a screenshot)? I tested it on four different computers, never had any problem like the one you discribe. Which LDB display do you use? Btw, the idea is not new - GarbageFu did it before, just that it broke quite a while ago.
File: WhisperColor12-08-09
Update: I don't have to understand,...
Posted By: ckaotik
Update: I don't have to understand, why Blizzard removed that ability to change it without the need of an addon, do I? Anyway, coming back to this ;)
File: Heroes11-11-09
Originally posted by Aerea I will...
Posted By: ckaotik
Originally posted by Aerea I will combine the tables in the next version however :) Can't wait for the next version *push* Anyways, I noticed a bug - I got someone in my data called "Reis". Now, when I mouse-over a player called "Reisa" it shows the score of Reis, rather than int's own!
File: Raid Roll11-01-09
This would propably be just what I...
Posted By: ckaotik
This would propably be just what I was looking for ... except it doesn't work on non-English locales. Maybe support that as well? (Global Strings contain RANDOM_ROLL_RESULT)
File: Faceroller10-25-09
Just another thought, is it possibl...
Posted By: ckaotik
Just another thought, is it possible to have the spell icons displayed earlier or similar to other addons helping with rotations displaying several icons? Currently, whenever I feel like facerolling and cast Lightning Bolt, I'm kind of bored waiting for the info on which spell to cast next. So, when I finish my current spell, I firs...
File: Faceroller10-24-09
Originally posted by hungtar Only...
Posted By: ckaotik
Originally posted by hungtar Only buffs you apply to yourself will appear in the buffs table passed to the NextSpell function. Okay, so that bit works ;) Now I got another problem, mainly that debuffs.time_left does not work. For my flame shock it creates this: myDebuffs={ Flammenschock={ time_left=26.996999999999,...
File: Faceroller10-24-09
Something that just occured to me:...
Posted By: ckaotik
Something that just occured to me: As an elemental shaman, you might have the Totem of Wrath glyph (which gives you 30% of the totem's spellpower as a bonus, 5min buff duration). Problem is that Faceroller only checks for buff names, now imagine another elemental shaman dropping hit wrath totem - so I do have the regular "Totem of W...
File: IDCard10-10-09
Hey there! I don't know if you are...
Posted By: ckaotik
Hey there! I don't know if you are still actively developing this mod but if you are kind of still there ... I would really appreciate an update :) At least for me it doesn't work the slightest bit :(
File: GnomishVendorShrinker09-09-09
/cheer Tekkub Add sp...
Posted By: ckaotik
/cheer Tekkub Add splitstack frame Will test it as soon as the EU realms come back up :D
File: Broker_CTracker09-04-09
Sometimes there is a layer problem...
Posted By: ckaotik
Sometimes there is a layer problem with the config panel. The client gets the layer order mixed up or something ... Usually a reload/relogg helps. About that "all text is aligned at the top" - could you give me some more information on that? A screenshot maybe?
File: Altoholic09-03-09
Re: Same problem as my pre-poster
Posted By: ckaotik
Originally posted by ckaotik i merged my data and that of another account and now receive errors en masse ... dunno if it's connected It seems like it actually IS connected! I noticed today that I accidentally named the second account's data wrong ... so I ended up with my own data plus twice the data of the other account. When...
File: Altoholic09-02-09
Originally posted by Hevanus 4. D...
Posted By: ckaotik
Originally posted by Hevanus 4. Does Altoholic provide any LDB data feeds? You mentioned that it tracks "money, /played, rest xp for each character, subtotals by realm, and grandtotals for the account" so it seems like it would almost be redundant to run AllPlayed with Altoholic. Altoholic itself does provide an LDB plugin, but...
File: Altoholic09-02-09
Same problem as my pre-poster
Posted By: ckaotik
recently, your datastore addons spam my error-addon quite a bit ... ...AddOns\DataStore_Characters\DataStore_Characters.lua:80: attempt to concatenate field '?' (a nil value) : ? ...AddOns\DataStore_Characters\DataStore_Characters.lua:80: in function <...AddOns\DataStore_Characters\DataStore_Characters.lua:79> (tail call): ?...
File: easyDestro09-01-09
Hey there! Maybe others have the sa...
Posted By: ckaotik
Hey there! Maybe others have the same problem as me, being that it only works with the English client. Therefore I funbled a little bit around ... If you want to use this addon in another language, insert this someplace at the top: local spellname = { = GetSpellInfo(27215), = GetSpellInfo(47838), = GetSpellInfo(59172),...
File: Heroes08-19-09
Data availability
Posted By: ckaotik
I just noticed that you seem to save the ratings on a per-character basis? I voted someone on one of my chars, then relogged to find him not having a rating. I figured, if I rate someone, I don't say "My mage likes that guy!" but rather "I like that guy!". So, could you please change it to save those globally? Don't like to have tha...
File: Broker_CTracker08-17-09
That is indeed the case. I just don...
Posted By: ckaotik
That is indeed the case. I just don't have the sklightest clue why this would happen. Fact is, it's not only CTracker but many addons that display textures within the "text"-property of LDB. Besides that, I just cannot find a more detailed information on such texture strings (|Ticontexture:width:heigth:??:??|t) ...