Results: 419Comments by: Miiru
File: MiirGui [Core]04-02-17
Re: LargeNamePlate fontsize isn't changing
Posted By: Miiru
Hello mirru, thank you for this great addon, but I want to report two additional lua errors. The first one occurs, when i access my void storage: When does this error occur? Simply when acessing it? Is that item in your 48Slot Singed Plume of Aviana ? Does the error still occur when you remove that item from the void storage?...
File: MiirGui [Core]03-31-17
Re: Follower equipment
Posted By: Miiru
They added a third equipment slow for followers that seems to not be accounted for yet. Thanks. Should be already fixed with 4.0.69
File: MiirGui [Core]03-29-17
Keep getting this error http://i...
Posted By: Miiru
Keep getting this error Fixed with 4.0.69
File: MiirGui [Core]03-28-17
I'm having this issue with the text...
Posted By: Miiru
I'm having this issue with the text on stackable items. Any clue what causes this? I tried disabling every addon except Miirgui to see if there was a conflict but the problem persists. This is probably caused by miirgui offsetting the stack counter text to the middle and adding a different border....
File: MiirGui [Core]03-08-17
Posted By: Miiru
File: MiirGui Texture Pack [Grey]02-28-17
Re: What does Main Color/Highlight Color imply?
Posted By: Miiru
Thanks for addin in this feature, I was unable to read the original dim text. But I have a question as to what this option actually changes. I changed the highlight color to blue and I don't see any blue in any panel. The main color and highlight color any change certain text colors. For example the title of the quests in the de...
File: MiirGui [Core]02-25-17
Re: Font Outline
Posted By: Miiru
Hi! Question: is there a way to make MiirGUI ignore font outline? I use tekticles for font replacement and it handles the outlines just like the default game does (it only replaces fonts). Some fonts have outlines (main titles, numbers in bags, etc) and others don't (tooltips, etc). Since I installed MiirGUI it is either everything h...
File: MiirGui Texture Pack [Grey]02-25-17
For whatever reason the PVP icon/fl...
Posted By: Miiru
For whatever reason the PVP icon/flag is way too small when used with Shadowed Unit Frames (even with its size to maximun). Not a big deal but is there any way I can make this icon bigger? Or is it possible to remove this icon so I can use the default one? Deleting TargetingFrame/UI-PVP-Horde.blp and TargetingFrame/UI-PVP-Allia...
File: MiirGui [Core]02-22-17
Is it as simple as copying your auc...
Posted By: Miiru
Is it as simple as copying your auction house files into the correct folder or more complicated than that? I think the layout is not exactly the same, but you could give it a try.
File: MiirGui [Core]02-21-17
I'm using Auctionator with core+gre...
Posted By: Miiru
I'm using Auctionator with core+grey and for some reason it looks stock while everything else is working perfectly. Thank you for any help or information you can provide. Auctionator does not use the default interface's files but a local copy in /auctionator. To change the look of auctionator, one would have to edit those.
File: MiirGui [Core]02-21-17
Im using Prat as a chat addon. Here...
Posted By: Miiru
Im using Prat as a chat addon. Here is a screenshot: You can see when CPU saver is on, chat outline is fine. When CPU saver is off chat outline is removed. Really weird bug. On page 4 Repaxan reports the same issue as mine. Disabling the font module of prat seems to get rid ot this error. Or alternativöy...
File: MiirGui [Core]02-20-17
What bug would that exactly be?...
Posted By: Miiru
What bug would that exactly be? Chat text font outline is being removed when CPU saver is OFF. When i turn it CPU saver ON chat font is working too but the rest of the fonts are removed. Someone reported the same bug some months ago. I just tested this with only miirgui core active. Here are the results: http://www.boujong.n...
File: MiirGui [Core]02-19-17
Planning to fix the chat outline bu...
Posted By: Miiru
Planning to fix the chat outline bug caused by the CPU saver soon? Its really annoying :( What bug would that exactly be?
File: MiirGui [Core]02-12-17
That error should be related to my...
