Results: 267Comments by: Sauerkraut
File: oUF_Fail01-16-13
Ahh yah I forgot about that. I cha...
Posted By: Sauerkraut
Ahh yah I forgot about that. I changed the runic power color on purpose. I don't like the default color. There is an over ride of the power colors in the tag file. You'd need to change them both. The Death Knight Runebar is overlapping the Rep/XP bar. This was a quick and dirty fix: if (i == 1) then if (IsAddOnLoaded('oUF_...
File: oUF_Fail01-16-13
Eventually, I would like to know wh...
Posted By: Sauerkraut
Eventually, I would like to know why the Focus Target castbar doesn't fade out as smoothly as every other castbar does, and if it's even possible to get the power values of the player frame (the digits themselves) to have a more fluid change with the arrow rather than just jumping from 'what it was' to 'what it is'. I don't know w...
File: oUF_Fail01-15-13
In the beta release you were using:...
Posted By: Sauerkraut
In the beta release you were using: local color = ns.colors.class or arrowDefaultColor ...but in the latest stable release you're using: local color = oUF.colors.class or arrowDefaultColor Was there a reason for this change (I don't understand the difference between the two) and am I seeing a weird Warlock arrow possibly...
File: oUF_Fail01-14-13
Love these UF for pvp, I've started...
Posted By: Sauerkraut
Love these UF for pvp, I've started creating a new UI to utilize them :) While playing on my feral druid I noticed the combo points will overlap the enemies HP value on the frame. How can I move the combo points lower to just below the unit frame? Sorry not quite sure how they ended up there. All fixed in the latest push. The...
File: oUF_Fail01-14-13
Good luck sounds like you have a lo...
Posted By: Sauerkraut
Good luck sounds like you have a lot of work to do. These would be perfect for me if I could: swap the colors of unit frames: class colored for HP and black background for HP loss. If target is not a player the unitframe should be clear enough to see damage done and thus the foreground of a non player cant be dark gray or black...
File: oUF_Fail01-13-13
With a lot of help and hard work fr...
Posted By: Sauerkraut
With a lot of help and hard work from MiRai this newest version of oUF_Fail includes support for power arrows for the following units: Player, target, party, focus, and focus target. If you prefer the previous look you can disable the extra arrows in the config file. Thank you very much MiRai!
File: oUF_Fail new power values01-13-13
Looks good. Too much flash for my...
Posted By: Sauerkraut
Looks good. Too much flash for my taste ;) :p I got the mouse over text working for the rep bar. If you have both oUF_Rep and oUF_Exp it will switch automatically when you hit max level. Other than that I don't know a way to switch back and forth. I'm sure there is a way but it is beyond me. I'm working on having the frames...
File: oUF_Fail new power values01-12-13
I've uploaded the latest "test" ver...
Posted By: Sauerkraut
I've uploaded the latest "test" version. It will install as oUF_Fail_MiRai so you don't have to change your current working version to anything else. It will show up as the same in Addons. The focus cast bar is working now.
File: oUF_Fail new power values01-12-13
Hehe I know what you mean. When I...
Posted By: Sauerkraut
Hehe I know what you mean. When I came back after Cata I tried to change my bars and just couldn't get my fingers to do what I wanted. I ended up just going back to what I had been using. I'm going to add a variable to the config to use the arrows on the extra frames if the user wants. It is pretty simple. I've tried to cle...
File: oUF_Fail01-12-13
Yah sorry missed that one. Will be...
Posted By: Sauerkraut
Yah sorry missed that one. Will be fixed in the next push.
File: oUF_Fail new power values01-11-13
You certainly put in the leg work f...
Posted By: Sauerkraut
You certainly put in the leg work for this so all the credit is yours. I am really liking the look of the extra arrows. How would you feel about me adding them to the main line version? I haven't looked at the code at all yet but I'm sure I could hobble through it. Then we can start working on the focus cast bar and some arena fr...
File: oUF_Fail new power values01-11-13
Phanx posted an excellent solution...
Posted By: Sauerkraut
Phanx posted an excellent solution I'm glad it worked. I have one question for you now. I've been playing around with the code Phanx posted and looking through what you posted, but I don't see where you are calling lib.setPowerArrowColor to color your arrow.
