Results: 30Comments by: OxiMoron
File: eXtreme Unit Buttons01-29-07
Yeah I hacked in Perl Classic.. but...
Posted By: OxiMoron
Yeah I hacked in Perl Classic.. but those frames just don't work well with a button bar attached to them imho.. so I switched to ag... which is like coming home because I used the non aced versions a long time ago :)
File: eXtreme Unit Buttons01-29-07
Just a quick question.. is it possi...
Posted By: OxiMoron
Just a quick question.. is it possible to put an upper limit on the heals? So I can make the right heal show up for the right damage?
File: ItemRack07-30-06
The only little problem I'm still h...
Posted By: OxiMoron
The only little problem I'm still having is the tooltips showing up all weird.. I use TipBuddy and the whole Auctioneer Package..
File: FuBar - BattlegroundFu04-11-06
Error in
Posted By: OxiMoron
I get an error on line 273 each time I mouseover BattlegroundFu in wsg (dunno about others) Around tooltip being a nil value
File: FuBar - DurabilityFu04-10-06
Re: shows 100% always
Posted By: OxiMoron
Originally posted by speak using latest fubar, performance fubar and regen fubar. never shows my item dur properly, always 100% Sometimes happens to me as well.. really weird