Results: 160Comments by: Recompense
File: Livestock10-30-08
Originally posted by greenskye Ver...
Posted By: Recompense
Originally posted by greenskye Very Nice Mod, has greatly helped me show off some different mounts! One suggestion tho, with the recent additions of Achievements that require many different mounts (50 to get Albino Drake, I think) Would it be possible to have a "Black List"? Currently we can only exclude non-epic mounts from the...
File: Livestock10-30-08
Originally posted by Bouvi Only th...
Posted By: Recompense
Originally posted by Bouvi Only thing I can think of is adding a favorite component where you can assign pets a higher value causing them to appear more than others. Right now I have it set to display my Mini Tyreal and a couple of others. I would like to set it so it went through all of them but the Mini Tyreal I want to come up...
File: Livestock10-30-08
Originally posted by Movarrin Have...
Posted By: Recompense
Originally posted by Movarrin Have you considered FuBar integration? That would be awesome. Having a waterfall menu at the least is always preferred over having to open that clunky interface window. edit: I understand the check box for automatically dismissing a pet when stealthing. In PVP a little "kill me" flag following you aro...
File: Livestock10-29-08
Originally posted by Bouvi This ha...
Posted By: Recompense
Originally posted by Bouvi This has got to be the best mount/pet addon I have ever used. Kudos to you!! I'm glad you like it :) If you have any ideas for it, feel free to let me know, it's lightweight enough that I have found it pretty easy to make changes and incorporate new ideas.
File: Livestock10-29-08
Originally posted by Elloria Still...
Posted By: Recompense
Originally posted by Elloria Still awaiting hot sexy tauren pix in hot tubs to pop up every once in a while when im in the config menu O_o. :D Those pictures aren't in the config menu....... Look harder?
File: WowLua10-28-08
TOC number at 20400?
Posted By: Recompense
Hi Cladhaire, I first just wanted to say that this mod was and still is a great help to me when I got the WoW Programming book. Many many kudos and internet fuzzies for you all. That being said, I was glad to see this was updated for 3.0.2, but the TOC Interface number is still set to 20400. I changed it to 30000 and all works wel...
File: Livestock10-26-08
Originally posted by WitchKing Fir...
Posted By: Recompense
Originally posted by WitchKing First off, let me say how much I appreciate this mod. it's made things so much easier since the changes to pets and mounts. I truly do love the new feature to automatically summon a pet whenever I move. That is by far and away the coolest thing of all. :) With that said, I am having one unusual pro...
File: Livestock10-26-08
Re: Re: Re: no flying mount
Posted By: Recompense
Originally posted by unwin speed in Swift Brown Wolf is epic....Thanks for giving me an update with that. It looks like everything is categorized right, so I don't think it's an issue with the code. It looks instead like your flying mount is set to not be selected at all. If you can't see it in your list, make sure you go into th...
File: Livestock10-26-08
Re: no flying mount
Posted By: Recompense
Originally posted by unwin i only have one flying mount atm. but it is not showing up.. it was showing up a few versions ago. i am using the most current version on wow interface. my class is pally. Unwin, please type the following code into the game: /run for k in pairs(LivestockSettings.Mounts) do for key, value in pairs(Li...
File: Livestock10-25-08
Re: Re: Re: possible problem?
Posted By: Recompense
Originally posted by Tungsten Spleen tried /livestock redo and it totally worked! Thanks for the response. This has got to be one of the best new mods out there in my opinion. It replaced 2 clunky randomizers that I was using (1 for pets, 1 for mounts). Livestock has all the features they had, extra features, better support (yay!) a...
File: Livestock10-25-08
Re: possible problem?
Posted By: Recompense
Originally posted by Tungsten Spleen I downloaded the latest version (, and now no matter what my flying mount is not summoned anywhere in outlands when using smartmount. This worked fine in, but now all I get is a land mount. Am I missing something or done something wrong with a setting? I've been using this since t...
File: Livestock10-25-08
Re: Possible, yes. Likely?
Posted By: Recompense
Originally posted by Melusina I was thinking today that it would be really convenient if a right-click function could be added to the Smart button to summon a land mount in a flying zone, the way that right-clicking the minipet button puts the pet away. Would that be possible? Hi Melusina, thanks for the suggestion! It is possible...
File: Livestock10-24-08
Originally posted by Movarrin For...
Posted By: Recompense
Originally posted by Movarrin For whatever reason, this release breaks autosummon when rezzing or zoning. I even did a uninstall, fresh install and still had the same problem. I reverted to Livestock_1_0_5_3 and autosummon works fine. See Mikhael's comment below mine - I tweaked the code because there were too many ways for the "au...
