Results: 238Comments by: VagrantEsha
File: Junkie08-27-08
Okay, I've just uploaded a version...
Posted By: VagrantEsha
Okay, I've just uploaded a version of Junkie with a fix for zedbg's issue, and the toc name colour has gone too. Plans for tomorrow: 1) Get the colour out of every other plugin's toc. 2) Separate the vendor-sell element out of Junkie and turn it into its own entity, which will also hopefully be a worthwhile DataBroker plugin...
File: Junkie08-27-08
Originally posted by zedbg Got th...
Posted By: VagrantEsha
Originally posted by zedbg Got this error since today Interface\AddOns\Analyst\VendorValue.lua:65: Usage: GetItemInfo(itemID|"name"|"itemlink") : ? : in function `GetItemInfo' Interface\AddOns\Analyst\VendorValue.lua:65: in function (tail call): ? Interface\AddOns\Junkie\Junkie.l...
File: Junkie08-27-08
Personally I don't use the selling...
Posted By: VagrantEsha
Personally I don't use the selling part of Junkie at all, as I already have an addon that automatically sells all gray items when I visit a vendor. This is exactly what I was afraid of, it'd be knocking about in my head for a while now that I was falling prey to feature creep, and since most people will likely--as you do--have a m...
File: Opticon08-27-08
Originally posted by Tekkub You d...
Posted By: VagrantEsha
Originally posted by Tekkub You do realize that you don't define the DO's type at all, some displays (like MRGN) may outright ignore it. you should slip 'type = "launcher"' into your DO declaration. Comments like this I actually appreciate. Honestly tek, no I didn't realise that that would have that effect with MRGN. Since...
File: Junkie08-27-08
Okay, I need opinions. There hav...
Posted By: VagrantEsha
Okay, I need opinions. There have been commenters on my DataBroker plugins who've been invaluable when it comes to generally improving the plugins and simply making them better, their opinions have really counted towards that and I consider the input of these people important. Specifically; Phanx, Beoko, OttoDeFe, Nyte, and Fred....
File: Junkie08-27-08
I beg to differ with regard to Butt...
Posted By: VagrantEsha
I beg to differ with regard to ButtonBin; it makes a fine display for non-launcher plugins. Okay, I'll change the descriptions of my DataBroker plugins to include all possible options. I might not have time to do so right away as my roomie and I are about to do a session of the actual game (Le Gasp!), but as soon as I have a mome...
File: Cork08-27-08
Originally posted by Tekkub @Vagr...
Posted By: VagrantEsha
Originally posted by Tekkub @VagrantEsha Kennel, no. Damn. Hm, I suppose it's time to create a mod where one can bind mousewheely goodness to macros, so that won't have to go into Cork and it could be its completely own entity without having to taint Cork, but I could use Cork and it together for great justice. I have no...
File: Junkie08-26-08
Looks great. One request - support...
Posted By: VagrantEsha
Looks great. One request - support other "item value" addons via the unofficial GetSellValue API. I'll look into that, thanks. Currently I'm just using ItemPrice-1.1, but I'm not at all adverse to making other people's lives easier by including other methods. P.S. - 20403 isn't a valid TOC number. ;) It isn't? ... God...
File: The Traveller's Reference08-26-08
@Nyte True. But the thing is,...
Posted By: VagrantEsha
@Nyte True. But the thing is, the more I looked at the plugins I realised you were right. In fact, I already have a new look for the tooltips of the plugins waiting in the wings. I'll roll them out a little later, as soon as I have the new screenshots.
File: The Traveller's Reference08-26-08
Okay, I've removed the columns expl...
Posted By: VagrantEsha
Okay, I've removed the columns explanation line from the tooltip, moved another line... and it does look a little bit nicer. Still pondering the fate of those keybind lines, though... --- Oh, my bad. I just noticed that I had the keybindings at the bottom with Junkie, I forgot about that. So it's either a matter of going w...
File: The Traveller's Reference08-26-08
@Nyte 1. Fair point, will do....
Posted By: VagrantEsha
@Nyte 1. Fair point, will do. 2. This is more complicated. I've done it that way because it's uniform with all my other plugins, if you look at the other DataBroker plugins I have up on WoWI, they all have exactly the same kind of display. I did this so that when someone looks at one of the tooltips of my plugins, they know e...
File: Cork08-26-08
I have two inevitable questions for...
Posted By: VagrantEsha
I have two inevitable questions for you, tek! One you're going to hate me for and one you're probably already wondering if anyone will ask. The latter: I take it that Cork will soon support pets similar to the way CorkFu did? It was always fun getting my pets and buffs handled by the same mod. There's always MiniPet though i...
File: Bagsy08-26-08
@Tristanian Thanks! I really ap...
