Results: 305Comments by: Smacker
File: Power Auras Classic12-10-09
Originally posted by Noxarious Ct...
Posted By: Smacker
Originally posted by Noxarious Ctrl-left click says in party: Won't show because Not in Raid Version:st3.0.0A; gcd:bofalse; b:nu1; anim1:nu1; g:nu1; optunitn:bofalse; ignoremaj:botrue; stacksLower:nu0; target:bofalse; icon:stInterface\Icons\Ability_Warrior_Vigilance; size:nu0.15999999642372; torsion:nu1; r:nu1; y:nu-30; x:nu-16...
File: Power Auras Classic12-10-09
Re: Addon memory
Posted By: Smacker
Originally posted by Darkshinobi First off, love the addon Second, when i log in the game power auras is using about id say 1.5 MB or less, but as i play it goes up by like .2 or something every second until im lagging really bad, and as i said i love the addon, but its killing my frame rates, a fix for this would be much apprec...
File: Power Auras Classic12-09-09
Originally posted by soki Yes, I'...
Posted By: Smacker
Originally posted by soki Yes, I'm getting this behavior with the /powa screen closed as well. Working on a fix UPDATE: Looks like Blizzard broke the UnitIsPlayer() function. Update Incoming
File: Power Auras Classic12-09-09
Re: Vigilanc
Posted By: Smacker
Originally posted by Noxarious I can't get my vigilance to work. Version:st3.0.0; gcd:bofalse; b:nu1; anim1:nu1; g:nu1; optunitn:bofalse; ignoremaj:botrue; stacksLower:nu0; target:bofalse; icon:st; size:nu0.15999999642372; torsion:nu1; r:nu1; y:nu-30; x:nu-160; customname:st; groupany:botrue; isAlive:nu0; timerduration:nu0; unit...
File: Power Auras Classic12-09-09
Originally posted by soki I'm hav...
Posted By: Smacker
Originally posted by soki I'm having a strange problem specifically with buffs/debuffs showing up on my targetsL the indicator doesn't show up until I deselect then reselect the target. I tried it with a bunch of different buffs castable by me like Earth Shield and Riptide, and it also happens with other people's buffs like Divine...
File: Power Auras Classic12-09-09
Originally posted by Mourdin mine...
Posted By: Smacker
Originally posted by Mourdin mine just not showing up period after the update....its not even opening with /powa You'll need to give some more information. Does it appear on the Addons list before you enter world? Is there a lui error?
File: Power Auras Classic12-09-09
Re: Memory Increasing rapidly
Posted By: Smacker
Originally posted by catj I'm pretty sure this never use to happen with Power Auras but I could be mistaken. The addon loads at around 700k but if you watch its memory usage it quickly spikes up to 1.3-1.5 mb or so and is then garbage collected back down to 700k repeatedly. The memory increase, which is about 10k/s, stops w...
File: Power Auras Classic12-08-09
Originally posted by brknsoul You...
Posted By: Smacker
Originally posted by brknsoul You seems to have two Power Aura Classics, one at and one at the second one seems to be a patch or something.. Do I need both, or just one? Just one, i...
File: Power Auras Classic12-08-09
V3.0.0 released
Posted By: Smacker
Patch 3.3 version release with a ton of changes (see change log). Please let me know any issues but I won't be able to test it properly until tomorrow as I am on an EU server.
File: Power Auras Classic12-08-09
Originally posted by KazamaSogetsu...
Posted By: Smacker
Originally posted by KazamaSogetsu Awesome, it works now. That ctrl+click is very useful, btw! :D Just something I noticed but that's not affecting my scenario: if I focus myself it won't work. Ctrl+clicking says I have no focus. Focusing yourself dosen't work, sorry PAC will ignore that.
File: Power Auras Classic12-07-09
Originally posted by KazamaSogetsu...
Posted By: Smacker
Originally posted by KazamaSogetsu I've been using a watcher aura to warn me whenever my focused target is below 75% mana and my innervate's off cooldown. It's been working great, but stopped after I installed Shadowed Unit Frames. Even after disabling SUF, it still won't budge. Any ideas? If you try the latest devlopment v...
File: Power Auras Classic12-07-09
Originally posted by habik Doesn'...
Posted By: Smacker
Originally posted by habik Doesn't really work. I tried with Arcane Shot: Activation by: "My Spell" - "Animation duration": 1sec. Now when cd is off the icon appears as it should, also disappears after one second; but then reappears with the next autoshot, stays there for a second, disappears, reappears.... and so on. Whether "I...
