Results: 3711Comments by: zork
File: ColorSmudge09-27-13
--upodated----- Fixed the drycod...
Posted By: zork
--upodated----- Fixed the drycode. if abs(self.colorA.h-self.colorB.h) > 180 then local radius = (360-abs(self.colorA.h-self.colorB.h))*self.percentage/100 --calculate the 360° breakpoint if self.colorA.h < self.colorB.h then self.colorC.h = floor(self.colorA.h-radius) if self.colorC.h...
File: Roth UI (PTR)09-24-13
Re: Information under Minimap
Posted By: zork
Disable the addon rInfoStrings.
File: Roth UI (Diablo)09-24-13
Re: Mini Map Sizing
Posted By: zork
@mkwalter Sure. Adjust the scalue value in rMinimap/config.lua
File: rTooltip09-22-13
Re: Hi~
Posted By: zork
@hoslam No thanks. Just use a tooltip that does it for you then.
File: rBuffFrame09-21-13
Zork is there a way to change the t...
Posted By: zork
Zork is there a way to change the text color for buff duration? I would like to change it from the current yellow to white. I can't seem to find any where I could do so. Currently there is none.
File: oUF_Diablo09-19-13
Hmmm no. But afaik you can do that...
Posted By: zork
Hmmm no. But afaik you can do that via macro. /run print(math.floor(GetPVPTimer()/1000).." seconds remaining")
File: oUF_Diablo09-19-13
3 options. You are editing the wro...
Posted By: zork
3 options. You are editing the wrong config.lua (not the one that is used by wow). You forgot to save the file. You override your settings in the charspecific.lua. I just tested it. All icons react properly.
File: Roth UI (Diablo)09-19-13
Re: Hide Eclipse Bar
Posted By: zork
Thanks. What you wrote is correct. You can disable the eclipse bar (as well as any other unit bar) in oUF_Diablo/config.lua.
File: RareAlert09-18-13
Yeah that ID is just somewhat funny...
Posted By: zork
Yeah that ID is just somewhat funny. Is your change that you check for the name now instead?
File: rTooltip09-17-13
@Dzl Sure. Get rid of this: --loo...
Posted By: zork
@Dzl Sure. Get rid of this: --loop for i = 2, GameTooltip:NumLines() do local line = _G if line then line:SetTextColor(0.5,0.5,0.5) end end Alternatively change the color to whatever you like.
File: rTooltip09-16-13
Just edit the function http://code....
Posted By: zork
Just edit the function --edit tooltip:SetOwner(parent, "ANCHOR_CURSOR") --]-- You can use different anchor types:
File: rFilter09-16-13
Well you can just hack the icon gen...
Posted By: zork
Well you can just hack the icon generation code. The frames have names but those are spellid/spec specific. Basically change this line to i:CreateBorder(...) bo:SetTexture(nil)
File: Crabby the Dungeon Helper09-16-13
Alternatively this should work:...
Posted By: zork
Alternatively this should work: NPC: Scanning the browser code delivers:{ type: 1, typeId: 50051, displayId: 37396 }) So... local crabby = CreateFrame("Frame", "CrabbyFrame", UIParent) crabby:SetSize(200,200) crabby:SetPoint("CENTER") crabby.models = {...
File: Roth UI (Diablo)09-16-13
@Chronic276 First of you need a te...
Posted By: zork
@Chronic276 First of you need a text editor. If you are running Windows you can use Notpad++ ( The editor must support UTF-8 to support any kind for foreign language characters in your character name. Example your character name is: "Jôlie" and your class is: "PRIEST". Thus y...
File: Roth UI (Diablo)09-15-13
@ViolentVocalist Das mit dem Toolt...
Posted By: zork
@ViolentVocalist Das mit dem Tooltip ist doch kein Problem. Deswegen sind das auch einzelne AddOns. Wenn du was hast was dur besser gefällt kannst du es einfach austauschen. Du kannst daher keine jedes beliebige Tooltip Addon einsetzen. Deine Entscheidung.
File: Roth UI (Diablo)09-14-13
@Chronic276 Probably there is none...
Posted By: zork
@Chronic276 Probably there is none. Healers need just simple unit bars. Artifical UIs are the complete counterfit of that. You can disable all unitframes except for the player frame in oUF_Diablo/config.lua (set show to false for the corresponding unit) and just use another unitframe addon that is more healer friendly especially fo...
File: rTooltip09-14-13
I applied a fix. Download 50400.03...
Posted By: zork
I applied a fix. Download 50400.03 once it is available. I forgot to add a check on unit is nil. if not unit or (unit and type(unit) ~= "string") then return end
File: rTooltip09-14-13
That sounds odd. I'm doing this. -...
Posted By: zork
That sounds odd. I'm doing this. --OnTooltipSetUnit local unit = select(2, self:GetUnit()) or (GetMouseFocus() and GetMouseFocus():GetAttribute("unit")) or (UnitExists("mouseover") and "mouseover") local guid = UnitGUID(unit) or nil if not guid then return end Nothing fancy. I doubt UnitGUID() will result in a Lua error if u...
File: rTooltip09-14-13
Not with this tooltip.
Posted By: zork
Not with this tooltip.
File: rTooltip09-14-13
Hi, is there any possible way to ma...
Posted By: zork
Hi, is there any possible way to make this addon to show ilvl in the tooltip? does show the itemlevel. On every item the second line.
File: Roth UI (Diablo)09-13-13
@all There will be another small u...
Posted By: zork
@all There will be another small update in the next days. I added faction coloring back to the nameplates. Additionally I will replace bTooltip with rTooltip.
File: rActionBar09-13-13
Re: can make look like this with Diablo 3 layout?
Posted By: zork
No thanks. :) The addon is nMainbar:
File: Roth UI (Diablo)09-13-13
Re: Re: Damage Font
Posted By: zork
@Worcester Go to your interface settings under help/other. Enable "show lua errors". A lag in combat is most of the time an indication of a lua error. The raidframe indicator is only visible in raids. That is because there is no raid header unless you are in a raid. Regarding the Lei Shen bar. Just drag it around whereever you...
File: Roth UI (Diablo)09-12-13
@dickiescoob Well you can either a...
Posted By: zork
@dickiescoob Well you can either active "onlyShowPlayerDebuffs" for the target frame: Or you can set up an aura filter mod to show you specific debuffs/procs. (WeakAuras, TellMeWhen, rFilter3 etc.)
File: Roth UI (Diablo)09-12-13
@Zofi Currently not. But I may con...
Posted By: zork
@Zofi Currently not. But I may convert the mod into rDiabloPlates3 in the feature. @Worcester Ok?!