Results: 41Comments by: NavyFC
File: ArkInventory01-26-07
Great Mod
Posted By: NavyFC
Ark, I've tried many mods like this and they never seem to work right, good job on getting the job done. This is now my default bag mod, thanks. Some suggestions for improvement: 1. Add headers for the bars as mentioned below (this can be an option). 2. I would like the bag to adjust the left and top sides of the frame when...
File: FuBar - TrainerFu01-15-07
Re: RE:2.0.3
Posted By: NavyFC
Originally posted by Dooble Ya, same Navy...I checked out other trainers, not just class, and getting the same erorr messages, and its not updating new ones or learning old ones, so pretty much broken with 2.0.3 @Dooble and others having problems, TrainerFu seems to be working as expected again. While I did not update Train...
File: DoTimer01-15-07
Posted By: NavyFC
Originally posted by vauge Excellent mod! Not compatible with CT_BuffMod Hmm, maybe you don't have all the latest versions. I am using the entire CT suite and DOT (and about 100 other mods) and have never had a conflict with these two. If all these mods interact well on my machine, without any special editing, then you mus...
File: FuBar - TrainerFu01-11-07
All buggered up!
Posted By: NavyFC
In addition to the bug listed below, TrainerFU no longer learns of new trainers and will not clear learned recipes from any trainer. I hope this is being looked at (please!)
File: HealBot Continued12-19-06
Issue with one char
Posted By: NavyFC
Strife, Thanks for the great mod. I have used Healbot to replace Panza in a post 2.0 world. Healbot works as advertised for my young palladin (lvl 15) with no issues, however, I have a lvl 60 pally on another server that it doesn't seem to do anything for. Explanation: Healbot will not see group members added or removed,...
File: XLoot12-12-06
Please make the uniform length an o...
Posted By: NavyFC
Please make the uniform length an option, I actually like the differing bar lengths.
File: FuBar - TrainerFu11-29-06
Re: Re: Demon issue
Posted By: NavyFC
Originally posted by Nickenyfiken Oh damn i knew about that problem sorta. I haven't really had any opportunity to test how things works when i level up a warlock. Thats the problem. What happens if after you have buy and learn all new demon spells and then visit demon trainer again right after? Will that remove the learned skil...
File: FuBar - TrainerFu11-28-06
Demon issue
Posted By: NavyFC
Great mod! I have been using this for some time and I really appreciate all the work you've put into it. My issue: after updating to 0.4, I summoned each one of my demons (before visiting any trainers). Sortly afterward, I popped 36, so I visited the trainer and all of the lvl 36 skills showed up. I bought and learned each skil...
File: FuBar - QuestsFu11-20-06
The unending error... solution?
Posted By: NavyFC
My version of FuBar 2.0 was waaaaay out of date, but it was the latest from this site (v 9980 on WoWI, v 16605 on the SVN!). I will edit this post after I have a chance to log on and see if the problem is gone. EDIT: Problem fixed! Hooray for current versions :rolleyes:
File: FuBar - QuestsFu11-11-06
Unending error
Posted By: NavyFC
I just switched to using QuestsFu from Monkey Quest and I like it, however, with the last couple of versions I get an error that will not go away: "QuestsFu.lua:865: Tablet-2.0: You must set title within a registration" I must disable questsfu until this is fixed (can't run around with a error screen in my face!) I have tried...
File: TradeSkillInfo11-04-06
Stopping work
Posted By: NavyFC
I would hate to see progress on this wonderful mod come to an end. Personnaly, I have had no problems with TSI and I've used it to replace a couple of other mods that were not running so effeciently. I love the TSI Menu and would like to see updates for that continued (faction filtering). Anyways, I hope you don't get too discou...
File: TradeSkillInfo10-24-06
Great start!
Posted By: NavyFC
One feature requrest/ inquiry: Does or will TSI tell me when my banked recipes are usable on tradeskill level up? RB prints to the chat window when my new tradeskill level supports learning banked recipes. I find this feature very useful to eliminate unnecessary trips to the bank. Keep up the great work!
File: DoTimer10-03-06
Well, I can say I love the way this...
Posted By: NavyFC
Well, I can say I love the way this mod is going. You have pretty ambitious plans and it's good to always have a challenge. As you continue pushing this mod forward, one thing I would like you to watch out for is memory overhead. It would be a shame if it did all this really cool stuff for all classes, but also cause mass gabage c...
File: DoTimer10-02-06
Re: Not showing...
Posted By: NavyFC
Originally posted by Priti For some reason, and this has happened with the other versions, after a few days none of my DoTs show up anymore. Normally works for a few days after an update but then none of them show up and I have to go back to using Necrosis for the timers. I am having the same issue. DOT fails to show. /dot...
File: MetaHud09-24-06
Strata Issues
Posted By: NavyFC
First off, great mod. I was trying to create a hud using Discord Mods when I found this, thanks! I have one small issue: On first log in or relaodui, the strata of the hud is very high, covering objects that it shouldn't. Opening the options screen moves the strata back down. It's only a minor inconvience but then again the op...
File: Sprocket09-24-06
Wow! This is pretty smooth looking...
Posted By: NavyFC
Wow! This is pretty smooth looking! Reminds me of the menu from Neverwinter Nights. If I didn't have my ui so customized with Discord, I would definatley install this.