Updated: 07-03-21 04:42 PM
File Info
Chains of Domination (9.1.0)
Updated:07-03-21 04:42 PM
Created:09-04-19 06:58 PM
Categories:Map, Coords, Compasses, Miscellaneous, Plug-Ins & Patches

HandyNotes: TravelGuide  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

Version: 2.6.1
by: Dathwada [More]

TravelGuide is a plugin for HandyNotes to show the portal, boat and zeppelin locations on the world map and the mini map. (Requires HandyNotes.)

Classic Version: HandyNotes: TravelGuide (Classic)


  • icon scale and alpha.
  • toggle visibility of:

    * Portals / Order hall portals / Warfront portals
    * Boats
    * Alliance Boats (If you play Horde, it displays the Alliance boats.)
    * Zeppelins
    * Horde Zeppelins (If you play Alliance, it displays the Horde zeppelins.)
    * Deeprun Tram
    * Notes
  • Support for TomTom Waypoints.
  • Easy Waypoint (Set a waypoint by right-clicking a node and access to more options by CTRL + right-clicking)
  • Notes for the portals, zepplins and boats.
  • Level, quest, time travel (i.e. Tirisfal Glades) and sanctum upgrade check.
    * , - (Level, quest, time travel or sanctum upgrade requirement are unfulfilled)

LocalizationIf you wish to help localize TravelGuide, please go to Localization.

Issues and Suggestion

Please go to Issues to submit any issue found or any suggestion.

#### v2.6.1 (July 04, 2020)
* Added the new "Portal" to Keeper's Respite (Korthia)

#### v2.6.0 (June 30, 2021)
* Added quest and level requirements to the tooltip for multi destination POI's
* Added Portal to Caverns of Time in Shattrath (Zephyr) with a reputations requirement
* Added Petbattle Portals (Manapoof) with quest requirements
* Added toggle options for the new Petbatte Portals
* Fix localizations for Portal to Torghast
* Fix typo in deDE
* Bump .toc to 90100

#### v2.5.1 (March 27, 2021)
* Fixed leaked variables
* Fixed the mixed portal warfront notes
* Added / Updated .toc localization notes
* Updated frFR by [shaiandra](

#### v2.5.0 (March 10, 2021)
* Added the missing Venthyr portal to oribos
* Added Latin American Spanish by [Irakua]( and [dogstryker](
* Updated ruRU by [Golowolom]( and [dadec666](
* Updated esES by [Irakua](, deDE, frFR, ptBR
* Background changes (individual scale and alpha options)
* Bump .toc to 90005

#### v2.4.0 (December 20, 2020)
* Fixed Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms localization [#4](
* Updated Traditional Chinese translation by [lostindark0](
* Background changes with requirements and warfront states and notes

#### v2.3.0 (November 18 , 2020)
* Added new teleport platforms in Oribos
* Added the new travel network tier 3 covenant sanctum Portal to Oribos
* More background changes
* Bump .toc to 90002

#### v2.2.1 (November 09 , 2020)
* Updated AceTimer-3.0
* Updated zhTW (95,85%) and zhCN (90,67%) (thanks [lostindark0](
* Fixed the icon behavior for portals with quest and/or level requirements
* Added some level requirements for portals
* Some background changes in DB.lua and handler.lua for multilabels with and without notes and timetravel
* Removed the Covenant Travel Network (because Blizzard has added it to the map.)

