Results: 686Comments by: Thaoky
File: Altoholic09-02-09
Originally posted by Hevanus A co...
Posted By: Thaoky
Originally posted by Hevanus A couple of questions: 1. What is Altoholic's memory footprint like? With 10 fully loaded alts, I'm using around 4 mb, spread over Altoholic and the various DataStore modules. It scales with the amount of characters you have, but it's nothing to put your machine on its knees, unless it's an old...
File: Altoholic09-02-09
Originally posted by AnrDaemon In...
Posted By: Thaoky
Originally posted by AnrDaemon In search results, it does not display enchants on items. (In bags, it does) Added to my list. Originally posted by AnrDaemon Hmm... I can remember this has been mentioned before, but now, I got to it once again, now on a more serious matter. Issue is: It would be good if we could have a...
File: Altoholic08-30-09
Re: Crashing on search function
Posted By: Thaoky
Originally posted by vikkyne I find that I get error messages and the search function is often wiped out after I try to search for various items on my toons, especially the Shredder Manual pages. This requires I re-log to get the addon to function properly again (that is, the search function). Otherwise, not finding huge issues...
File: Altoholic08-28-09
Re: Using multiple accounts on same PC
Posted By: Thaoky
Originally posted by xteroid Hi, I've just started using this addon. I use 2 accounts with 20 characters. I can't operate both of them at the same time. As answered by AnrDaemon, Altoholic is an in-game solution, it does not provide any support outside of the game. If you cannot play both accounts at the same time, it's imposs...
File: Altoholic08-28-09
Re: HP and MP
Posted By: Thaoky
Originally posted by slickwalker I'm sure i'm missing it, and that's it obvious and right in front of my face, but where can i veiw an alt's total MP and HP? You're not missing it, these info are tracked but have no UI yet. Coming asap.
File: Altoholic08-26-09
Re: Status update for Gizmogeek's error
Posted By: Thaoky
Originally posted by gizmogeek Ok, I've tested the problem areas on multiple servers with toons ranging from levels 5 to 80 both horde and alliance and have not had the issue crop up since the new version. Very nicely handled Thaoky. :) Now, if we could only talk arkayenro into incorporating your data store modules into ArkInven...
File: Altoholic08-25-09
@gizmogeek : thanks, let me know :)...
Posted By: Thaoky
@gizmogeek : thanks, let me know :) @AnrDaemon : honestly, I don't know which one is better/more efficient. The :AddLine(" ", ...) is something I've been using since the earliest version, before I noticed that I could use C-style formatting in there. Now, you'll find both types of calls here and there in the code, but if I had...
File: Altoholic08-24-09
Originally posted by tnbp This is...
Posted By: Thaoky
Originally posted by tnbp This is one of my all-time favorite add-ons. But I'm still living in hope that Altoholic will be able to track things like Badges of Triumph and Stone Shards and various currencies. Are there any plans to implement things like those? Already in, they're in the activity pane, when mousing over an alt'...
File: Altoholic08-24-09
3.2.001d has been uploaded, thanks...
Posted By: Thaoky
3.2.001d has been uploaded, thanks for your patience guys, calendar issues have been driving me crazy lately :)
File: Altoholic08-24-09
Re: 1% xp for level 80
Posted By: Thaoky
Originally posted by menace97 i'm a new user of altoholic - i love it! one thing i haven't been able to figure out is why one of my level 80 characters is stuck with 1% xp, where as the other two 80's are showing correctly as 0%. i checked the max xp, and all of them have the same value of 1691700. i have deleted the chara...
File: Altoholic08-24-09
Re: Issue with guild members
Posted By: Thaoky
Originally posted by nikneven I seem to be having an odd issue. Yesterday, the 'Guild Members' tab seem to be working. It had the number of guild members online in red on the tab button, and in the tab, it listed everyone online, whether or not they have Altoholic. Today, there is no number of online guild members and the only peo...
File: Altoholic08-24-09
Re: TabOptions doesn't like me.
Posted By: Thaoky
Originally posted by gizmogeek Hi Thaoky. I am an altoholic, too. I absolutely love this addon. It helps me manage all 29 toons beautifully. However, it seems to not like me these days. I have emptied out the saved variables and Addons folder but continue to have the following errors. As you can see, this occurs with only a minimum...
File: Altoholic08-19-09
Re: Fix for DataStore_Auctions problem
Posted By: Thaoky
Originally posted by Quagm1re I've noticed that DataStore_Auctions hasn't been accurately recording my auction data, and I've been having to clear out the savedvariables file for that component several times a day to have a somewhat accurate count. You'll probably want to fix ScanBids() with the same code also. I believe that t...
