Results: 28Comments by: Menkey
File: Bati's UI10-27-09
The macro fix didn't work =(, perha...
Posted By: Menkey
The macro fix didn't work =(, perhaps I did it wrong? Also, I made my previous post 20 minutes before work, so I didn't have much time to explore the UI yet, but I figured out a lot of stuff tonight. When its complete I will show you a pic if your curious what you UI would be like with some resto shaman love added to it =P.
File: Bati's UI10-26-09
Few questions
Posted By: Menkey
Hello, I am a resto shaman and I love you UI! just downloaded it and I am adding a few personal tweaks. Few questions though: 1. I backed up all the folders I needed to, but I am curious how I can get my own macro's back? all mine are Priest oriented (obviously) but I had a lot of great shaman macro's, but not sure how I would go...
File: Dock05-06-09
I wish....
Posted By: Menkey
I really wish this add on would get updated for 3.1. Everything but the tab feature works, and it has a constant error that I was forced to turn LUA error display off. Please update this add on, it is one of the best add ons in the game by far, and that's even with all the non working features.