Results: 419Comments by: Miiru
File: MiirGui Icon Pack [Blue]11-05-16
The font's name is Broadband.
Posted By: Miiru
The font's name is Broadband.
File: MiirGui [Core]11-05-16
Simbuilder: (i moved the launch but...
Posted By: Miiru
Simbuilder: (i moved the launch button to the titlebar, because it looked weird at the bottom) Bugsack: I did not do much testing with these two addons, so there might still be some bugs.
File: MiirGui Texture Pack [Grey]10-27-16
Re: Re: Re: Font
Posted By: Miiru
To be honest i only downloaded the pack as it came way of recommendation to add visual appeal to my UI w/o much overhead, It's only the Quest Log that has this issue nothing else . I would have to use your UI Core just to rectify that one issue? The font colors sadly cannot be changed by swapping textures.
File: MiirGui Texture Pack [Grey]10-27-16
Re: Font
Posted By: Miiru
I installed the pack this morning and noticed that the font in the quest log was yellow and very dark(hard o read). did i miss a step? You are probably missing the Miirgui - Core Addon.
File: MiirGui Texture Pack [Grey]10-27-16
been getting this alot when complet...
Posted By: Miiru
been getting this alot when completing world quests updating miirgui_core should fix this!
File: MiirGui [Core]10-26-16
Re: lua error in 7.1
Posted By: Miiru
Fixed in 4.0.40. Also fixed the dungeon completion popup error. 9x miirGui\FrameXML/AlertFrames.lua:575: attempt to index global 'WorldQuestCompleteAlertFrame' (a nil value) miirGui\FrameXML/AlertFrames.lua:575: in function : in function `AddAlert' FrameXML\AlertFrames.lua:417: in function...
File: MiirGui Texture Pack [Blue]10-10-16
My bonus loot frame has missing tex...
Posted By: Miiru
My bonus loot frame has missing texture and text . I have to hover the button to see Roll and Pass button . How can I use default bonus loot frame ? You can disable the loot frame skinning in the addon options (/miirgui).
File: BLP Format Plug-in for Photoshop09-30-16
Hello. My .blp files saved with...
Posted By: Miiru
Hello. My .blp files saved with this plugin will not load anymore at the 7.1 ptr. Saving them as .png and converting them with blpng works fine, so i guess there must be a problem with the plugin.
File: MiirGui [Core]09-24-16 :p...
Posted By: Miiru :p What is the problem here? The left button is for roll, the right one for pass. When hovering above it even says roll and pass? The missing hover effect for the second button will be fixed in the next release.
File: AzCastBar09-23-16
I am unsure. I always blamed it on...
Posted By: Miiru
I am unsure. I always blamed it on blizzard :P
File: MiirGui [Core]09-18-16
These 2 errors are grabbed by bugsu...
Posted By: Miiru
These 2 errors are grabbed by bugsucks everyday. Seems like other addons are functional. As I remembered, the old version of your addon didnt have the highlight function. When I recently updated it, the fonts of my unit frames are fuzzy, so I used your CPU Saver to ban this function. Is it related? No it is not related to cpu sa...
File: MiirGui Texture Pack [Grey]09-18-16
Hey when i instilled the Grey pack...
Posted By: Miiru
Hey when i instilled the Grey pack and got the core addon. I loged in on my Warr and i seen the ilvl text on the C srcreen was blue so i looked at the core addon and set it to grey and now its set right but my warr toon test on the ilvl part is still blue but when i log on my monk its white so i dont know whats going on there its onl...
File: MiirGui [Core]09-18-16
There are 2 bugs at my end. Would y...
Posted By: Miiru
There are 2 bugs at my end. Would you please help me with them? Thank you in advance. So in those 2 lines the game tries to unpack miirgui.highlight which contains the color code for highlighted fonts for example. Are you only getting those 2 errors? Is the mouseover working correctly for the questtracker for example?
