Results: 166Comments by: Platykurtic
File: BarKeep08-26-09
OK - took a crack at fixing the 'tu...
Posted By: Platykurtic
OK - took a crack at fixing the 'turret issue' with 30200.4. Please let me know if this improves things or any other weirdness pops up. Onto the next stuff.
File: BarKeep08-24-09
When using turrets in SotA, the bar...
Posted By: Platykurtic
When using turrets in SotA, the bars are invislbe, but when leaving turrets, only the main action bar becomes visible. Hmm interesting. Perhaps the events issued by the server are different for turrets as that'd be BarKeep setting the alpha of the various bars to zero to avoid issues. I'll take a crack at fixing that over the next...
File: BarKeep08-16-09
Released 30200.3 which has improved...
Posted By: Platykurtic
Released 30200.3 which has improved switch over between the vehicle and main bars. It should now work flawlessly when you are dismounted (leave a vehicle without using the exit key). Let me know if you still have any issues.
File: BarKeep08-14-09
Ok I've released the first version...
Posted By: Platykurtic
Ok I've released the first version with Totem Bar support and called it 30200.2 Beta because .. it *should* work as I've been through the Blizzard TotemFrame code quite closely and it doesn't bug out on entry into the game ... but ... as I've not got a Shaman with Totems it's tough to test. So please give this a whirl if you've go...
File: BarKeep08-13-09
OK I've added the TotemBar and all...
Posted By: Platykurtic
OK I've added the TotemBar and all other features will likely be added over a couple of releases. (1) The first release will include the TotemBar using the StanceBars options (scaling etc.). Expect this in the next 36 hours or so. (2) In the second release I'll look into the involuntary switch over issue (which I've personally...
File: BarKeep08-09-09
Originally posted by Falter Doesn...
Posted By: Platykurtic
Originally posted by Falter Doesn't seem to support the new shaman bar. I can confirm it doesn't appear to be working on my shaman, how can I help? Thanks for this as I don't have a Shaman. I'll look into what the Blizzard code is doing around the Shaman bar and implement it. It'll take a couple of days as I'm traveling but lo...
File: BarKeep06-23-09
OK I've posted a fix for the 2x /co...
Posted By: Platykurtic
OK I've posted a fix for the 2x /console reloadui = client crash issue (it took a lot of hunting). The issue was code that hasn't changed since WoW 2.0 or earlier so it's pretty clear its a Blizzard bug. I'll post it to the bug fixing forums. The good news is that the work around hasn't changed the operation of the add-on in any...
File: BarKeep05-20-09
Originally posted by Platykurtic...
Posted By: Platykurtic
Originally posted by Platykurtic 2. Get the vehicle bar scaling independently. This has now been done in 30100.2. Enjoy! Now onto 3.
File: BarKeep05-11-09
Originally posted by Platykurtic...
Posted By: Platykurtic
Originally posted by Platykurtic Investigate why the key binding text is not transfering to the vehicle bar - mostly when the Button Facade is used with BarKeep - there may not be a fix for this. More on this as I worked on this over the weekend - it's a bug with ButtonFacade. You can see this as the key binding text etc. transfe...
File: BarKeep05-08-09
Some future developments as I now h...
Posted By: Platykurtic
Some future developments as I now have my main gaming PC up and running and the house stuff is winding down a bit:Investigate why the key binding text is not transfering to the vehicle bar - mostly when the Button Facade is used with BarKeep - there may not be a fix for this. Get the vehicle bar scaling independently. Have the posi...
File: BarKeep04-30-09
Re: Re: Re: Hunter's Aspects
Posted By: Platykurtic
Originally posted by paulc0000 If the aspect bar is not associated with this, then my question is, where are the Hunter's aspects supposed to be displayed? In the past when I played my Hunter (TBC type timing) the aspects were just regular spells you placed on the regular action bars. To save space some 'aspect bar' add-ons were...
File: BarKeep04-29-09
Re: Hunter's Aspects
Posted By: Platykurtic
Originally posted by paulc0000 I have multiple characters and on all but one the bar that shows their aspect/stance/etc is fine. The one charactar having issues is the Hunter. I am unable to see the aspects' icons shown on that bar. I can see the '+' showing where the bar is, but no icons. I'm a little confused by this - I've b...
File: BarKeep04-27-09
Re: Hunter's Aspects
Posted By: Platykurtic
Originally posted by paulc0000 I have multiple characters and on all but one the bar that shows their aspect/stance/etc is fine. The one charactar having issues is the Hunter. I am unable to see the aspects' icons shown on that bar. I can see the '+' showing where the bar is, but no icons. Thanks for the bug report - I'll look...
