Results: 439Comments by: 10leej
File: bdWatcher11-21-14
What in the LUA do I change for it...
Posted By: 10leej
What in the LUA do I change for it to be in the top center? Up at the top of core.lua the very second line change it to raidBuffs:SetPoint("TOP", UIParent, "TOP", 0, -2) Adjust the numbers at the very end accordingly first number is X or horizontal second is Y or verticle positioning.
File: Aurora11-20-14
I think I just figured out what was...
Posted By: 10leej
I think I just figured out what was wrong with my !Beatycase skin. I forget to initialize my override after Aurora's ADDON_LOADED update pending approval I don't have access to a game client to check it if someone wants to try it for me that would be great!
File: bdUI11-18-14
Re: Re: party/raid
Posted By: 10leej
I second bBag! :p and please do bRaidTweaks too. I love that addon so much and I failed trying to update it :( maybe party/raidframes, just very simple hp bar and name ;) i tried to copy some code from haste but the frames dont spawn :confused: Something I've been meaning to add for awhile actually, I'll move it up on my lis...
File: oUF_Bob for Classic WoW11-18-14
1.1.3 "License change"
Posted By: 10leej
oUF_Bob is now listed with the MIT license no actual version changes. This is not the typical public domain style I use like with my simpler addons as this license still basically says "This addon belongs to me" but people are still free to redistribute oUF_Bob or parts of oUF_Bob. Copyright (c) 2014 Joshua A.E. Lee Permissi...
File: Aurora11-17-14
You know that both 'cfg' and 'ns' r...
Posted By: 10leej
You know that both 'cfg' and 'ns' refer to the same table there right? :p Well now I do....... Honestly still working on learning lua a little at a time.
File: Aurora11-16-14
@ 10leej: Where are you declaring y...
Posted By: 10leej
@ 10leej: Where are you declaring your 'cfg' table? Have you tried adding debug prints to the functions to see if they're actually being used? stupid me did't think about debug prints I'll try those when I get home cfg table is declared with this at the top of both the cfg and core files local _, cfg = ... local addon, ns = ...
File: Aurora11-15-14
It seems the example code you gave...
Posted By: 10leej
It seems the example code you gave for the custom themes is not working currently trying this to see if I can skin the frames with !Beautycase (I'm workign with the version from NeavUI) no errors just doesn't work. local style = {} AURORA_CUSTOM_STYLE = style style.apiVersion = "6.0" local F, C style.functions = { =...
File: bdUI11-15-14
Re: config
Posted By: 10leej
and btw; can you remove one of the CVar scripts for auto UIscale? it's being called double in your files :D Actually there's no point is auto scaling the UI now it does that itself.
File: bdUI11-12-14
Updated for WoD! If you guys would...
Posted By: 10leej
Updated for WoD! If you guys would like to see any of my other addons updated please let me know. I'm only going to update those which are still in use/wanted. bBag, gotta be bBag man. I loved it too much.
File: oUF Lumen11-02-14
0.0 an unexpected update appeared!
Posted By: 10leej
0.0 an unexpected update appeared!
File: !Beauty_Aurora (Release)11-02-14
Still working on getting something...
Posted By: 10leej
Still working on getting something working, digging through the aurora api on a forced part time basis kinda stinks sorry it's taking so long.
File: Click Menu11-02-14
Why is the function to open the ing...
Posted By: 10leej
Why is the function to open the ingame calender commented out? Any issues recently? It was a quick patch, don't really remember if the calwnder works. Try uncommenting and see what happens for me. Someone just fixed it before i could post the error. You may have a look at it.
File: Click Menu10-29-14
Why is the function to open the ing...
Posted By: 10leej
Why is the function to open the ingame calender commented out? Any issues recently? It was a quick patch, don't really remember if the calwnder works. Try uncommenting and see what happens for me.
File: Adapt - Almost-Default Animated Portraits10-25-14
Just a quick plugin here (a month l...
Posted By: 10leej
Just a quick plugin here (a month late) Gello, BobUI no longer uses adapt as the unitframes are now oUF based as of version 6.0 The older files are still available for download however the unitframes.lua file is required as my custom textures I used the the unitframes don't match the default layout. If peopl are going to use m...
File: TriOxygen10-22-14
Wow I expected you to cheat a littl...
Posted By: 10leej
Wow I expected you to cheat a little bit like I did with my ui but it looks like you really did do it all from scratch....
File: Click Menu10-20-14
I 'm not the best in lua so i can't...
Posted By: 10leej
I 'm not the best in lua so i can't help you enough :( Its fine I just need to find the set it all up.
File: Click Menu10-19-14
btw 10leej: Toy Box for German loca...
Posted By: 10leej
btw 10leej: Toy Box for German localization: Spielzeugkiste :cool: ah haven't really done much with localizations, I'm actually not even certain if they work to be honest. I've got some code in but don't really play the game enough to really get into working on it.
File: Click Menu10-19-14
Toc bump and Toy box fix here (patc...
Posted By: 10leej
Toc bump and Toy box fix here (patch) ooh knew I forgot one
File: AGT - Automatic Goblin Therapist10-09-14
This add-on is solely responsible f...
Posted By: 10leej
This add-on is solely responsible for kicking me out of guilds and even got me on a 24 hour ban when I made an adaptation to it so it would post in barrens chat. I'm sure there are tons of people who wouldn't agree ... but I'm definitely counting that statement as a 100% positive feedback. ;D I would too :D
File: !Beauty_Aurora (Release)10-09-14
I will test this for you. So far th...
Posted By: 10leej
I will test this for you. So far this is where you stand with the addon Well, guess its not as easy to hack aurora as I thought. Glad I got something to do tomorrow morning now :) Edit: Actually a quick overview shows I think I screwed up the config somehow. Expect an update in 10 hours comps of...
File: AGT - Automatic Goblin Therapist10-09-14
I'm clearly remembering hours of fu...
Posted By: 10leej
I'm clearly remembering hours of fun reading the chatlogs the users were submitting when I released it back in 2008 or something. :) Priceless. :D This add-on is solely responsible for kicking me out of guilds and even got me on a 24 hour ban when I made an adaptation to it so it would post in barrens chat. I think I might have...
File: BobUI Classic (v6.1 beta2.1)10-07-14
BobUI Beta page!
Posted By: 10leej
BobUI now has a beta page. I've determined this would be the best course of action since I don't actively play anymore. Keep in mind I can't do much testing myself so this page fopr you all to kindly test for me. Click Here to Access
File: Neav UI10-06-14
got a !beautycase skin for aurora m...
Posted By: 10leej
got a !beautycase skin for aurora made, don't have a subscription so I can't test to see if it actually works someone try it out for me? !Beauty_Aurora
File: Aurora10-06-14
got a !beautycase skin for aurora m...
Posted By: 10leej
got a !beautycase skin for aurora made, don't have a subscription so I can't test to see if it actually works someone try it out for me? !Beauty_Aurora This only works with the !Beautycase that comes packaged with NeavUI if it does work I can adapt it to work with the older version available in the standalone download.
File: BobUI Classic (v6.1 beta2.1)10-04-14
Bored out of my mind looking for te...
Posted By: 10leej
Bored out of my mind looking for testers with WoD beta access for BobUI to tell me how horribly broken it is. If your going to test please only report issues with my addons (BobUI and oUF_Bob) other addons will have to be updated by their respective authors. I'll host the discussion for this in this thread here