*v2.2.0 (October 14, 2020)
- Finally found a way to track the timezones for Darkshore, Arathi Highlands, Tirisfal Glades and Sillithus
- Added some new Shadowlands stuff
- Portal to Oribos in Orgrimmar and Stormwind
- Portals and Teleport platforms in Oribos
- Anima Gateways to Hero's rest in Bastion
- Covenant Travel Network
- Added new icons for the new stuff
- Added new options to toggle the new stuff
- Rework config
- Added Tabs: General and Scale / Alpha
- Added faction requirement for toggle zeppelin, horde zeppelin and alliance boat
- Added individual scale and alpha options for portals, boats, zeppelins, covenant and others
- Added a requirement for the Easy Waypoints function
- Added Simplified Chinese (zhCN) localization from mmk5 (83,03%)
- Added Traditional Chinese (zhTW) localization from lostindark2 (59,63%)
- Added Spanish (esES) localization created with Tables (36,24%)
- Added French (frFR) localization created with Tables and ingame reviews (72,48%)
- Added Russian (ruRU) localization created with Tables (45,87%)
- Tooltip should now refresh after RETRIEVING DATA... (for quest names)
- Added new requirement notes for time travel and the covenant travel network

* v2.1.5 (August 26, 2020)
- Added Brazilian Portuguese (ptBR) localization from angel333119
- Added mage order hall portals that are activated through the order advancement "teleportation nexus"
- 3 new lines (needs review for ptBR)

* v2.1.4 (July 22, 2020)
- new feature: easy waypoints allows you to set a waypoint by right-clicking any POI (point of interest) and access to more options by CTRL + right-clicking (ON by default you can turn it off in the settings)
- new boat icon for uncompleted quests

* v2.1.3 (January 19, 2020)
- Bumped version number for WoW 8.3
- removed a copie file from Handler.lua
- edited german translation
- fixed Warfrontportals when both portals are active for one faction.
- added Portal to Orgrimmar (horde) and Portal to Stormwind (allianz) in the new vale of eternal blossoms (Pandaria)

* v2.1.2 (Dezember 05, 2019)
- Added warfront portal locations.
- Added option to toggle warfront portals.
- Added request which warfront portal is currently available.
- Added Libs folder (AceTimer-3.0, not included in Handynotes)
- Added Portal to Dalaran (Vindikaar / Argus)
- Added new lines to enUS.lua, deDE.lua, blank.lua
- Bumped version number for WoW 8.2.5
- fixed warrior orderhall portal in Thunder Totem (Highmountain, Broken Isle)
- fixed portal in helheim (Stormheim, Broken Isle)
- removed fraktions requirement from 2 Portals in Kalimdor.
- You can use Portal to Exodar and Portal to Darnassus as horde too.

* v2.1.1 (September 15, 2019)
- removed Libs folder (LibBabble-SubZone-3.0)
- Added more quest requirements to portals
- Added portals for all legion class order halls
- Added new icon for Warrior portals
- Added option to toggle order hall portals
- Added new lines to enUS.lua, deDE.lua, blank.lua

* v2.1.0 (July 31, 2019)
- Now you can toggle the notes from portals, boats and zeppelins with more than one destinations
- Added level and quest check to display unusable portals with a red portal.
- Added level and quest info for unusable portals.
- Added new lines to deDE.lua, enUS.lua and blank.lua
- Added Portal to
- Orgrimmar and Stormwind in Azsuna and Broken Isle
- Boralus in Sillithus and Kalimdor (only Alliance)
- Stormheim in Helheim
- Removed Gyrocopter to Mechagon
- Corrected portal to Undercity in Northend (Howling Fjord)
- Better icons for horde zepplins, neutral and alliance boats
- Deeprun Tram now has its own icon
- Added option to show/hide Deeprun Tram
- The area in the tooltip of notes and spells was swapped
- Updated .toc
- removed .png images

* v2.0.0 (July 20, 2019)
- removed portals that no longer exist from DB.lua.
- added new portals to DB.lua.
- added Horde Zeppelins for Alliance (new Icon)
- added Alliance Boats for Horde (new Icon)
- overhauled Handler.lua to the new BFA UiMapIDs
- overhauled the DB.lua to the new BFA UiMapIDs
- edited Constants.lua
- edited Config.lua
- edited deDE.lua (german localization) tested in EU - Germanclient
- edited enUS.lua tested in EU - englishclient
- edited blank.lua
- edited Locales.xml
- edited .toc
- TomTom Support (set Waypoints) is working now.
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06-30-21 08:39 AM

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