Results: 187Comments by: semlar
File: PostmasterGeneral01-08-15
Support for Mei Francis (Blizz shop...
Posted By: semlar
Support for Mei Francis (Blizz shop pets and mounts) and The WoW Dev Team (anniversary login promo pets) would be nice, since you still get duplicates of items to every single character even though mounts and pets have been account-wide for years now. Technically the items themselves are not unique, but the mounts and pets they teach...
File: GnomeSequencer01-07-15
Re: Logic Based Step
Posted By: semlar
What do you guys think of this concept? I just ran into it on the WowLazyMacro forum. Have not had a chance to try making something like this yet, but it -looks- like it would work to some degree at least. FYI - In his post he is asking for help on syntax and the like, so the code below is broken!
File: GnomeSequencer01-04-15
Is there any way to make it run thr...
Posted By: semlar
Is there any way to make it run through the whole sequence at step 4 (Blah 4, Blah5, Blah6) before going back to step 1 ? No, the addon can't track what step in the castsequence you're on, assuming castsequence remembers its place. You could take the spells out of your /castsequence and just put them at the end of the sequence li...
File: GnomeSequencer01-04-15
Re: GS Not working
Posted By: semlar
I'm also getting nothing from GS. Seems that blizzard made a change that affects this add-on. Can this be repaired? I really like using it. Thanks If that's your entire file then you removed the first line that says not to touch it.
File: GnomeSequencer01-04-15
Re: GS stopped working
Posted By: semlar
Sequences = { ‘/cast Steady Shot’, ‘/cast Steady Shot', ‘/cast Steady Shot’, } You can't use slanted quotes anywhere in the file, they are not valid lua.
File: GnomeSequencer01-03-15
Re: How to edit code?
Posted By: semlar
Hey Boss, I've done some work with Java before, so I'm not completely illiterate with coding. But, when I go to edit just the name(s) of the macro or delete any of the printed text, the entire code dies and WoW won't make the connection. Although, I have used your stock code provided and when I setup a macro called "GnomeExample1"...
File: GnomeSequencer12-31-14
Re: Failed to load Sequences.lua
Posted By: semlar
Hello all, Today I get this message: GnomeSequencer: Failed to load Sequences.lua or contains no macros, create the file from ExampleSequences.lua and restart the game. thats my Sequences.lua Please help whats wrong. I didnt no whats happend. Thank you so much. Replace the fancy slanted quotes with normal straight quotes '...
File: GnomeSequencer12-28-14
Re: Charge Wonky
Posted By: semlar
Hello everyone. New to Gnome Sequencer so I hijacked someone else's code and modified it. I think I know what the step function does. (makes it use your step numbers before moving down the list) Of course that could be completely wrong. I am trying to get this macro to consistently cast charge at the appropriate range while out of co...
File: GnomeSequencer12-27-14
Re: Confused & Baffled
Posted By: semlar
My problem is I have managed to make up macros for all my characters with single target & aoe but then I thought i would try to be clever & made my Mage Dual Spec Frost & Arcane and this is where it went wrong the frost is working ok so i make 2 macros for Arcane when i go in game to make the macro name it just frezes my pc solid...
File: GnomeSequencer12-26-14
Re: Chat Spamming Pre and Post Macros
Posted By: semlar
I just started using this and it appears I am spamming (via /say; I get says: /targetenemy says: /cast !victory rush each press) my Pre and Post Macro commands. I looked in the Core file but I don't know enough about LUA to tell where it's coming from. You didn't put it in code blocks so the forum stripped all the le...
File: GnomeSequencer12-24-14
Re: what is the limit on maros Sequences.lua
Posted By: semlar
Sequences.lua only 3 macros, at least i can only create 3 Sounds like you downloaded the addon from another source. The only version that should have this bug was up for less than 24 hours before I released an update for it. If you downloaded the latest version from this website and you can still only create 3 macros, you should...
File: GnomeSequencer12-24-14
Re: Re: Re: Custom Sequences - e.g.
Posted By: semlar
I did run this up and I consistently ran into an issue where it would begin firing 1,1,2,2... (an extra 1 at the beginning). I trapped almost every line and variable with prints and it was the oddest thing... it seemed to lag by one iteration -- but only at genesis. The step function is run after you click the button, it's used to...
File: GnomeSequencer12-23-14
Re: Custom Sequences - e.g.
