Results: 736Comments by: Decard
File: [DISCONTINUED] NPCScanEx11-29-12
Add this block to the end of the "d...
Posted By: Decard
Add this block to the end of the "db.specialNPCs = {" section of the db.lua file to track the Brawler's Guild rare spawns: {870, 68318, "Dalan Nightbreaker"}, -- rare npc spawn for {870, 68321, "Kar Warmaker"}, -- rare npc spawn for {870, 68319, "Disha Fearwarden"}, -- rare npc spawn for {870, 68322, "Muerta"}, -- rare npc...
File: DecUI11-28-12
Version 6.01 uploaded and pending,...
Posted By: Decard
Version 6.01 uploaded and pending, many issues corrected.
File: DecUI11-28-12
I'm in the process of checking why...
Posted By: Decard
I'm in the process of checking why the icon bloat for some users, and trying to implement the latest ElvUI changes. Will have a new version uploaded as soon as possible.
File: DecUI11-28-12
Re: Re: No WTFfile in the DL
Posted By: Decard
Just gana say im a big fan of this UI been useing it for a while now and keep it very up to date thanks to you. Issue im nhaving at this momment is there is no WTF file in my DL is this on purpose or did I mess up somewere. and now the chat isnt working...I can see what im saying but the chat box isnt showing it. Any solutions The...
File: DecUI11-28-12
Version 6.00 is up, there is a mand...
Posted By: Decard
Version 6.00 is up, there is a mandatory profile clearing to correct past issues. I cleared the profile as you mentioned and installed this package (Deleted my Interface / WTF folders for clean install) and only have this UI installed. For some reason I am getting giant icons by the action bars when I get buffs like "Glyph of Templ...
File: DecUI11-27-12
Version 6.00 is up, there is a mand...
Posted By: Decard
Version 6.00 is up, there is a mandatory profile clearing to correct past issues.
File: DecUI11-27-12
I realize there was an update today...
Posted By: Decard
I realize there was an update today, but from what I can tell everything is working. Except for one thing. I am having trouble on my healer. I have tried everything to fix the problem including running the same addons on all my toons. The problem is that my healers nameplate vanishes, and when i scroll over it, it comes back with no...
File: DecUI11-23-12
Hello! First of all, thanks for t...
Posted By: Decard
Hello! First of all, thanks for the great UI! Loving it so much. Second, I submitted a ticket to Blizzard but I can't find anything that shows my ticket has been submitted and pending. Sorry if it's been answered :| The microbar should show a prompt for that, it's mouseover hidden in the top-right corner of the screen next to the...
File: DecUI11-22-12
Another question I came up with aft...
Posted By: Decard
Another question I came up with after playing with my other toons. Is there any way to make it easier for me to copy my UI settings from Toon A to Toon B? I tried copying all the files in the WTF folder for the first toon and placed it in the second toon's folder. Logged in, selected the save profile (Have one set up for dps/tank...
File: DecUI11-21-12
I love this suite and work perfectl...
Posted By: Decard
I love this suite and work perfectly form me, only one little problem: As you can see in the image at this link, in the middle of the screen there is the leaving message in different font/color and in a bed position, this happen always when i leave one zone. is not one big problem but is not so beautiful. Is possible disable or modi...
File: DecUI11-20-12
Was wondering if the CoolLine addon...
Posted By: Decard
Was wondering if the CoolLine addon size settings was tied into anything in particular with the UI? I did the unlock and resized it the way I wanted (using a different resolution), but everytime I log or reloadui it goes back to the default setting. CoolLine is being controlled by ElvUI_CoolLine addon, which is what allows it ancho...
File: DecUI11-20-12
Please can you help me with a visib...
Posted By: Decard
Please can you help me with a visibility/macro issue? I would like to have Action Bar 1 be not visible until I either enter a pet battle or vehicle. I would then like for all the other action bars to become invisible. I had this working two updates ago but for some reason the same macro functions don't seem to work anymore. Is ther...
File: DecUI11-18-12
Please can you help me with a visib...
