Results: 334Comments by: Tekkub
File: teksLoot07-21-08
How are you doing it now?
Posted By: Tekkub
How are you doing it now?
File: Buffet07-21-08
Pots are all on the same cooldown....
Posted By: Tekkub
Pots are all on the same cooldown. Stones, jeweler statues and a few misc things are all on another cooldown. Hence why Buffet will try to put both into the macro. I do intend to add an option to not use stones in the macro, which would fairly well cover most of your version kerr. The other bits you did I'm not really intereste...
File: TourGuide07-20-08
Get cair to send in the first batch...
Posted By: Tekkub
Get cair to send in the first batch early :P Yes, I will course be making sure TG works in Wrath. Before you people ask, yes I will be working on guides while I am in the beta, but do NOT expect me to release them until a few weeks after Wrath goes live. I've said before that I think people should read quests and use their brain...
File: [DISCONTINUED] ReagentBuyer (v1.5c)07-20-08
hrm.... you make, it looks like, 14...
Posted By: Tekkub
hrm.... you make, it looks like, 14 different global variables and you create two new closures every time your event is fired. Oh, and what's up with this all-in-XML thing... scary.
File: Buffet - PATCH separating Healthstones/Mana Gems07-20-08
Okey, yea, "patches" is a bad name...
Posted By: Tekkub
Okey, yea, "patches" is a bad name for them to give the section. You provide a replacement here, not a patch. It's not really a plugin either... What I meant was, submit a diff file (aka a patchfile) to me so that I can apply it to my version.
File: StealYourCarbon07-19-08
Actually now that I have a LDB laun...
Posted By: Tekkub
Actually now that I have a LDB launcher, the merchant frame button will be going away.
File: Buffet - PATCH separating Healthstones/Mana Gems07-18-08
There is logic behind my "change th...
Posted By: Tekkub
There is logic behind my "change the name" condition. I WANT my code to be open, I want people to take it and modify it... but I don't want THEIR versions coming back to me. The problem with "tag a 'reborn' onto the end of the name" versions is that, more often that not, they are a one time "fire it and forget it" submission. As...
File: Quests2Watch07-17-08
Very nice idea, the original quest...
Posted By: Tekkub
Very nice idea, the original quest timer frame blows a fat one.
File: Buffet - PATCH separating Healthstones/Mana Gems07-15-08
As I've said many times before, I'm...
Posted By: Tekkub
As I've said many times before, I'm fine with people modifying my stuff and releasing it, under the condition that they find a new name for their addon, not just tagging extra words on to the end of the name :P
File: Buffet07-13-08
Murr... stupid git-submodule. Unti...
Posted By: Tekkub
Murr... stupid git-submodule. Until next week's build you can roll back one version or grab
File: GreedBeacon07-01-08
Yes. This is something I want to...
Posted By: Tekkub
Yes. This is something I want to get fixed, it's just a matter of finding the time.
File: GreedBeacon06-30-08
Originally posted by mad67 There...
Posted By: Tekkub
Originally posted by mad67 There is no winning message It's detecting it. I'm betting you're affected by this issue:
File: Engravings06-27-08
Wowhead's prices have not yet been...
Posted By: Tekkub
Wowhead's prices have not yet been updated. Whenever they do get updated, I'll push out a release. Until then, I'll at least get the new items in.
File: GreedBeacon06-26-08
Passing ("wurfelt nicht fur") is no...
Posted By: Tekkub
Passing ("wurfelt nicht fur") is not normally detected. The ones we care about are... selecting greed or need "hat fur ... ausgewahlt" rolling "Wurf fur ...: 12 fur von ..." winning "... gewinnt: ..." Post a screenshot of any of those that you see that don't print out a debug line (ignore the "Suppressing chat message" line...
File: GreedBeacon06-23-08
I've exposed debug messages for you...
Posted By: Tekkub
I've exposed debug messages for you, please test with this version: Let me know which strings are not detecting (mind you there are different ones for male/female). Please give me the exact text of the message that is not detected... and upper/lowercase matters! Oh, and passe...
File: TourGuide06-19-08
Some quests are intentionally skipp...
Posted By: Tekkub
Some quests are intentionally skipped. The goal is efficient speedy leveling, not completion of every quest.
File: TourGuide06-17-08
I do not believe in grinding, and s...
Posted By: Tekkub
I do not believe in grinding, and since 2.3 the "holes" where grinds were needed are gone.
File: TourGuide06-16-08
Please report all bugs and feature...
Posted By: Tekkub
Please report all bugs and feature requests to my Google Code tracker
File: TourGuide06-16-08
No new guides are planned, all my g...
Posted By: Tekkub
No new guides are planned, all my guides are in place. Only playtesting is planned (the horde guides blow right now). SSO was user-submitted. If you want a guide for dailies, make one and give it to me. There's links all over the front page on how to make guides and submit them. It's not hard, just time consuming.
File: Engravings06-15-08
Yes, a ruby script mines the data f...
Posted By: Tekkub
Yes, a ruby script mines the data from wowhead. Initially I borrow LootDB's data, but quickly found it was incomplete. Options are coming eventually, and I've considered a module for blue quest rewards, just a matter of writing a miner for em.
File: GreedBeacon06-15-08
Posted By: Tekkub Noone's tested it, so it's not been released.
File: tekticles06-11-08
So... changing strings in the lua t...
Posted By: Tekkub
So... changing strings in the lua to point at different files is harder than renaming files? :P
File: TourGuide06-10-08
There is a tagger script buried in...
Posted By: Tekkub
There is a tagger script buried in the git repo branches. It uses a list from LightHeaded, but cannot find QIDs for chain quests with the same name. If you use LH, there is no need to give coords for A and T objectives that have QIDs
File: TourGuide06-05-08
GGroup is best. Although I get ema...
Posted By: Tekkub
GGroup is best. Although I get email notifications of comments here, I tend to just read them and move on. GGroup I can reply to from my email, so I'm much more likely to respond there. And, of course, if there's something you want me to actually DO you gotta open up a ticket, otherwise I'll totally forget about it whenever I do...
File: TourGuide06-05-08
You have to push your changes for m...
Posted By: Tekkub
You have to push your changes for me to get them, and you don't have to tell me when you have.