File: Power Auras Classic12-01-09
Originally posted by habik Can I...
Posted By: Smacker
Originally posted by habik Can I make something like a cooldown pulse with power auras? So it should show the icon for a few seconds after cd is ready and then hide it. You can already do this, use the duration slider on the Animation tab
File: Power Auras Classic11-23-09
Re: Memory Imprint?
Posted By: Smacker
Originally posted by schm0 Anyone know how much of memory this addon takes? At 2+MB and limited CPU power I am hesitant to use this. Any ideas? It all depends how many auras you configure. The development version here typically runs at 500-800k for me.
File: Power Auras Classic10-27-09
Originally posted by zen This is...
Posted By: Smacker
Originally posted by zen This is an awesome addons in so many ways, but I got some problems with it that I dont know how to solve. As a resto shammy im using it to keep track on my cooldowns on Ripride, Grounding totem, Hex etc. A icon of the skill is supposed to pop up when its on cooldown, and a timer should tell me how long t...
File: Power Auras Classic09-30-09
PowerAuras Wiki
Posted By: Smacker
Anyone fancy helping with my Power Auras Wiki? Please head on over and add some content Cheers
File: Power Auras Classic09-30-09
Originally posted by Fralendra I...
Posted By: Smacker
Originally posted by Fralendra I have made a texture for this of a number one loaded it into the game but there is one problem. it still shows a white background as shown here: How can I remove that? I am using Photoshop. have a look here http://powerauras.wikispa...
File: Power Auras Classic08-30-09
Originally posted by antiy4ho0 Is...
Posted By: Smacker
Originally posted by antiy4ho0 Is there a way to load a profile according to spec? I'd like to make an aura for keeping Righteous fury up as Prot..but obviously I don't want Righteous fury up as ret. I know you can manually enable/disable but...honestly if I could remember to do that I could remember to keep righteous fury up :D Tr...
File: Power Auras Classic08-13-09
Originally posted by borbies Sugg...
Posted By: Smacker
Originally posted by borbies Suggestion if not already implemented: An inverse modifier in the Aura ID text box. Example: I want my Stun debuff type aura to show when I am stunned, and want my Snare debuff type aura to show when I am snared, but not stunned. Only way I can see to do this is to create 2 Stun aura's, one when acti...
File: Power Auras Classic08-13-09
Originally posted by Infernal01 I...
Posted By: Smacker
Originally posted by Infernal01 I'm trying to get the addon to work with Cloak of Shadows or Divine Shield but i'm having no luck. Activation by: Buff Cloak of Shadows Exact name: Cloak of Shadows Stacks: =1 Ignore uppercase Enemy target If i test it, it appears on screen, but i tried BGs and duels and it doesn't poppup...
File: Power Auras Classic08-05-09
Re: Re: New version
Posted By: Smacker
Originally posted by Csalago animations are extremely, extremely slow and cause lag. i've gone back to the previous version Fair enough I will take a look if my server ever comes back....
File: Power Auras Classic08-05-09
Re: Stun - debuff type
Posted By: Smacker
Originally posted by bengo What should I write as a debuff type, if I want to stun? I fill in and it does not stun. Sorry for english. Blizzard don't share this information currently so it's only possible for Poison/Curse/Magic/Disease. I have an idea on how to do this but that is for a future version.
File: Power Auras Classic08-04-09
New version
Posted By: Smacker
New version in Optional files (v2.6.2) this is not fully tested but seems to work with patch 3.2 feed-back appreciated! --- Version 2.6.2 (WotLK Raid or Self or Party) --- Feature: Option to match buff/debuff on group (raid or party or self) --- Feature: Option to match on buff/debuff tool-tip text --- Feature: Added >= and...
File: Power Auras Classic08-04-09
Re: Hey there :) Action usable
Posted By: Smacker
Originally posted by Abacinate Hi might have been asked but, is there a trick to this. Stuff like barkskin would want to make it so that it would show up when i can use it and vanish until its "back off of cooldown" Action usable doesnt seem to do this anything i need to do specifically ? Action Usable should work set th...
File: Power Auras Classic08-04-09
Originally posted by kalvin Why i...
Posted By: Smacker
Originally posted by kalvin Why is this addon on the "out of date addons" side when i launch WoW? Update incoming soon(TM)