Posted By: Miiru
That error should be related to my experimental Rematch skin (or some sort of interaction with it). I do myself not get that kind of error, but as a quick fix, you can open onDemand/Custom.lua and delete the word rematch in line 2. The skinning for rematch presents itself to be way more complicated than i thought it would be :/...
File: MiirGui Texture Pack [Blue]01-28-17
Hi sorry if someone already have an...
Posted By: Miiru
Hi sorry if someone already have answerd this somewere in this post, but i would like to know if and if so how you can make the frame around items not be blue if its epic gray and so forth? is there a way to just make it the color of the item itself gray frame, blue frame and so on? its kinda confusing when i look into my inven...
File: MiirGui [Core]01-24-17
Re: Demon Hunter
Posted By: Miiru
I love how clean the UI looks with this add-on and the associated texture packs. I have noticed that on my Demon Hunter the Fury and Pain bar does not appear with a flat texture like it does on my Priest or Rogue. It seems like it is using the default blizzard texture. Also, is it expected that the golden dragon appears around the...
File: MiirGui [Core]01-22-17
Re: Problem
Posted By: Miiru
The Addon looks amazing.But something seems to not work in my case. See green stipes everywhere after the installation. Any help? Green textures in general mean that they are missing. Be sure to update your Miirgui Texture Pack Blue or Grey to make sure all files were downloaded correctly.
File: MiirGui [Core]01-14-17
The error was caused by RelicHelper...
Posted By: Miiru
The error was caused by RelicHelper. I think i found a workaround. Try this for ondemand/artifactui: local function skin_Blizzard_Arftifact_UI() ArtifactFrame.ForgeBadgeFrame.ForgeClassBadgeIcon:Hide() ArtifactFrameTab1:ClearAllPoints() ArtifactFrameTab1:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", ArtifactFrame.BorderFrame.ForgeBottomBorder, 0...
File: MiirGui [Core]01-14-17
I uploaded another version which wi...
Posted By: Miiru
I uploaded another version which will either fix it or break everything. You might have to delete your miirgui savedvariables (not sure).
File: MiirGui [Core]01-14-17
This error will occur every time yo...
Posted By: Miiru
This error will occur every time you log in: 1x miirGui\onDemand/ArtifactUI.lua:7: attempt to call global 'm_SetTexture' (a nil value) miirGui\onDemand/ArtifactUI.lua:7: in function miirGui\onDemand/ArtifactUI.lua:37: in function Are you using some sort of...
File: MiirGui Texture Pack [Blue]01-07-17
I will include a skin for that butt...
Posted By: Miiru
I will include a skin for that button with the next version of the texture pac To disable the chat outline, you could delete line 255 (SetFont(_G) --chat itself) in functions.lua. Not skinned since 7.1 and can you please make the outlines only in chat off? or how can i make it only in chat off?
File: BLP Format Plug-in for Photoshop01-07-17
Yes, they seem to have changed it b...
Posted By: Miiru
Yes, they seem to have changed it back for the release version :)
File: MiirGui [Core]12-10-16
Some errors I've been getting. Ed...
Posted By: Miiru
Some errors I've been getting. Edit:So after checking things a bit this error seems to be triggered every time someone joins a group I'm in when I use grid2. I am going to have a look at it. edit: I do not seem to be able to reproduce the error :(
File: MiirGui Texture Pack [Grey]11-30-16
Re: Text Color
Posted By: Miiru
@alysra I'll take a look if I can add a misc color option. To change the color in lua, you can go to core.lua and change miirgui.Color = {0.08,0.342,0.52,1} and miirgui.Highlight = {0.086, 0.459, 0.710,1}. At the moment there are no plans for more color variations. (it takes quite some time to change that many files)
File: MiirGui [Core]11-30-16
@sh77 Are you using the default...
Posted By: Miiru
@sh77 Are you using the default minimap? I am using it only on my bankchar, and the zone-text is centered there. Or is it possible, that the text isn't centered anymore when it is a longer zonename? @maven79 You can delete/rename QuestFrame/WorldQuest.blp to reverse the skinning. I do not know yet if I am gonna add some cuxt...