Updated: 09-30-24 01:35 PM
File Info
Classic (1.15.2)
Updated:09-30-24 01:35 PM
Created:09-04-19 01:48 PM
Categories:nUI+ Full Version, Classic - General, nUI: Core

nUI [Classic]  Updated this week!

by: Xrystal [More]

Last year Scott made the decision to step away from nUI development and maybe even WOW itself. So that his baby would go forward without his assistance he placed the addon under Creative Commons license to enable others to carry on maintaining it. I was one of the people he asked if I wanted to be one of the developers going forward. At the time I wasn't playing the game at all due to funds but as per usual, expansion came along and it was time to get my characters up to speed, as well as my addons. So I monitored the CurseForge page and found disappointing customers, I then emailed Scott and had no reply. I decided I would take up the baton and try and keep it at least running with as few problems as possible, my skills are not on par with Scott so it may take me longer to identify some errors than it would for him.

Scott's Last Patch Notes
* Updated TOC for WoW
* Re-released under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommerical 3.0 Unported license

nUI is no longer author supported and is released to the public in the hopes that the
community will continue to support and grow nUI in the years to come. My sincere
thanks to everyone over the years who have helped make nUI what it is (was).

I will keep this maintained as long as I am able to and try to keep WOW non access to a period of working I will of course fix any errors that are identifiable without access, or available via lowbie access if money causes me to take another break.

Going Forward
Depending on the legalities of the license, I will either attempt to create a more robust version of nUI using the newer Blizzard API functionality or more likely attempt to create my own UI from scratch, that works in a similar vein to nUI for those that just can't play without it, I sure missed those InfoPanels

I've now been added as an author on the curse project for nUI so can you please post any bugs and issues there where possible so that they can be tracked that little bit easier. But feel free to post here if you are unable to.

Latest Version Uploaded
WOW Expansion: Classic
WOW Interface: 11504
WOW Version:

nUI [Beta] - Retail / Classic
> Intermediate Patches prior to moving to Release
nUI [Alpha] - Retail / Classic
> Development Versions for long term testing - say for an enhancement or Pre Expansion Updates
nUI [Retail]
> Release Versions for the Current Retail Servers
nUI [Classic]
> Release Versions for the Current Classic Servers

Classic / Retail
Due to my version numbering system I have decided to keep Classic and Retail versions separate but there may be multiple Beta/Alpha versions about but the file name will confirm which nUI/WoW version it is for.

* nUI_Minimap.lua
> Minimap frame name changed ... again ...

* nUI.lua
> alpha value was out of 0 .. 1 range so corrected.

Added the changes applied in

And ...

* nUI_Button.lua
> Attempt to fix this error message
23x Usage: self:SetVertexColor(color [, a])
[string "=[C]"]: in function `SetVertexColor'
[string "@nUI/Bars/nUI_Button.lua"]:1263: in function <nUI/Bars/nUI_Button.lua:1110>

> Another attempt at getting rid of the duplicate grid when moving buttons
> It was basically adjusting the normaltexture alpha value we had preset before.

* nUI_Button.lua
> Removed normal texture layer .. again .. hopefully permanently
> This is done by setting the alpha value to 0 so it is invisible.
> However, the grid frame still shows when you are moving icons around.

* nUI_ButtonBar.lua
* nUI_Hud.lua
* nUI_InfoPanel.lua
* nUI_UnitPanel.lua
> Commented out reference to the keybinding instructions and the
> call to the nUI keybinding frame from the above buttons.

This is a minor update, in the case that people forget what I have done and use the ctrl-alt-rightclick
combination to activate the nUI Keybinding frame. Before this fix it will cause an error.

Don't worry, I haven't fully removed it. Just in case it gets to return at a later date.

The following might not be the only issues caused by the additions Blizzard did without details
But, they are ones that happened on log in.

