Results: 112Comments by: waha
File: Shadowed Unit Frames08-21-09
Also noticed issues with peoples na...
Posted By: waha
Also noticed issues with peoples names being green again when they join the party with the latest build, did something change?
File: Shadowed Unit Frames08-21-09
Had a few issues where my own HP va...
Posted By: waha
Had a few issues where my own HP values have been incorrect in the raid frame upon joining a group, happened twice in a row this morning:
File: Shadowed Unit Frames08-17-09
Originally posted by Shadowed wah...
Posted By: waha
Originally posted by Shadowed waha: Will see if I can duplicate it on PTR, but I don't have any pet classes that I can test with. Did some more testing, actually comparing hp/mp values. Seems that if a warlock/hunter has his pet out and mounts up the hp/mp values of the pet will be used until the unit takes damage (Hence why you...
File: Shadowed Unit Frames08-16-09
Originally posted by Shadowed wah...
Posted By: waha
Originally posted by Shadowed waha: I did about 3-4 rounds around ToC with various combos of mounting/dismounting mounting from one mount to another with different party configurations and it didn't seem to break for me. I've narrowed it down to mostly happening with pet classes, hunters with pets out are a perfect thing to test...
File: Shadowed Unit Frames08-13-09
Originally posted by Shadowed wah...
Posted By: waha
Originally posted by Shadowed waha: Replicate-able? I'm not as worried if it's at least updating the color just not the tag text but I'll see if I can think up a reason why. Okay, did ToC HC just now, and we did a bit of unmounting/remounting, and had several cases of the hp text not being updated. Just head into ToC with a group...
File: Shadowed Unit Frames08-13-09
Another bug: While in WSG just a...
Posted By: waha
Another bug: While in WSG just a moment ago I died, and when I resurrected my name was gone from the raidframe, instead it was left blank until I died again: Regarding the vehicle bug earlier, I'll see if it happens again tomorrow.
File: Shadowed Unit Frames08-13-09
Triggered another bug in the vehicl...
Posted By: waha
Triggered another bug in the vehicle handling code for raidframes today in ToC HC, one party member got up on the horse and the raidframe didn't update the HP, but did update color to mark it as a vehicle: Stayed like that until he took damage, after that it was fine.
File: Shadowed Unit Frames08-11-09
Originally posted by Politig Yes...
Posted By: waha
Originally posted by Politig Yes I realized that, but I don't see why HP/MP won't load. Or the class bar updating. ^^Bar is green, 1/1 HP, level 0. I think in that case, your client simply doesn't have all the info. I've seen it happen with the default Blizzard frames. Granted, it should color the bar correctly since the clie...
File: Shadowed Unit Frames08-11-09
Originally posted by Politig The...
Posted By: waha
Originally posted by Politig The raid frames for Liv and Frostilicuss have a gap between their health and power bars. Adjusting frame height makes others instead of them have the gap. Got anti-aliasing enabled? Setting it to at least 2x tends to fix a lot of those issues, including bars sometimes being thicker for some frames/etc.
File: Shadowed Unit Frames08-10-09
Originally posted by Politig I ha...
Posted By: waha
Originally posted by Politig I have had that issue as well, but I thought it was fine, since player portraits don't show unless in range. My bars go end up green and occasionally display HP/MP as 1/1 until in range. I believe there are some cases where that information isn't actually provided. Such as when you invite someone wh...
File: Shadowed Unit Frames08-10-09
Originally posted by Shadowed wah...
Posted By: waha
Originally posted by Shadowed waha: I'll look into it, although I can't think of a reason why it would happen. Anything I can do to help track down the source? Seems to happen rather often for me now, was going around inviting friends to groups while travelling around, and kept getting quite a few green health bars, and even a fe...
File: Shadowed Unit Frames08-09-09
I've noticed an issue with the raid...
Posted By: waha
I've noticed an issue with the raid frames where the health bars of a newly invited member don't get colored by class until he/she is in visible range. The health bar is colored bright green instead. Seems to happen usually when the person being invited is on another continent/etc. Screenie:
File: Shadowed Unit Frames08-08-09
Originally posted by Shadowed If...
Posted By: waha
Originally posted by Shadowed If you can get the power bug to happen again let me know, I'll see if I can bug some people to do DTK but not too sure why it would do that. Seems to happen every time I go there, so 100% reproducible I should say.