File: oUF_Fail new power values01-10-13
You can over ride the color given t...
Posted By: Sauerkraut
You can over ride the color given to rage at the top of the lib.lua file. Go to and pick your shade. Use the second color picker. You'll get three values in the R G B. They will need to either be converted to a decimal. Take the number and divide by 255. Or you can just put them in as R/255, G/255,...
File: oUF_Fail new power values01-10-13
Nice work can't wait to see how it...
Posted By: Sauerkraut
Nice work can't wait to see how it was done.
File: oUF_Fail new power values01-08-13
Try and upload your working copy fo...
Posted By: Sauerkraut
Try and upload your working copy for me so I can see everything that is going on. If you have a chance.
File: oUF_Fail new power values01-08-13
MiRai I've added you as a contribut...
Posted By: Sauerkraut
MiRai I've added you as a contributor so you can upload files if you like. Just tag them oUF_Fail2_MiRai or something so we can keep the branches. I'll be able to look at it more tonight when I get home from work. See if I can't figure out the right event trigger and the focus target.
File: oUF_Fail new power values01-08-13
I think the NPCs class is indetermi...
Posted By: Sauerkraut
I think the NPCs class is indeterminate so it would have to go by reaction I guess. I'll have to look through the API stuff again to see if there is a simple way to do it. local _, pType = UnitPowerType("player") or UnitPowerType("focustarget") That may work but I think it would have to be focus-target since that is what t...
File: oUF_Fail01-07-13
MiRai I uploaded my edited version....
Posted By: Sauerkraut
MiRai I uploaded my edited version. It is called oUF_Fail extra arrow version. Clever I know. It should be listed soon in the beta addons section.
File: oUF_Fail01-07-13
Okay so I spent a little while and...
Posted By: Sauerkraut
Okay so I spent a little while and I figured it out. At least for the target frame. The rest is up to you. I created a new lib for the new arrow. lib.setTargetArrowColor = function(self) local _, cType = UnitClass("target") local ccolor = oUF.colors.class or {.3,.45,.65} self.Power.arrow:SetVertexColor(unpack(ccolor)) en...
File: oUF_Fail01-07-13
Wow I just looked through Nib's oUF...
Posted By: Sauerkraut
Wow I just looked through Nib's oUF_RealUI :eek: That is some one who really knows how to code. I understand a bit of how he/she makes the updates smooth, but I don't know if I could figure out how to implement it. It is pretty intense.
File: oUF_Fail01-07-13
I'll look at my rage bar see if I c...
Posted By: Sauerkraut
I'll look at my rage bar see if I can duplicate that. Thanks a lot. I believe RealUI's oUF layout utilizes a nice smooth change in power values, but I could be wrong since I've not personally used his layout. I'm only mentioning this in case you wanted to look at some other code to see how someone else accomplishes this (if I'm ev...
File: oUF_Fail01-07-13
Sauerkraut, in addition to the cele...
Posted By: Sauerkraut
Sauerkraut, in addition to the celebration of your return and the update to this layout, I do have a few questions/suggestions. Power Bar Arrow Value: As the behavior of the arrow stands right now it has a smooth motion when the player's power changes, but the actual power values jump from one to the next (e.g. 36 Rage jumps stra...
File: oUF_Fail01-07-13
how do i desaturate debuffs on targ...
Posted By: Sauerkraut
how do i desaturate debuffs on target that are not my own? Also, how can i make it to show just two rows of debuffs? I fixed the debuff coloring in this latest push. You can change the number of debuffs in the lib.lua file line 747.
File: oUF_Fail12-23-12
Pls make a Masque Layout that match...
Posted By: Sauerkraut
Pls make a Masque Layout that match witch your buff Layout Try Masque: Clean Icons Square
File: oUF_Fail12-15-12
Awesome! Thanks:) Request: Indic...
Posted By: Sauerkraut
Awesome! Thanks:) Request: Indicate when the target is casting a non-interruptible spell. It already does this. The cast bar goes red rather than blue. You can change the colors in the castbar.lua file.