Results: 2510Comments by: Shadowed
File: Shadowed Unit Frames04-09-10
Originally posted by Jzar Shadowe...
Posted By: Shadowed
Originally posted by Jzar Shadowed, I hope you know how much all of us users of SUF love it and you for the hard work you put into it. After living and breathing X-Perl almost since the day I started playing WoW, I finally discovered this, and it blew me away. It's clear how much thought you put into designing it to be as powerfu...
File: Shadowed Unit Frames04-08-10
Re: Almost perfect
Posted By: Shadowed
Originally posted by Graffik This addon is just about perfect. Except how do I know what class I have selected, or what class my party members are? By the color of their health bars? What if I choose to make everyone's health bar the same color to avoid confusion? Is there an option to show Class Icons? If there was that would b...
File: Shadowed Unit Frames04-07-10
Azza9: No, you cannot right now....
Posted By: Shadowed
Azza9: No, you cannot right now. marktbde: It's due to an Ace3 change, not much I can do about it. Gilor: My guess is, you have another addon conflicting. The default rune bar shouldn't be shown if you are using SUF player frames too. viking355: As Wisprunner said
File: Shadowed Unit Frames04-05-10
Sparkly: I'll look into it and see...
Posted By: Shadowed
Sparkly: I'll look into it and see what it is Blizzard added to enable that. You can already set the combo points bar to not auto hide, it might be an advanced option. There is no update interval, it updates as soon as Blizzard reports a change, if Blizzard doesn't report a change, it won't update. I'm guessing you expect it to be...
File: Shadowed Unit Frames04-04-10
Danno: Ah, my bad. You can't hide r...
Posted By: Shadowed
Danno: Ah, my bad. You can't hide raid frames based on size, only party frames. nenemy: You didn't reload after updating I'd imagine. The only reason you would get that error is you either didn't restart the game, or you messed up unzipping it. Sparkly: The delete button is always grayed out for the default 4 tag texts. You can...
File: Shadowed Unit Frames04-02-10
shUI: What do you mean added? Unles...
Posted By: Shadowed
shUI: What do you mean added? Unless you specifically enabled it in Zone configuration, cast bars are disabled by default. Which means you likely enabled it in /suf -> Zone configuration -> Arenas- > Global -> Cast bar/Combat text Celor: Thanks! Yes, you can in "Enabled units" kordgreg: Enable advanced settings, then go to /suf...
File: Shadowed Unit Frames04-01-10
Still not much I can tell you Grego...
Posted By: Shadowed
Still not much I can tell you Gregory, I just tried with your SV and all I did was check "Invert colors" and it flipped to a solid black bar and a colored background (inverted) like it should.
File: Shadowed Unit Frames04-01-10
Weird, I'm not sure why I can't dup...
Posted By: Shadowed
Weird, I'm not sure why I can't duplicate that.
File: Shadowed Unit Frames03-31-10
Lucavi00: You want the tag Pils...
Posted By: Shadowed
Lucavi00: You want the tag Pilsnerdk: 1) You want to change the text weighting in the Text/tags option 2) Change the "full size after" option in the "Widget size" tab, you want to increase it to say, 100 3) That's just a sizing issue, if you do #2 you'll get more of a square look, but you can also tweak the width settings (a...
File: Shadowed Unit Frames03-30-10
Try latest
Posted By: Shadowed
Try latest, v3.2.8-1
File: Shadowed Unit Frames03-30-10
Downgrade to
Posted By: Shadowed
Downgrade to and see if you still have issues, that will tell me what I need to know.
File: Shadowed Unit Frames03-30-10
Err, that makes no actual sense. 3....
Posted By: Shadowed
Err, that makes no actual sense. 3.2.7 is going to be more laggy, not less.
File: Shadowed Unit Frames03-29-10
... Again, telling me "latest ve...
Posted By: Shadowed
... Again, telling me "latest version" means nothing. Give me the actual version.
File: Shadowed Unit Frames03-29-10
ElzyiuM: What is "the newest releas...
Posted By: Shadowed
ElzyiuM: What is "the newest release", 3.2.7 or 3.2.8? 3.2.7 had a bug that was fixed in 3.2.8 so you should see a performance increase, not a decrease. Gregory: It works fine, I just checked again. Try 3.2.8. Balkeep: Should already be in, see Unit configuration -> Raid -> Raid and Unit configuration -> Party -> Party persi...