File: Shadowed Unit Frames08-08-09
I've found two more bugs in the uni...
Posted By: waha
I've found two more bugs in the unit frames. 1) At the final boss in DTK when you get turned into a skeleton the power bar text turns into: 2) I got my SUF raid frames set up to somewhat emulate grid, had to use row spacing -6 to get them to have no space between each row. Somehow...
File: Shadowed Unit Frames08-08-09
Originally posted by Shadowed Can...
Posted By: waha
Originally posted by Shadowed Can you try and bug it out a few more times. I think it might be an issue with the delay before vehicle information becomes available. When you notice it bug out and you do a UI reload do you still get the issue or does that generally fix it until you exit the game completely? Reloading the UI fixes...
File: Shadowed Unit Frames08-08-09
Originally posted by Shadowed wah...
Posted By: waha
Originally posted by Shadowed waha: Same deal, try this /script for _,f in pairs(ShadowUF.Units.unitFrames) do if(f.unitType=="raid" and f.unit) then print(f:GetName(),(UnitName(f.unitOwner)),f.unit,f.unitOwner,f.inVehicle,f.dataAttempts,UnitHasVehicleUI(f.unitOwner),UnitGUID(f.unit),f.unitGUID) end end http://dl.getdropbox...
File: Shadowed Unit Frames08-08-09
Originally posted by Shadowed wah...
Posted By: waha
Originally posted by Shadowed waha: When you duplicate the vehicle issue, run this in game and give me the results (Unless you have a mod you probably will want to just screenshot it) /script for _, frame in pairs(ShadowUF.Units.unitFrames) do if( frame.unitType == "raid" and frame.unit ) then print(frame:GetName(), frame.unit,...
File: Shadowed Unit Frames08-07-09
Originally posted by Shadowed The...
Posted By: waha
Originally posted by Shadowed The steps are for party frames with the player shown inside, party frames without, or raid frames? Raid frames, with self shown in them.
File: Shadowed Unit Frames08-07-09
Okay, just did some testing, steps...
Posted By: waha
Okay, just did some testing, steps to reproduce the vehicle bug: 1) Have a full party of 5 people, with yourself + one other being outside the instance, the rest instance 2) Someone in the instance mounts up 3) Remove the second member that is outside 4) Invite a new person The new person will end up as a "copy" of the playe...
File: Shadowed Unit Frames08-07-09
Originally posted by Shadowed Whe...
Posted By: waha
Originally posted by Shadowed When did you last update? I changed it to let you set the size while they share the same anchor point a push or two ago and one of those pushes had another fix for vehicle issues while in a party. This was with the latest version, I'm an addon-addict, so I update whenever there's a new release. ^^
File: Shadowed Unit Frames08-07-09
I found a new issue with raidframes...
Posted By: waha
I found a new issue with raidframes and vehicles today while doing Trial of the Champion. If you switch from one mount to another (without dismounting) the raidframe won't update the HP until you take damage. Also, re. the thing about debuff/buff icons not sharing the same size: Disabling "Prioritize buffs", and setting debuff ic...
File: Shadowed Unit Frames08-06-09
With "Disable vehicle swap" checked...
Posted By: waha
With "Disable vehicle swap" checked, would it be possible to color the pet frame used for the vehicle with the same color as other vehicle frames are? Right now it uses the normal bright green color, instead of the darker one used in party/raid/possessed player frame.
File: Capping08-03-09
The addon I've always wanted! No mo...
Posted By: waha
The addon I've always wanted! No more having to bug people with DBM installed for timers! However, I have a few small feature requests: 1) Ability to disable the fading/flashing when bars expire 2) Ability to disable the "spark" 3) Being able to move the bars just a few pixels from the top of the screen (Right now it's impossib...
File: Shadowed Unit Frames08-02-09
The problem is, they're not sharing...
Posted By: waha
The problem is, they're not sharing the same settings, the debuff part is ignoring the size setting for me. Screenshot:
File: Shadowed Unit Frames08-02-09
So far so good with the new push....
Posted By: waha
So far so good with the new push. I've noticed an issue with aura sizes, if I have both buffs/debuffs enabled, set to bottom left, I'm unable to change the sizes of the debuffs (they're not inheriting 13 size I set to buffs, and the sizing slider for debuffs is disabled)