Error : Not sure why it happens but for some reason, nUI's Key Binding frame causes issues with nUI's Keybinding system
3x ...aceBlizzard_BindingUI/Blizzard_BindingUI.lua:156: attempt to index field 'key1Button' (a nil value)
> nUI_Integration.xml - Commented out nUI's Keybinding Frame
> Bindings.xml - Made adjustments to use the new constant based Category values to create addon based keybinds
> localization.lua and other localization files - Added US/UK English based constants for the new Keybinding categories

Error: This is due to a change forcing binary values to 0 and 1 rather than nil for 0
83x ...youts/Default/InfoPanels/nUI_InfoPanel_CombatLog.lua:426: attempt to call field 'showButtons' (a nil value)
> nUI_InfoPanel_CombatLog.lua - Changed nil to 0

Error: Not quite the same reason, but, in this case the alpha should be going from 0 to 1 but was hitting a value more than 1 due to a coding error
3x nUI/Main/nUI.lua:366: bad argument #1 to 'SetAlpha' (Usage: self:SetAlpha(alpha))
> nUI.lua - Calculation corrected to get range between 0 and 1

Error: This is linked to the Blizzard Achievement addon that wasn't added until Wrath
37x ...ns/Blizzard_AchievementUI/Blizzard_AchievementUI.lua:680: attempt to index global 'AchievementMicroButton' (a nil value)

Error: These are linked to the Blizzard Calendar addon that wasn't added until Wrath
12x SharedXML/SharedUIPanelTemplates.xml:1474 Texture Texture: Unable to load atlas entry UI-Frame-DiamondMetal-Header-CornerRight
10x SharedXML/SharedUIPanelTemplates.xml:1480 Texture Texture: Unable to load atlas entry _UI-Frame-DiamondMetal-Header-Tile
16x SharedXML/SharedUIPanelTemplates.xml:1468 Texture Texture: Unable to load atlas entry UI-Frame-DiamondMetal-Header-CornerLeft
> nUI_Movers.lua - Commented out references to the Achievement and Calendar addons

Visual Issue : Buttons ( action buttons and bag bar buttons ) keep having their Normal textures reapplied by Blizzard.

> nUI_Button.lua - Set normal texture alpha to invisible
> nUI_BagBar.lia - Set normal texture alpha to invisible

Based on nUI

* nUI_Minimap.lua - Renamed MinimapTracking back to MinimapTrackingFrame
* nUI_Movers.lua - Removed GuildBankUI mover frame

The above are TBC changes removed for Classic use

The following TBC Updates for nUI were added since the Classic version of nUI was released - amongst some Classic to TBC Changes

>> see the patches folder for details.

Incorporated a 9.0.2 change to allow libdbicons to appear properly in the button bag.

* nUI_ButtonBag.lua

Fixed error : attempt to call global 'GetInspectSpecialization' (a nil value)

* nUI_UnitSpec.lua

Changes made to the following files fixed the problem of bar changing during combat ( rogue stealth and druid forms ) and fixing the problem with focus frame appearing behind the minimap instead of in place of.

* nU_ButtonBar.lua
* nUI_Minimap.lua

Previous Classic Updates

After some confusion over what people were talking about rofl
I finally realised that the MinimapTracking frame had its name
changed from MinimapTrackingFrame to MinimapTracking so changed
it back for Classic. And restored the code that kept it out of
the button bag. It is now nicely placed as the first icon on the
top left outside of the minimap if nUI is managing the minimap.

Files Changed:
* nUI_ButtonBag.lua - Added MinimapTrackingFrame to the excluded
icon list
* nUI_Minimap.lua - Located MinimapTrackingFrame icon to the top
left external portion of the minimap.

> Where is my Quest Watcher ? Oops

* nUI_Movers.lua - Forgot to make sure the original QuestWatchFrame
is added to the watcher system

> Implemented the Fixes applied since Classic went live
> Details below

================================================================ ( Various Bugs ) - Never Uploaded

> Includes Fixes applied under the following beta update versions:
* - Grouping up caused unknown role errors
* - Wrong Level showing
* - Chatframe buttons on the left and off screen
* - Questie Compatibility
* - Error while inspecting someone
* - Keybinds not saving between sessions
* - Hunter/Warlock pet problems
* - TitanClassic support
* - Group Loot not showing
* - Button Bag error while in combat

> Files Changed:

* nUI_ChatFrame.lua - Removed nUI's Button Positioning code as it
caused issues with undocked frames being docked again but positioned
them so that they are off screen and the text flow was within the box.
> The only limitation now is that resizing won't allow you to fit inside
the frame. /nUI rl will reposition the frames if nUI is managing them.
> Also removed the ChatConversationButton and FriendsMicroButton which
doesn't exist in Classic.
> Also stopped the ChatButton from flashing on mouseover.

