Results: 27Comments by: ogu
File: rActionBar02-11-09
Re: Re: Re: Re: fix for warlocks
Posted By: ogu
Hi. Nice addon! I was wondering if someone could please tell me how to show the menu bar that has the icons for the character pane, opening a ticket with a GM, talent points, LFG, etc? Thank you for any assistance! Edit: Sorry, I figured it out. :) Don't know anything about LUA but trying to figure out things logically. :)
File: oUF P3lim02-10-09
Health Color/Numbers and Elite Status?
Posted By: ogu
Hi. Very nice unit frames! Sorry, but would someone happen to know the values to change the health colors to the Blizzard green? Or something close to Blizzard green? Is it 0.45, 0.73, 0.27? What part do I have to change to make the player health show as xxxx/xxxx instead of a %? Do I change: bar.Text:SetFormattedText('|cf...