Posted By: Decard
Please can you help me with a visibility/macro issue? I would like to have Action Bar 1 be not visible until I either enter a pet battle or vehicle. I would then like for all the other action bars to become invisible. I had this working two updates ago but for some reason the same macro functions don't seem to work anymore. Is ther...
File: DecUI11-18-12
Great UI! Insane! However I'm with...
Posted By: Decard
Great UI! Insane! However I'm with one question, it seems like if I'm inactive in the chat for about a minute in any of the main cities, I stop receiving the and chat messages. Does anyone have any idea what's causing this and how can I make it so that I can always see the messages in, especially, the Trade chat? Thanks in advance,...
File: DecUI11-18-12
Another noob question after being g...
Posted By: Decard
Another noob question after being gone for 2 years...but how do I have the text displayed for abilities on the action bars? In the Blizzard options under Help, Enhanced Tooltips.
File: DecUI11-13-12
Ok, I searched high and low and cou...
Posted By: Decard
Ok, I searched high and low and couldn't find the answers to either of these questions, unless I'm just that blind. First is, while setting up the UI last night I accidently turned off the bottom right data text (didn't know I did this) and now I can't get back into the Configuration menu by hitting the "C". I tried typing /dec lik...
File: DecUI11-12-12
Where is the option to turn the cla...
Posted By: Decard
Where is the option to turn the class timers off? I use another addon to track my DoTs on bosses, and the built in class timers are effecting my tanking to a degree as they are covering up some information that i need. I'm disabling them for now, but i'd like to know if there is a better way During the UI setup you have the option...
File: DecUI11-12-12
Re: UI scaling command
Posted By: Decard
Absolutely love the UI. Spent an hour configuring it to my screen. What is the command for UI scaling aside from the advanced setting blizz provides? Uncheck the AutoScale option under General in the configuration UI. That will then allow the Blizzard scale options to work.
File: DecUI11-11-12
I swear this compilation had an add...
Posted By: Decard
I swear this compilation had an addon that auto-tracked the latest rep change, but I can't find it for the life of me. But that may have just been a third party mod I had installed... Strange. Any thoughts? Also, when I download the updated compilation, do I need to remove all the interface folders/files, delete ALL the WTFs and sta...
File: DecUI11-08-12
Any idea which addon would be causi...
Posted By: Decard
Any idea which addon would be causing this graphical error? It's a print screen of the error and circled. Most likely some of the custom artwork causing that. Simplest way to check would be to cut and paste everything out of the Interface folder in your WoW install except for the AddOns folder, and then...
File: DecUI11-07-12
Awesome, thanks for the help. I've...
Posted By: Decard
Awesome, thanks for the help. I've been playing around with all of the built in effects to change the layout and look of things--if only to gain a lost knowledge I had way back in TBC/WotLK. I can't find which addon will allow me to change the length of the xp/reputation bar--it's a very tiny thing but it extends past the rest of t...
File: DecUI11-06-12
Version 5.13 uploaded, latest ElvUI...
Posted By: Decard
Version 5.13 uploaded, latest ElvUI core commits and Pet Battle fixes head the change log. Supplement Pack to be updated later.
File: DecUI11-06-12
Posted By: Decard
So, there is an addon that is playing "Warning" while using the tank UI--not sure about others, but it does it a LOT. Any idea which one it is so i can disable it? Disable ElvUI_Reminder to stop the warning.
File: DecUI11-06-12
Re: Player Frame questions
Posted By: Decard
2 Quick questions: 1. When I enter combat, I now see a tiny cross-swords icon in the center where my character name is. Is there a way to move that icon and enlarge it? I installed MSBT and it disabled the red border it used to show. 2. Is there a way to enlarge the Rested icon? Thanks! Unfortunately no, there is no in-game optio...
File: DecUI11-05-12
..... Thanks for the info. Referri...
Posted By: Decard
..... Thanks for the info. Referring to an earlier question you had about the Pet Battles, not certain at this time which addon does that for them. i figured it out myself, i just typed in the first line shown in the chat and from what i could figure out using google its "elvui chattweaks" regarding the quests issue, its not exact...