Updated: 01-28-24 05:38 AM
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Seeds of Renewal (10.2.5)
Updated:01-28-24 05:38 AM
Created:01-28-24 05:01 AM

Tame Helper

Version: 1.0.1a
by: Myathe01 [More]

TameHelper is a handy addon designed for Hunters, to help you in identifying and tracking the various Hunter pet types that you can tame, based on the tomes you have learned, and the specialization that you are in. It provides a simple interface to to check which pet families you are able to tame, making it easier to manage your pet collection. It is very simple, you just type /tamehelp and it returns which pet families you are able to tame. If you are in Beast mastery spec it also tells you which types of exotic pets you can tame.

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