* nUI_UnitLevel.lua - Ensure we are looking at the player data for player level updating
> 1st Choice : nUI_Unit.PlayerInfo.level for the stored player level
> 2nd Choice : unit_info.level for the recently stored unit level if its for the player
> 3rd Choice : UnitLevel( "player" ) to get a new version of the data if none exist
> Hopefully this will help resolve some of the unit level issues being seen

* nUI_Role.lua - Removed Tank/Healer/DPS Roles as non existant
* nUI_PetBar.lua - Applies Normal texture removal in use on other bars but not the Classic Pet Bar
* nUI_Units.xml - Added nUI_UnitHappiness.lua file
* nUI_Unit.lua - Added code from old version of nUI to create the PetFeeder/Happiness Button
* nUI_UnitHappiness.lua - Taken from an old version of nUI
* nUI_PetFeeder.lua - Taken from an old version of nUI
* nUI_UnitSkin_SoloPet.lua - Added PetFeeder/Happiness Button
* nUI_UnitSkin_PartyPet.lua - Added PetFeeder/Happiness Button
* nUI_UnitSkin_Raid10Pet.lua - Added PetFeeder/Happiness Button
* nUI_UnitSkin_Raid25Pet.lua - Added PetFeeder/Happiness Button
* nUI_UnitSkin_Raid40Pet.lua - Added PetFeeder/Happiness Button
* nUI_Movers.lua - Removed Group Loot from nUI's Mover System
* nUI_ButtonBag.lua - Delay opening of the button bag if in combat.

* nUI_BrokerDisplay.lua - Changed Titan to TitanClassic for compatibility
> Remember that you will still need to use the mover system as the rest of the frames
> will not auto shift only the top and bottom bars will shift.
> You may also need to use the /nui hud vofs x slash command to raise the hud area so
> that the range text is not intruding.

================================================================ ( Login Errors ) - Never Uploaded
> Errors Reported by Bugsack:
* nUI\Bars\nUI_ButtonBar.lua:308: attempt to index global 'OverrideActionBarLeaveFrameLeaveButton' (a nil value)
* nUI\Integration\nUI_Minimap.lua:310: attempt to index global 'QueueStatusMinimapButton' (a nil value)
* nUI\Integration\nUI_Minimap.lua:323: attempt to index global 'MiniMapTracking' (a nil value)
* nUI\Plugins\nUI_Location.lua:417: attempt to index global 'MiniMapInstanceDifficulty' (a nil value)
* nUI\Bars\nUI_TrackerBars.lua:121: attempt to index field 'options' (a nil value)
* nUI\Units\nUI_UnitFeedback.lua:694: attempt to call global 'UnitThreatSituation' (a nil value)
* nUI\Bars\nUI_ButtonBar.lua:106: attempt to call global 'SaveBindings' (a nil value)
* nUI\Bars\nUI_SpecialBars.lua:204: attempt to index global 'nUI_PossessBar' (a nil value)

> Files Changed:
* nUI_ButtonBar.lua - Removed OverrideActionBarLeaveFrameLeaveButton references
* nUI_Minimap.lua - Removed QueueStatusMinimapButton and GarrisonLandingPageMinimapButton and MinimapTracking references
* nUI_UnitFeedback.lua - Removed Threat Functionality
* nUI_ButtonBar.lua - Changed SaveBindings to AttemptToSaveBindings
* nUI_KeyBinding.lua - Changed SaveBindings to AttemptToSaveBindings
* nUI_Location.lua - Removed reference to MiniMapInstanceDifficulty
* nUI_TrackerBars.lua - Only update options if they are ready to be updated
* nUI_SpecialBars.lua - Removed remaining references to PossessBar

================================================================ ( Login Errors ) - Never Uploaded
> Errors Reported by Bugsack:
* nUI\Plugins\nUI_Movers.lua:625: attempt to index global 'VehicleSeatIndicator' (a nil value)
* nUI\Bars\nUI_ButtonBar.lua:303: attempt to call global 'GetVehicleBarIndex' (a nil value)
* nUI\Integration\\nUI_Minimap.lua:464: attempt to index local 'objectiveFrame' (a nil value)
* nUI\Bars\nUI_MicroMenu.lua:144: attempt to index local 'firstButton' (a nil value)
* nUI\Bars\nUI_TrackerBars.lua:121: attempt to index field 'options' (a nil value)
* nUI\Units\nUI_UnitCasting.lua:505: attempt to call upvalue 'UnitCastingInfo' (a nil value)

> Files Changed:
* nUI_Movers.lua - Removed last VehicleSeatIndicator reference
* nUI_ButtonBar.lua - Removed GetVehicleBarIndex references
* nUI_Minimap.lua - Replaced ObjectiveTracker with QuestWatchFrame
* nUI_MicroMenu.lua - First Button is the CharacterButton not Store or EncounterJournal
* nUI_UnitCasting.lua - Replaced UnitCastingInfo and UnitChannelInfo to CastingInfo and ChannelInfo for players only.