File: Livestock10-22-08
Originally posted by Kerecha Ucing...
Posted By: Recompense
Originally posted by Kerecha Ucing tekerr cos bugsack is acting up (and dun seem to wanna play along eith LDB) and its only tellinge me theres FrameXML errors, but i can't seem to locate where from, was told to look in the log so i did and just posted what i found under each addon :p Hoping that someone with a clue would know what...
File: Livestock10-22-08
Originally posted by Tinuviel I ha...
Posted By: Recompense
Originally posted by Tinuviel I have a suggestion for a feature, a la MiniPets addon. Do you think there could be some kind of popup warning when you switch zones/dismount/whatever where your pet would disappear, to remind you to resummon a random pet? Obviously, this wouldn't have an effect on the mount portion, but it would be n...
File: Livestock10-22-08
Originally posted by Mikhael of Doo...
Posted By: Recompense
Originally posted by Mikhael of Doomhammer Well, I got the summon on move forward working...finally :) Main problem was that the function for the secure hook needed an end...blah. I restricted the summon on move forward to not work in combat, mounted, or stealthed. Would you like me to post the changes somewhere? Mikhael, that sou...
File: Livestock10-21-08
Originally posted by Kerecha After...
Posted By: Recompense
Originally posted by Kerecha After eating a LOT of frameXML errors lately i looked in the logs and Livestock is one of the addons trigegring them. This is what the lines in log/frameXML says abut it 10/21 23:03:11.218 ** Loading table of contents Interface\AddOns\Livestock\Livestock.toc 10/21 23:03:11.218 ++ Loading file Inter...
File: Livestock10-21-08
Originally posted by Mikhael of Doo...
Posted By: Recompense
Originally posted by Mikhael of Doomhammer The way the secure func hooks work is that whatever you add is called after the blizz function does its you can't mess with their code, just do stuff at the sameish time. Oh, I know how that works, but if you check out you'...
File: Livestock10-21-08
Originally posted by Mikhael of Doo...
Posted By: Recompense
Originally posted by Mikhael of Doomhammer Oh, it works fine once I comment out my mucking about. I was playing around with the hooksecurefunc bit cause that's how the other addon does works for them :) However, I'm still rather a noob when it comes to addon writing - I can fix em, and glue together bits of other stuff,...
File: Livestock10-21-08
Originally posted by Mikhael of Doo...
Posted By: Recompense
Originally posted by Mikhael of Doomhammer I poked around a bit thonight, trying to add the summon on move forward luck :( I had the hooksecurefunc("MoveForwardStart",... bit, but it kept giving me an error about Livestock being an nil value in the OnUpdate frame. Too tired right now to poke it more :) You can't hook...
File: Livestock10-20-08
Originally posted by Movarrin I am...
Posted By: Recompense
Originally posted by Movarrin I am having a problem where Livestock summons my Ebon Gryphon even though I do not have the include slow mounts when flying option (you know what I mean, I'm not in game ATM) it still chooses my Ebon Gryphon sometimes instead of my Netherwing Drake or Swift Blue Gryphon. I read the FAQ and checked the...
File: Livestock10-18-08
Originally posted by Gunahylia The...
Posted By: Recompense
Originally posted by Gunahylia The menu for critters did not show up at all when I had exactly 20 of them. The keybind, button and macro to summon a random critter did continue working, though while I had 20 critters, I was incapable of filtering out the critters I didn't want to randomly summon. Thanks for the clarification. This...
File: Livestock10-18-08
Re: BlizzCon Bear
Posted By: Recompense
Originally posted by Ruana Recompense, I found the options in the addon menu, yay! However, I attended BlizzCon, and have redeemed the BlizzCon bear. Livestock doesn't seem to recognize it as a mount. Any idea how to fix this? Livestock doesn't recognize it as a mount because its tooltip is different from every other mount's toolti...
File: Livestock10-18-08
Re: Snow Gryphon still shows up as Land Mount
Posted By: Recompense
Originally posted by Priss2035 I also tried using the 'FAQ' link, but ended up getting the front page of Wow. Snowy Gryphon is still showing up as a land mount for most of my characters. Hi Priss2035 - are you on the enUS client? If you are, please try typing /run LivestockSettings = nil followed by /console reloadui
File: Livestock10-18-08
Re: Auto-summon
Posted By: Recompense
Originally posted by Mikhael of Doomhammer does the auto-summon pretty nicely - whenever you start moving forward. However, it needs to not summon when you are stealthed or in a BG (for rogues/kitties at least) - might want to take a look at how they do it. Mikhael, tha...