File: Altoholic08-19-09
Originally posted by AnrDaemon Up...
Posted By: Thaoky
Originally posted by AnrDaemon Upon clicking calendar on main frame... Date: 2009-08-18 01:32:59 ID: 1 Error occured in: Global Count: 1 Message: ..\AddOns\Altoholic\Frames\Calendar.lua line 624: attempt to concatenate field '?' (a nil value) Quick fix (calendar.lua line 624) if inviteStatus then -- quick fix i...
File: Altoholic08-19-09
Originally posted by The Nerd Wonde...
Posted By: Thaoky
Originally posted by The Nerd Wonder It looks like Blizzard added some new invite status constants. Frames/Calendar.lua needs the following changes (in bold) The additional condition in the if statement should prevent spamming of error messages if Blizz changes the constants on us again. Thanks for the input, I updated the c...
File: Altoholic08-19-09
Originally posted by AnrDaemon To...
Posted By: Thaoky
Originally posted by AnrDaemon To throw in a can - Calendar does not track the profession cooldowns (not the Ebonweave at least). Ah, btw, ... mm, private. EDIT: Finally picked up Ebonweave CD after like 3'rd relog... I did a few Ebonweaves recently for a friend, and the cooldown was correctly picked up. I'll check this aga...
File: Altoholic08-19-09
Re: Error in the calander? :(
Posted By: Thaoky
Originally posted by HollowOwl O.O I was having similar issues before the 3.2 release as well.. Help? Edit: The count is actually over 3000 right now.. I'm currently working on fixing calendar issues. Do not bother too much about the count, calendar is managed in a background loop, and a single error will be triggerer continuo...
File: Altoholic08-15-09
Re: New error most recent update
Posted By: Thaoky
Originally posted by Turgis While I was online an alt of mine got mail from a friend. I got this error as soon as it came in Thanks for reporting, I'll fix this.
File: Altoholic08-15-09
Re: Ideas for the night...
Posted By: Thaoky
Originally posted by AnrDaemon Sharing auth page. It's long and cluttered if you have more than one character and more than one person to authorize. I was thinking to simplify it a bit and came with idea of something that looks more like windows access control panels. I'll try to put it in text, tell me if it need some drawings....
File: Altoholic08-15-09
Originally posted by AnrDaemon It...
Posted By: Thaoky
Originally posted by AnrDaemon It still happens :( Altoholic only remember that my main know how to craft only one item - Robes of Arcana. As I can remember, last time i opened craft window it was this: I ordered to craft that robe, closed tradeskill window before it was done. And didn't opened after that. I think it would b...
File: Altoholic08-15-09
Re: Version 3.2.001c Archive...
Posted By: Thaoky
Originally posted by JimmyJoeBob I downloaded Version 3.2.001c today. The file I got was Upon unzipping, I got the following list of folders in the folder I use to unzip archives: Did you really mean for me to do that in this case? Hi, yes this is fully intended. Basically, I took altoholic's data...
File: Altoholic08-14-09
Originally posted by Kuzo It lo...
Posted By: Thaoky
Originally posted by Kuzo It looks like several of the .lua files in Altoholic are encoded as UTF-8. I manually converted them over to ANSI, and that fixed all of the problems I was having. That's entirely possible, when I uploaded the file on curse svn, I got a few errors that had to do with encoding, and converted a few fi...
File: Altoholic08-14-09
Originally posted by AnrDaemon We...
Posted By: Thaoky
Originally posted by AnrDaemon Well, right, but it's still lagging. (In my case - alot, since my normal frame rate is around 20-30) In LSW, lilsparkysworkshop.lua around line 1936 (in my version, didn't download the latest), you'll find this code: if event == "TRADE_SKILL_UPDATE" then if GetTradeSkillLine() then LS...
File: Altoholic08-14-09
Re: Offline Guildies
Posted By: Thaoky
Originally posted by Bornabe Is there a way to show Offline Guild Members in the Guild Members listing? Mine only shows who's online right now, and would like to utilize ALT-O-Holic to view Offline Members as well as their linked ALTs. Not a bad idea, I'll think about it :)
File: Altoholic08-14-09
Originally posted by AnrDaemon So...
Posted By: Thaoky
Originally posted by AnrDaemon Sorry, but this makes no sense. You can't gain new recipes just from raising skills. Thus there's no need to scan tradeskills at all in this event. Just look in Skills pane, which skill has changed it's level and that's all you need, I believe. Let me go a bit more in details. Assume the profess...