Results: 425Comments by: nightcracker
File: ncUI12-08-09
Originally posted by Soulslayer9731...
Posted By: nightcracker
Originally posted by Soulslayer9731 Is there anyway to make the defult blizzard bags go away? Cuz i try to open up my bags but it shows the bag i got out of ony at the bottem of my screen and i dont want to see the defult bag frames. The bag module is currently currently bugged. I will release a new update in a few hours, where...
File: ncUI12-06-09
Originally posted by saphera55 Wh...
Posted By: nightcracker
Originally posted by saphera55 What about the vehicle stuff, no exit button, and the cast bar. I'm sorry, vehicle is low priority, because I don't have an easy way of testing it.
File: BagBuddy12-06-09
Nice work cladhaire! Maybe add t...
Posted By: nightcracker
Nice work cladhaire! Maybe add the OnStartdrag and OnRecievedrag things to make it behave like a real bag?
File: ncUI12-06-09
Originally posted by saphera55 Mo...
Posted By: nightcracker
Originally posted by saphera55 More of the same issue inside a vehicle, tooltip shown. Also, Blizzard Cast bar shows when in a vehicle. Screens: Cast Bar issue : Actionbar Issue : Steal...
File: ncUI12-05-09
Originally posted by Ferous Okay...
Posted By: nightcracker
Originally posted by Ferous Okay I tried it out and some things stood out for me. My hugest issue was that I have a widescreen 1440 x 900, and yes it looked good BUT the UI scale is all the way down so I literally can't see anything lol. I can read my character frame and everything but it is way to small. Maybe upping the scale? At...
File: ncUI12-05-09
Re: Just tried this out..
Posted By: nightcracker
Originally posted by comstuff234 Great looking ui. It all installed config everything very nice. I have a couple of issues or questions 1. The chat text is all the way below the frame. Its goes all the way to the bottom of the screen and hides what looks like a data text for the money. I cant find a unlock so I assume it is...
File: ncUI12-04-09
Originally posted by Moonwalker s...
Posted By: nightcracker
Originally posted by Moonwalker so i know you're on a different resolution, i'm on 1680x1050 and the text is really tiny and its all like screwed up, like the font looks pixelated and just bad. any plans on making this work for other resolutions or can you offer any tips on how to get it to look better? Please supply me with a...
File: ncUI12-04-09
Originally posted by Baine is it...
Posted By: nightcracker
Originally posted by Baine is it possible to add "profiles" to bindings/extrabars? i'm dual-spec tank/heal paladin as a tank, all keys 1-6 are bound to spells/macros, action-bars only serve as cool-down display meaning that 1-6 is removed from actionbar 1, though that bar is used for vehicles, forcing me to switch from key-bind...
File: ncBags12-04-09
Originally posted by Baine found...
Posted By: nightcracker
Originally posted by Baine found two problems: as already reported, last bag still opens with blizz frame instead of being hidden sorting the buttons seems to be inverted, meaning last bag slot is placed first and vice versa makes it kind of difficult to maintain the right order ^^ The first problem I'm working on, but the s...
File: ncUI12-04-09
Originally posted by KleinerMink...
Posted By: nightcracker
Originally posted by KleinerMink Doesn't work either. In ncBindings.lua it says "/bind". :( It is /bind, but I am NOW updating the UI, wait a sec and try the new update :) To all people, you like the new layout? The bottom bar is floating now!
File: _VirtualPlates12-04-09
Originally posted by goliath0 So...
Posted By: nightcracker
Originally posted by goliath0 So maybe use the levels of range that skills give you? There is the API function IsSpellInRange(spell), that all spell range mods use. You could use this to "fix" _VirtualPlates, but it would be a real dirty fix because it's class limited(there are classes with 36 yard range spells, but there are a...
File: ncUI12-04-09
Originally posted by clojrz I tri...