================================================================ ( Login Errors ) - Never Uploaded
> Errors Reported by Bugsack:
* nUI\Bars\nUI_CooldownBar.lua:363: Attempt to register unknown event "EQUIPMENT_SETS_CHANGED"
* nUI\Bars\nUI_MicroMenu.lua:99: hooksecurefunc(): MainMenuMicroButton_PositionAlert is not a function
* nUI\Units\nUI_UnitChange.lua:160: Attempt to register unknown event "PLAYER_FOCUS_CHANGED"
* nUI\Units\nUI_UnitRange.lua:232: Attempt to register unknown event "PLAYER_SPECIALIZATION_CHANGED"
* nUI\Units\nUI_UnitSpec.lua:207: Attempt to register unknown event "PLAYER_TALENT_UPDATE"
* nUI\Units\nUI_UnitThreat.lua:139: Attempt to register unknown event "UNIT_THREAT_LIST_UPDATE"
* nUI\Plugins\nUI_Movers.lua:660: attempt to index global 'VehicleSeatIndicator' (a nil value)
* nUI\Bars\nUI_ButtonBar.lua:304: attempt to call global 'GetOverrideBarIndex' (a nil value)
* FrameXML\SecureHandlers.lua:761: Invalid reference frame > nUI\Bars\nUI_SpecialBars.lua:325:
* nUI\Main\nUI- attempt to index field 'nUI: Cannot register %s for skinning... frame does not have an applySkin() method' (a nil value) > nUI\Units\nUI_UnitRange.lua:202
* nUI\HUD\nUI_HUD.lua:1281: attempt to call method 'registerUnitChangeCallback' (a nil value)
* nUI\Units\nUI_UnitCache.lua:634: attempt to call method 'updateSpecInfo' (a nil value)
* nUI\Integration\nUI_Minimap.lua:464: attempt to index local 'objectiveFrame' (a nil value)
* nUI\Integration\nUI_ChatFrame.lua:68: attempt to index global 'QuickJoinToastButton' (a nil value)
* nUI\Bars\nUI_TrackerBars.lua:121: attempt to index field 'options' (a nil value)
* nUI\Units\nUI_UnitReaction.lua:400: attempt to call method 'registerUnitChangeCallback' (a nil value)
* nUI\Units\nUI_UnitRange.lua:219: attempt to call method 'refreshRangeCallbacks' (a nil value)
* nUI\Units\nUI_UnitThreat.lua:104: attempt to call method 'refreshThreatCallbacks' (a nil value)

> Files Changed:
* nUI_CooldownBar.lua - Removed Equipment Sets Functionality
* nUI_MicroMenu.lua - Removed MainMenuMicroButton Alert functionality (from the right file)
* nUI_UnitChange.lua - Removed Focus Functionality
* nUI_UnitRange.lua - Removed Talent Specialization Functionality
* nUI_UnitSpec.lua - Replace Talent/Specialization Functionality with Point System
* nUI_UnitThreat.lua - Removed Threat List Events
* nUI_Movers.lua - Removed Vehicle Seal Indicator Functionality and the rest of the Pet Battle stuff
* nUI_ButtonBar.lua - Removed OverrideActionBarIndex Command
* nUI_SpecialBars.lua - Removed PossessBar Functionality
* nUI_ChatFrame.lua - Removed QuickJoinToastButton Functionality