File: BarKeep04-20-09
Originally posted by lycanther Also...
Posted By: Platykurtic
Originally posted by lycanther Also, when I disable BarKeep, then re-enable it, my BarKeep settings are reset and I have to move all my bars back from the center of the screen to where they were before. It would be nice to be able to define profiles so I don't have to individually move all 11 bars to the right pixel location every t...
File: BarKeep_ButtonFacade04-15-09
Re: error message
Posted By: Platykurtic
Originally posted by Mela : 1 : attempt to call global 'Barkeep_Buttonfacade_OuLoad' (a nil I have had that error in the past - it's caused when BarKeep_ButtonFacade loads and ButtonFacade is not present. The solution is to ensure that ButtonFacade is loading for that character (as it wasn't in the case I had where I got the err...
File: BarKeep04-15-09
Updated the .toc file for patch 3.1...
Posted By: Platykurtic
Updated the .toc file for patch 3.1 and from the short intial testing BarKeep (the main mod) seems fine. Let me know if there are any issues that people notice. I'll also work on adding the vehicle bar scaling as long as there are no major bugs. I had some problems show up with BarKeep_ButtonFacade which'll be worked on over the...
File: BarKeep04-09-09
BarKeep_BarFader is now available ...
Posted By: Platykurtic
in the 'Optional Files' tab. Everything works perfectly for me, but let me know if there are any issues anyone has. This version is a bit different to that proposed by BloodDruid in that it uses an event based structure rather than an OnUpdate structure, so should use the bare minimum of processor cycles for the same effect. It...
File: BarKeep04-09-09
Re: Vehicle Bar
Posted By: Platykurtic
Originally posted by lycanther I would very much like to scale the vehicle bar separately from the main bar, since right now the vehicle bar has ginormous buttons that are more than twice the height of all the others. Also, there are no key labels on the vehicle buttons, although they do correctly share the keybinding of the main...
File: CompactBars04-07-09
Great mod so far - I really like it...
Posted By: Platykurtic
Great mod so far - I really like it - but ... Getting a slight issue with HfB and SnD (with a Rogue character you'll know what I mean). When the HfB buff gets quite low (say less than 10 secs) and I Envenom, the extension of the SND bar to 20+ secs covers the HfB bar and buff icon - which can be quite disconcerting given the impo...
File: BarKeep04-05-09
Back on-line and up and running. S...
Posted By: Platykurtic
Back on-line and up and running. So the priority over the next week or so is to get the BarKeep_BarFader module working perfectly and put it up here. Edit: I now have the BarFader module working perfectly on all the bars without using OnUpdates (so as light as possible). I'll do a bit more testing but expect to see it before the...
File: BarKeep03-30-09
Originally posted by archiv how c...
Posted By: Platykurtic
Originally posted by archiv how can i change from the stance bar the rows? the bar should go from down to top and not left to right. and how to hide the macro and binding text on the buttons? Neither of those are possible right now with BarKeep at the moment. The first will be added as an improvement eventually, and the seco...
File: BarKeep03-20-09
Originally posted by Caellian Do...
Posted By: Platykurtic
Originally posted by Caellian Do you have any plan about having the pet bar hidden, and only shown on mouseover, or not at all ? Sure do. BarKeep_BarFader will be able to fade all bars (as basically BloodDruid's code can be used for them all). I've just started the testing phase of BarKeep_BarFader and it's currently working on th...
File: BarKeep03-17-09
Ok - it seems hooking to the 'ToPla...
Posted By: Platykurtic
Ok - it seems hooking to the 'ToPlayerArt' function isn't working as that's not always always firing (and yet the 'ToVehicleArt' must be). I'll look into the Blizzard code and see if there I can duplicate what they do exactly (using events and some further checking then). I've been trying to do this as simply as possible but it see...
File: BarKeep03-15-09
30000.19 now up
Posted By: Platykurtic
Uploaded 30000.19. This release should further standardize the MultiBar attachments (important for having additional bar arrangements moving forward) so Lagby may need to check if this version has an issue with porting (95% sure it shouldn't). Also changed back again to hooking the change over rather than events to avoid the Malygo...
File: BarKeep03-13-09
Originally posted by Pookhill Whe...
Posted By: Platykurtic
Originally posted by Pookhill When Malygos did his Vortex, all my action bars except the main bar disappeared. (Didn't have any problems with the vehicle changes.) Arghh - that means the "PLAYER_ENTERED_VEHICLE" event with the arguement "player" fired on entering the vortex. Not sure why that would happen. I'll switch back to s...