File: MiirGui [Core]09-17-16
Not 100% sure if this is a bug on y...
Posted By: Miiru
Not 100% sure if this is a bug on your end, or some weird interaction causing issues on my end. Something in the font settings seem to be causing the editbox cursors(the blinking | in every text input box) to be offset to the right, making it seem like there's a space in front of the last character, like this: "Editbox: Sampletext |"...
File: MiirGui [Core]09-14-16
Updated & waiting for new bug-repor...
Posted By: Miiru
Updated & waiting for new bug-reports! you can't input negative numbers into the x-coordinate of the alertframe-mover =) y coordinate works fine Uploaded a fix. One line 2 much it was >:
File: MiirGui [Core]09-14-16
Updated & waiting for new bug-repor...
Posted By: Miiru
Updated & waiting for new bug-reports! colored TradeSkillFrame.RankFrame.Bar Added an option to hide the orderhall commandbar Added font-outline to SystemFont_NamePlate fixed ve...
File: MiirGui [Core]09-13-16
Re: Blue theme in grey mod.
Posted By: Miiru
Clean install of miirgui has blue text in quest log, etc. - When using the grey mod textures and icons. I remember the grey mod always had both interface and addon/miirgui folders. But not the current one. Does that mean that the text color is within the core? hope not. Then you'd have to consider labeling the cores to Blue Core...
File: AzCastBar09-12-16
Hello. I noticed that many times, t...
Posted By: Miiru
Hello. I noticed that many times, the color for non-interruptible channeled casts was wrong. So i looked a bit at the code of the castbar. I noticed this: In line 134 of acb_CastBar/core.lua you are getting the variable nonInterruptible by using local spell, rank, _, iconPath, startTime, endTime, isTrade, id, nonInterruptibl...
File: MiirGui [Core]09-11-16
@adamuss: I will have a look if...
Posted By: Miiru
@adamuss: I will have a look if ther's an easy fix for this, unfortunately, the vehicle frames are a bit weird. edit: just fixed, will be included in coming update. @Repaxan: Will be fixed in the coming update.
File: MiirGui [Core]09-10-16
Re: Re: Re: Backgroud Color is not black
Posted By: Miiru
but i i have one more question. nameplate name font size is too small, so i want to bigger that help plz go to miirgui/functions.lua search for SetFont(SystemFont_LargeNamePlate,11) and replace 11 by your desired font-size. That should work.
File: MiirGui [Core]09-10-16
Re: Backgroud Color is not black
Posted By: Miiru Backgroud Color is not black.. (maybe.. gossipframe?) i want to fix it what should i do? You need to update the texture pack! (Questframe/QuestBG.blp)
File: MiirGui Texture Pack [Grey]09-09-16
Taken from
Posted By: Miiru
Taken from : You can use a mod to change in game fonts. Or you can replace the original game fonts with the fonts you want to use. Create the following folder: \Fonts\ Create copies of the font file of your choice, place them in the above folder, and rename them to the following names: F...
File: MiirGui [Core]09-07-16
There seems to be some other addons...
Posted By: Miiru
There seems to be some other addons causing that incombat error with the characterframe when using DejaCharacterStast. ( This addon is awsome, but when used together with "Oilvl" (another nice addon) it buggs out. When i open the character tab while in combat, the stat...
File: MiirGui [Core]09-06-16
@MiRai: That is probably caused...
Posted By: Miiru
@MiRai: That is probably caused by a rewrite of the whole font system in miirgui. Before this update, the m_font function added an outline to the fonts. But this caused many problems because adding an outline to a font adds a new instance (say sth like a clone) of that font, and after an hour of questing or so, you would have...
File: MiirGui [Core]09-06-16
I wish I could better answer this q...
Posted By: Miiru
I wish I could better answer this question, but I don't know. I'm looking through areas of the interface where I might be able to better see if an outline should be present and is missing, but because everything has a dark background I can't actually tell. The quest tracker is the only element which hovers over a transparent area w...