Results: 523Comments by: Qupe
File: Quse UI08-30-12
Its a nice ui, but im Missing the S...
Posted By: Qupe
Its a nice ui, but im Missing the Stance bar. I'm either blind or it is not there. If first, where? If second y u no stance bar. Is it possible to add more Action Bars? It shows on mouseover below the player frame (in the update I'm making tomorrow it'll be above). The actionbar addon reuses the default blizzard bars, so you ha...
File: gxCooldowns08-29-12
Doesn't seem to be picking up the n...
Posted By: Qupe
Doesn't seem to be picking up the new Tree of Life cooldown and Nature's Swiftness won't work. Still unable to add any spells.
File: Quse UI08-29-12
That is odd cause I had not edited...
Posted By: Qupe
That is odd cause I had not edited that file at all. Ah it was BOTTOMLFET and nothing else. elseif unit == "pet" then Auras:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", self, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 5, 0) Auras.initialAnchor = "BOTTOMLFET" Damn must have made some comment or something above that, i looked in the last one you uploaded (4.1b)....
File: Quse UI08-29-12
found another error but it was easi...
Posted By: Qupe
found another error but it was easily fixed; just change line 555 in ouf_mlight/core.lua to BOTTOMLEFT instead of BOTTONLFET. My hunterpet went bonkers without it. Strange, I couldn't find "BOTTON" anywhere and line 555 has the proper spelling.
File: Quse UI08-29-12
This PoM business is breaking my br...
Posted By: Qupe
This PoM business is breaking my brain, I went to just a plain-jane box that will do nothing more than show who the buff is on. I think the issue has either something to do with the unitframes or the spell itself; I see it jumping more than 5 times on my frames and I think that's causing the errors. As soon as I can figure it o...
File: Quse UI08-29-12
Most things seem to be working fine...
Posted By: Qupe
Most things seem to be working fine now, the only errors i'm getting is from DBM so that should be unlreated to your thing. The weapon imbue icon looks ok next to the action bars. I'm trying to sort out how raid and party is sorted the row/col wise. Is there some easy quick fix solution to make the 'healer' mode go left to right i...
File: Quse UI08-29-12
I keep getting an error that has to...
Posted By: Qupe
I keep getting an error that has to do with oUF trying to access something that it says is nil, or doesn't exist. I would post the code, but I don't know how to get it from the game so I can post it. It's the only error I've ever experienced. Should be able to just click on the lua error text and copy/paste. Finally getting...
File: Quse UI08-29-12
your UI is great anyway. By the way...
Posted By: Qupe
your UI is great anyway. By the way, where do i have to look to disable those buff reminders, i dont want no reminders for shadowform, vampiric embrace as a holy :D Gah, looks like more changes I didn't know happened. You shouldn't be seeing those reminders =/ The addon is called MyBuffz, you can disable the addon or type /mbz...
File: Quse UI08-29-12
Hey Quse I'm getting errors whil...
Posted By: Qupe
Hey Quse I'm getting errors while in raid (when applying prayer of mending and such a thing) : could you help me quickly? :D edit: it only happens when applying prayer of mending! :D Found the issue, fixed it, packaging up the latest fixes. I need to stop doing this stuff when I'm tired, so many mistakes =X
File: Quse UI08-29-12
getting some random errors not sure...
Posted By: Qupe
getting some random errors not sure whats going on there Update Aurora, fixing the MyBuffz addon now.
File: Quse UI08-29-12
- That addon does not work for me....
Posted By: Qupe
- That addon does not work for me. I have lots and lots of mouse keys and it doesnt work with my keybinds on my mouse. - Thanks, it works now. - I mean, the roles. You know when you get into a dungeon, and you need to heal. I wanna know who the tank is. But I cant find that on the grid lay-out (in 5 man groups) Edit: I get...
File: Quse UI08-29-12
Hey! Thanks for posting this. Looks...
Posted By: Qupe
Hey! Thanks for posting this. Looks amazing! I got some questions, how do I keybind quickly? If this is not possible I'll just download bartender and it'll be okay :3 Do I have to delete my interface folder when I update to MoP or does it replace itself? Edit: How do I see what the tank, healer, dps is in a dungeon group? Th...
File: Quse UI08-29-12
hey there i was wondering what are...
Posted By: Qupe
hey there i was wondering what are you now using as your raid frames and how can i change boxes for rejuve, and wildgrowth to numbers? same with lifebloom, how can i make it color based per stack but it will still show the duration in numbers? :x thank you Done!