Posted By: semlar
Concept: People have requested the ability to customize the sequence of macros. This step function performs to that specification. Benefits: 1) Reduce redundant macro entries; 2) enhanced granularity Constraint: The restricted execution environment does not permit the creation or use of arrays. You can make arrays in the RE, y...
File: GnomeSequencer12-21-14
Hey Guys, i'm new to GnomeS and i c...
Posted By: semlar
Hey Guys, i'm new to GnomeS and i can't get it working properly. Looks like you took the first line out of the file that says "Don't touch this", you can copy it from the main page of the addon.
File: GnomeSequencer12-19-14
Re: Language issues
Posted By: semlar
Heyo! I’ve went through the comments and noticed several issues with languages other than English. It’s mostly about the skill names. It's writings differ in German, Russian, French… So, I’d like to know if GS works with skill names in other languages, or is it possible to write a skill ID instead. If someone has solved the bro...
File: GnomeSequencer12-18-14
Re: Stumped
Posted By: semlar
Message: Interface\AddOns\GnomeSequencer\Sequences.lua:1: unexpected symbol near '/' Everything was working great and now... nothing... :( You have a forward slash somewhere on the first line of your sequences file which doesn't belong there, I can't tell you anything more specific without seeing it.
File: GnomeSequencer12-14-14
Re: Showtooltip issue
Posted By: semlar
I have a small problem with #showtooltip though, I want it to only display Mutilate as tooltip and not cycle through all the spells Unfortunately that isn't really possible with the way the addon currently functions, but I'll try and make it honor #showtooltip in the next release.
File: WorldFlightMap12-13-14
I've had a couple issues with Zygor...
Posted By: semlar
I've had a couple issues with Zygor's guide on 2 spots. In his LibRover-1.0 library TAXIMAP_OPENED event in a for i=1,NumTaxiNodes() do loop he tries to lookup _G. Leads to a nil error and unfortunately since his library has an onupdate runloop it is very spammy while on the flightmaster dialog is up. Second spot is in his Pointer...
File: GnomeSequencer12-13-14
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: I must be missing something
Posted By: semlar
Comes back as: Dump: Frost Frost=nil empty result Assuming it isn't throwing any lua errors, you either aren't loading the addon or aren't naming the file properly. It will output an error to your chat when you log in if the addon is loading and can't load the sequences file, so it sounds like you aren't loading the addon.
File: GnomeSequencer12-13-14
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: I must be missing something
Posted By: semlar
Okay so checked for the double lua and that is not it. Made sure of the case sensitivity and addon is enabled. I also uninstalled the addon and downloaded the addon again just to make sure. I went step by step. Is there another addon that may be causing this problem? Type "/dump Frost" in-game, if it returns an empty result then the...
File: GnomeSequencer12-13-14
Re: I must be missing something
Posted By: semlar
So I downloaded and renamed the ExampleSequencer.lua to Sequencer.lua, then created some macros and nothing comes up when I create the macro in game. The file should be called Sequences.lua not Sequencer.lua
File: PostmasterGeneral12-09-14
Something appears to have gone wron...
Posted By: semlar
Something appears to have gone wrong with your copy/paste of Russian translations, as their encoding was lost and they appear as ???? in PostmasterGeneral.lua (and no, it's not just my font :p). Odd. Well, they should be fixed now. My old editor doesn't seem to handle russian very well even though it supports utf-8.
File: GnomeSequencer11-28-14
Re: what happens if char count is greater then 255?
Posted By: semlar
if the code in PreMacro + the step being ran + PostMacro is greater then 255 does it cut off char 256+ ? The character limit of pre-macro + current step + post-macro is 1024 and could be extended past that by creating multiple buttons, but that probably isn't necessary. As for using /castsequence in one of the steps, it should be...
File: GnomeSequencer11-27-14
Re: reset=??
Posted By: semlar
Could someone please explain the use of '/castsequence reset=25 Bestspell, null', From what i see, if you keep spamming the button - it will never reset - as it counts 25 seconds since last click, not last successful cast. The other string i keep noticing is '/castsequence reset=25 Someotherspell', Which also seems useless t...
File: PostmasterGeneral11-24-14
I added translations for most langu...
Posted By: semlar
I added translations for most languages but I'm still missing chinese and korean, so if anyone has those I'll add them.