Posted By: nightcracker
Originally posted by clojrz I tried out 1.2. I like it. The configure worked perfectly. I am using a 1280x800 resolution. Things were really small looking, but not bad. However, any chance on scaling support for smaller resolutions? Most likely no. Because I use 1440*900, I use all space wisely. If I add scaling, on smaller res...
File: Buffoon12-03-09
Just go with Buffa1248afm2ria0tr2A%...
Posted By: nightcracker
Just go with Buffa1248afm2ria0tr2A%2w9taT()@51j, that will most likely be a free name.
File: ncBindings12-03-09
Originally posted by KleinerMink...
Posted By: nightcracker
Originally posted by KleinerMink The second one only happened when i disabled ncBindings once and re-enabled it after trying BindPad again. And after reloading the UI the problem was solved?
File: ncBindings12-03-09
Originally posted by KleinerMink...
Posted By: nightcracker
Originally posted by KleinerMink I really like the conecept of your nc addon. Keep up the great work! :) - The Macro Text on dragged-in Macro Buttons in the ncBindings window is covering up other buttons - Sometimes i have 3 times the same macro appearing in nc Bindings window? - It would be nice to see the bindings alrea...
File: ncQuest12-03-09
Originally posted by jlb969 worki...
Posted By: nightcracker
Originally posted by jlb969 working as intended on live for me. Thanks for the confirmation, he probably is on the PTR.
File: ncQuest12-03-09
Re: non-functional
Posted By: nightcracker
Originally posted by Hasstod13 This addon doesn't seem to work at all, neither of the 2 features stated actually work. Weird, because they do at me, are you on patch 3.2 or 3.3?
File: ncBags12-01-09
Re: Error
Posted By: nightcracker
I found the error, made a mistake while extracting the addon from my UI, uploading new version soon.
File: ncUI12-01-09
Originally posted by Nubsy Hi lov...
Posted By: nightcracker
Originally posted by Nubsy Hi loving ur ui but i was wondering if there was a way to have more than 1 action bar as i use 2 on my current ui :) Nope, there isn't, my UI uses a different system. Scroll all the way down in the keybindings frame, and bind something accesible to ncExtrabuttons like G or F. If you hold that button i...
File: ncUI12-01-09
Originally posted by Abject Hiya,...
Posted By: nightcracker
Originally posted by Abject Hiya, was just trying out the UI a bit, and got amazed how smooth and system friendly it really was. But ive gone into some trouble, The cooldown bar is terribly missplaced, and the bags are also pretty much buggy . Heres a print how it looks;
File: ncBindings12-01-09
Originally posted by Ferous was c...
Posted By: nightcracker
Originally posted by Ferous was curious, will you be adding profiles to this? Or anything in regards to dualspecs? I find myself having to change some stuff around when I go from Prot to Holy I might make it dual spec compatible, but no pofiling, it saves all bindings automaticly per character.
File: ncUI11-30-09
Originally posted by Falarin -/bi...
Posted By: nightcracker
Originally posted by Falarin -/bind will give me the chat error "Type '/help' for a list of usable command", and keybinding in the spellbook does not seem to work. Help is appreciated as it may just be user error :o I'm sorry, forgot to edit, it's now /ncb.
File: ncUI11-30-09
Originally posted by Saintvallen...
Posted By: nightcracker
Originally posted by Saintvallen You could create a dps addon that only saves the last fight, and when fight is over it will delete the data, but remember the final numbers of dps/dmg done. And what would that accomplish? I think the only important part about a DPS addon is with what spells/abilities you did damage, not the tot...
File: ncUI11-30-09
Originally posted by Shadowed Nop...
Posted By: nightcracker
Originally posted by Shadowed Nope. 1 MB of static memory has essentially no impact on performance which is the memory you are showing off in your description. The only part of memory that impacts the game is garbage generated as that adds more GC cycles and costs more CPU. Generally people who are running computers with low RAM...
File: emeralMinimapInfo11-30-09
Original idea!
Posted By: nightcracker
Original idea!