Updated: 05-24-22 06:03 PM
File Info
Eternity's End (9.2.0)
Updated:05-24-22 06:03 PM
Created:10-16-20 05:39 PM


Version: v1.2
by: KeedoNow [More]

A simple addon that tracks items rolls and announces the winner.

The main project page for this addon will be on Gitlab:

This addon monitors item links sent to the raid/instance/party chat channel and then tracks rolls on that item. It uses the patented Luvly's Lovely Loot Rolling Method™️. This involves linking an item in raid chat followed by a number. It allows the raid to roll for multiple items at the same time. The addon will give folks two minutes to do a /roll <number> if they want the item.

The player running this addon must have raid lead or raid assist permission to announce the winner publicaly.

Basic Instructions

  • Only one person needs to run this addon.
  • Link an item in raid chat and add a number after it: "[Psyche Shredder] 414"
  • Use "/roll 414" to roll on the item linked
  • After two minutes, the winner will be announced

Slash Commands

/lrl or /lootrollledger <command>

enable - Enable or disable all addon functionality (toggle)

reporting - Enable or disable reporting results to raid chat (toggle)

debug - Enable or disable additional logging (toggle)

clear - Clear all active loot rolls

instructions - Post rolling instructions to raid chat

search - Search previous item rolls

history - Display loot roll history window

Improvement Opportunities
  • If the same item is linked by different players they will be tracked separately
  • Roll ties are not handled correctly and only one of the two ties will be announced

# Changes made to v1.2 (2022-05-24):
- [Full ChangeLog](
- [Previous Releases](
- Updated screenshot of new history window [a32efcb]
- Created new loot history window [cba54ea]
- Interface version bump to 90200 [0660805]
- Update toc interface version to latest [278d06c]
- Options window cleanup and reorg [bc69715]
- Interface version bump [18779f9]
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