Posted By: VagrantEsha
@Tristanian Thanks! I really appreciate the info. I'll toss CanGuildBankRepair() in there as a check, and I'll put a note in the tooltip that the user uses this at their own risk for the reasons mentioned. Much obliged, Trist.
File: Bagsy08-26-08
You both make very interesting poin...
Posted By: VagrantEsha
You both make very interesting points, and that gives me things to consider. ...bah! Do excuse my curmudgeonly grouching though, it's all for laughs. But the points were good, and I still do have to consider this. It's true that even if a Coalition of Addon Developers did decide to avoid this, people would still find a way to u...
File: Tail Chaser08-25-08
... Rassumfrassum Freudian typos...
Posted By: VagrantEsha
... Rassumfrassum Freudian typos, typos are bad enough, but Freudian typos? Damn my brain! I'll get that corrected right away, thanks for spotting that and pointing it out. Oy vey, how embarrassin'.
File: Bagsy08-25-08
Hooray, and from a mod author whose...
Posted By: VagrantEsha
Hooray, and from a mod author whose opinions I wholeheartedly trust, too! Speaking of which, I need an opinion on something, Attrition in particular. I've been wondering as to whether I should supply an option to allow people to pull the money from their guild bank or not. I've always been a bit against that on an ethical level...
File: Opticon08-24-08
I'll delexiconise some terms, here....
Posted By: VagrantEsha
I'll delexiconise some terms, here. Bear with me. "Launcher" This refers to a DataBroker plugin which is meant to be used as a launcher. A launcher is generally a button, just a picture. The button can be clicked for various effects. There is no information attached to the button. "Information Display" This refers to...
File: Fortress08-19-08
It was good of Fred to check in wit...
Posted By: VagrantEsha
It was good of Fred to check in with both ends of the report like that, I appreciate it. The error was totally my fault, though. I hadn't counted on LibTourist returning a string instead of a table if the player wasn't in an instance, or a battleground, or an arena. I used IsInInstance() to perform the check, when really I should'...
File: Auditor08-15-08
I can understand that, and I look f...
Posted By: VagrantEsha
I can understand that, and I look forward to future versions! Thanks for replying, I appreciate that. As for the tooltip, I can actually understand your apprehension. The root of it is though that Tablet was a bit of a hog, and that's why they seem to be straying from dynamic tooltips, that said... DataBroker can work with Table...
File: Auditor08-13-08
I absolutely love this mod, it has...
Posted By: VagrantEsha
I absolutely love this mod, it has to be said. There, that said... Do you have any plans on making a DataBroker part to replace/augment the FuBar part of Auditor2? The reason I ask is because of Wrath, it's just around the corner and FuBar has been out of development for a while now as I understand it. It seems that ckknight...
File: tekErr08-11-08
Hey Tek, got a bit of a bug-report-...
Posted By: VagrantEsha
Hey Tek, got a bit of a bug-report-but-not-quite-so-much-of-a-bug-report for you here, and it counts for both this version of tekErr and the Wrath one. Basically, you need to include LibStub, CallbackHandler, and LibDataBroker, since your mod uses 'em all. In an OS environment where mods aren't loaded alphabetically, tekErr might...
File: Casualty08-08-08
This is actually a fairly nifty ide...
Posted By: VagrantEsha
This is actually a fairly nifty idea. There are few mods which are genuinely practical beyond being vanity mods (looks great in a screenshot, but in-game it doesn't really have any practical value, thus detailing why these people aren't developing games, et cetera, et cetera), and this is why I usually keep myself to silly mods un...
File: Zap-A-Gnome08-07-08
I have to say, that many of the ROF...
Posted By: VagrantEsha
I have to say, that many of the ROFL mods uploaded lately have been absolutely bloody awful, and the code of said mods has left me wanting to claw my eyes out so that I can bathe them in some kind acidic cleansing solution. This, on the other hand, is stunning. Not only is it a great idea, and a nifty game to play, but the code i...
File: minipet reborn08-07-08
First of all, allow me to say that...
Posted By: VagrantEsha
First of all, allow me to say that I support people working on the same kinds of mod ideas. Wholeheartedly at that. In fact, if you take a look around some of the WoWI comments, I can be found doing just that. It's just that with this one, you said that Lord Farlander's mod is worse for using libraries. I want to catch you on t...
File: Greeter08-05-08
I'm glad to see it has a credits fi...
Posted By: VagrantEsha
I'm glad to see it has a credits file now. I really hate the mobs that rise up like this though, it's like the internet equivalent of pitchforks'n torches and that generally makes the community look really quite inhospitable and quite frankly, not all that smart. If anyonoe thinks that a mod shouldn't be on WoWI, report it to C...