File: Elitist Group03-29-10
peeweee_sweden: I'm not sure what A...
Posted By: Shadowed
peeweee_sweden: I'm not sure what AQL is, but given that EG has no right click menu I can think of, I don't think you're thinking of EG? vertigo1980: No you cannot, I'll see about flipping the order thought.
File: Shadowed Unit Frames03-29-10
Fuhkway: Can you be more specific?...
Posted By: Shadowed
Fuhkway: Can you be more specific? What doesn't work. Aratar: Good news is, it's not the combat text, bad news is, it was an event dispatch issue. It's been fixed and I'm pushing an update shortly. persimmon: /suf -> Unit configuration -> Party -> Party, you should be able to change te spacing there. Jaylek55: No, it's a SUF...
File: Shadowed Unit Frames03-28-10
It's intended, but it's too confusi...
Posted By: Shadowed
It's intended, but it's too confusing for people so it's going to auto switch alphas next version.
File: Shadowed Unit Frames03-28-10
cherieann: Did you enable it in /su...
Posted By: Shadowed
cherieann: Did you enable it in /suf -> Enabled units? Balkeep: Turn invert HP on in /suf -> Unit configuration -> Raid -> Widget size Cev: Game Menu -> Interface -> Help -> Enable Lua errors redrenius: Interesting, can you email me your SV? WTF/Account//SavedVariables/ShadowedUnitFrames.lua to [email protected] Y...
File: Shadowed Unit Frames03-26-10
NOTE: If you have the target frame...
Posted By: Shadowed
NOTE: If you have the target frame not updating on switch, update to this only applies if you have that issue, nothing else of value has changed. I'll tag this in a day. alinnia: There is not, I'll think about making them more visible somehow. Dotted/m...
File: Shadowed Unit Frames03-26-10
Where are you anchoring it? Keep in...
Posted By: Shadowed
Where are you anchoring it? Keep in mind that the raid frames tend to resize, so if you can avoid it, I wouldn't anchor to them. I can look into it, but I think this is going to mostly be a "Don't anchor to the raid frames" kind of thing.
File: Shadowed Unit Frames03-26-10
MuscleRumble: You can't, you'd need...
Posted By: Shadowed
MuscleRumble: You can't, you'd need to add multiple tag texts Worcester: SUF has a range indicator, but not a numerical indicator. waha: Are you using split raid frames, or the normal "lump-them-all-together" raid frames? AudreyChandler: Are you sure the tag even works? You shouldn't be able to use UnitDetailedThreatSituatio...
File: Shadowed Unit Frames03-25-10
Tonyleia: Ah, I didn't realize that...
Posted By: Shadowed
Tonyleia: Ah, I didn't realize that's what you were trying to find. Add tags only shows up when advanced settings are enabled. wrongway: As Tonyleila said, if your auras are too small then OmniCC won't show text in them. Either increase the aura size in SUF, or decrease the font size in OmniCC. pwnx0r: Replace ShadowUFLocals wi...
File: Shadowed Unit Frames03-25-10
Tonyleila: Wait, what do you mean t...
Posted By: Shadowed
Tonyleila: Wait, what do you mean there's no import? You should still be able to copy profiles, just the localization changed. smash9ie: Type /script ShadowUF.db.profile.healthColors.offline = {r = 0.50, g = 0.50, b = 0.50} then reload.
File: Shadowed Unit Frames03-25-10
Tonyleila: Ah, I can't do anything...
Posted By: Shadowed
Tonyleila: Ah, I can't do anything about that. That's part of Ace3 and not something I can control. Zallan: Not sure, I think it's something weird LoseControl is doing to anchor icons.
File: Shadowed Unit Frames03-25-10
Zallan: It's definitely not SUF, if...
Posted By: Shadowed
Zallan: It's definitely not SUF, if you can get it to popup easily, try disabling half your mods, CC someone, if it doesn't show up then enable half of the addons you just disabled and repeat until you narrow it down. Tonyleila: Open ShadowedUnitFrames/ShadowedUnitFrames.toc Find: localization\deDE.lua Remove that line, l...