File: Quse UI08-28-12
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: action bar
Posted By: Qupe
@jaceyy I'm not sure what could be causing that error (never seen it). Is that the only error you're getting and have you tried only having on the oUF, oUF_Fader and oUF_Mlight addons? I downloaded the beta version of Clique instead and it is no longer causing the error, yay! Glad I can continue using your wonderful UI :3...
File: Quse UI08-28-12
Re: Re: Re: action bar
Posted By: Qupe
thank you for the quick response. I also have another question. Its hard to see who's in range on grid. Is there a way to make it out of range more faded or within range a dif color? Find and open oUF_Mlight folder, open raid.lua and look for (it will be there for both the dps and healer frames, so twice): -- Range local...
File: Quse UI08-28-12
Re: action bar
Posted By: Qupe
Hey Quse, is there a way to keep the action bar not transparent? Find and open the rActionBarStyler folder, open the config.lua file and look for: combat = { --fade the bar in/out in combat/out of combat enable = true, Set the true to false. By default Bar 1 and 2 are set to transparent unless in co...
File: Aurora08-28-12
Thanks for speedy fix!
Posted By: Qupe
Thanks for speedy fix!
File: Quse UI08-28-12
hey there i was wondering what are...
Posted By: Qupe
hey there i was wondering what are you now using as your raid frames and how can i change boxes for rejuve, and wildgrowth to numbers? same with lifebloom, how can i make it color based per stack but it will still show the duration in numbers? :x thank you I haven't played around with the indicators on anything but a monk, workin...
File: QuseMap08-28-12
Broken on 5.0.4. Doesn't hide t...
Posted By: Qupe
Broken on 5.0.4. Doesn't hide the rest of the map outside the rectangle. It works on beta, though so I don't know why that is. I hope you can take a look at this quickly... I built my entire UI around it :) EDIT: Figured out the problem... doesn't play well with Miir Texture :) Oh, good, I had a response and everything read...
File: Aurora08-28-12
Guild achievement popped up and so...
Posted By: Qupe
Guild achievement popped up and so did this error: Message: Interface\AddOns\Aurora\aurora.lua:3876: attempt to index local 'hl' (a nil value) Time: 08/28/12 17:21:20 Count: 1 Stack: Interface\AddOns\Aurora\aurora.lua:3876: in function : ? : in function `LoadAddOn' Interface\FrameXML\...
File: gxCooldowns08-27-12
Looks like the problem happens with...
Posted By: Qupe
Looks like the problem happens with the older version as well. I tried adding Have Group Will Travel on live (with the original gxCooldowns) and it didn't work with that one either. Can't think of anything on beta with a long cd (I guess Blizz got rid of have group will travel?) and I don't have engineering.
File: gxCooldowns08-27-12
I did some further messing around a...
Posted By: Qupe
I did some further messing around and think I figured out the issue. I set my max duration to 180 seconds (instead of the default 3600). I tried to add a cooldown that would have normally shown if my max duration was 3600, but since the spell is technically already there, it doesn't add. I'm able to add items from my bag with...
File: gxCooldowns08-26-12
Hi, thanks for the Info. As for...
Posted By: Qupe
Hi, thanks for the Info. As for now if you go into the Account->Accountname->Saved Variables -> gxCooldowns-lua and change there the = "Left to Right", to = "Up", or what you prefer it will work, of course that's not optimal but it's a working solution for now. As for Whitelist, worked just fine for me now either by Sh...
File: gxCooldowns08-24-12
Getting this FrameXML error when ch...
Posted By: Qupe
Getting this FrameXML error when changing the growth direction: Message: Interface\FrameXML\UIDropDownMenu.lua:545: attempt to index local 'icon' (a nil value) Time: 08/24/12 21:26:57 Count: 1 Stack: Interface\FrameXML\UIDropDownMenu.lua:545: in function `UIDropDownMenu_Refresh' Interface\FrameXML\UIDropDownMenu.lua:635: in fu...
File: oUF_Mlight(MoP)08-20-12
The last encounter in Shadowpan Mon...
Posted By: Qupe
The last encounter in Shadowpan Monastery usually caused an alt power bar to pop up, but there wasn't one when I just did the instance. I'm not sure if they bugged the zone or if it was removed (I don't think it was removed), either way the bar didn't show up. I'm sitting in a queue for Stormstout Brewery to try and get another...