Results: 27Comments by: funktion
File: MoveAnything02-23-10
Bags not staying put
Posted By: funktion
I love this addon and really appreciate you keeping it alive :) In the previous version (b2) I had a problem with the very last bank bag not staying in the right place. It was easily fixed by just closing and opening the bank a 2nd time. I'm now using b4 and all my bags seem to be acting up. When opening just my bags they're...
File: Altoholic12-02-09
Trade skill spam
Posted By: funktion
HI, I love this addon, but one thing has been bugging me. I have a lot of chars with Tradeskill CD and i get the pop up window that they're about to expire from about 15 mins down to 1 min in 5 and then 1 minute intervals. This is quite annoying and I can't seem to find a way to turn it off. Is there some setting I missed?? thanks