================================================================ ( Login Errors ) - Never Uploaded
> Errors Reported by Bugsack:
* nUI\Plugins\nUI_Location.lua:93: attempt to index global 'MiniMapInstanceDifficulty' (a nil value)
* nUI\Plugins\nUI_Movers.lua:955: Attempt to register unknown event "PET_BATTLE_OPENING_START"
* nUI\Bars\nUI_CooldownBar.lua:362: Attempt to register unknown event "PLAYER_TALENT_UPDATE"
* nUI\Bars\nUI_MicroMenu.lua:99: hooksecurefunc(): MainMenuMicroButton_PositionAlert is not a function
* nUI\Bars\nUI_PossessBar.lua:55: CreateFrame(): Couldn't find inherited node "PossessButtonTemplate"
* nUI\Bars\nUI_ExtraActionBar.lua:47: attempt to index local 'f' (a nil value)
* nUI\Bars\nUI_HonorBar.lua:159: Attempt to register unknown event "HONOR_XP_UPDATE"
* nUI\Bars\nUI_ArtifactBar.lua:178: Attempt to register unknown event "ARTIFACT_UPDATE"
* nUI\Bars\nUI_AzeriteBar.lua:223: Attempt to register unknown event "AZERITE_ITEM_POWER_LEVEL_CHANGED"
* nUI\Bars\nUI_TrackerBars.lua:66: attempt to index global 'AZERITE_POWER_BAR' (a nil value)
* nUI\Bars\nUI_BagBar.lua:377: attempt to call method 'lockFrame' (a nil value)
* nUI\Integration\nUI_Tooltips.lua:349: attempt to call method 'lockFrame' (a nil value)
* nUI\HUD\nUI_HUD.lua:1281: attempt to call method 'registerUnitChangeCallback' (a nil value)
* nUI\Units\nUI_UnitCache.lua:634: attempt to call method 'updateSpecInfo' (a nil value)
* nUI\Bars\nUI_ButtonBar.lua:830: attempt to call method 'lockFrame' (a nil value)

> Files Changed:
* nUI_Location.lua - Removed MiniMap and Guild InstanceDifficulty Functionality
* nUI_Movers.lua - Removed Pet Battle Events Functionality
* nUI_Cooldown.lua - Replace Talent/Specialization Functionality with Point System
* nUI_MicroMenu.lua - Removed MainMenuMicroButton Alert functionality
* nUI_PossessBar.lua - Removed file from this version of nUI
* nUI_ExtraActionBar.lua - Removed file from this version of nUI
* nUI_HonorBar.lua - Removed file from this version of nUI
* nUI_ArtifactBar.lua - Removed file from this version of nUI
* nUI_AzeriteBar.lua - Removed file from this version of nUI
* nUI_TrackerBars.lua - Removed additional tracker bars from its system

================================================================ ( Dependency Missing ) - Never Uploaded
> Classic doesn't have a Blizzard_ObjectiveTracker addon
> Files Changed:
* nUI.toc - Removed Dependency of Blizzard_ObjectiveTracker addon
- Interface Number updated to Classic version

================================================================ ( Base Code Retail ) - Never Uploaded
Base Code from Retail is
Optional Files (0)

Archived Files (4)
File Name
04-21-24 07:27 PM
09-30-23 02:43 PM
09-29-23 08:01 PM
12-08-22 07:41 PM

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Unread 09-30-23, 02:45 PM  
nUI Maintainer
Xrystal's Avatar
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Just to confirm that after doing the Wrath Classic equivalent changes I noticed that I do have to remove the text and stop the keybinding frame from trying to appear or oopsie errors when someone forgets and tries to use the ctrl-alt-right click combination to show it.

This is now being uploaded

All Level 70 Characters:
Demon Warlock
Resto Druid
Disc Priest
Resto Shaman
Survival Hunter
Augment Evoker
Frost Mage
Vengence Demon Hunter
Rogue ( was subtlety )

Brewmaster Monk (TR)
Prot Paladin (TR)
Blood Death Knight ( TR)

As you can see I am missing a warrior

And .. I don't have all the allied races covered. Time Runner time when it happens again

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Unread 09-29-23, 08:09 PM  
nUI Maintainer
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1.14.4 Errors Corrected But ...

Update is pending but all the errors I was receiving on log in to Classic Era Wow has gone.

The But is for ...

I had to remove nUI's Keybinding facility but I didn't check to see if I had to remove the buttons keybind instructions that appear when you mouse over them.

The good news is though, that nUI's Keybinds should exist quite fine in the Blizzard Keybinding section of the new Dragonflight inspired Options screen. This has also been revised to use a better localised ( well I've only done English versions ) of the categories for the keybinds for nUI.

All Level 70 Characters:
Demon Warlock
Resto Druid
Disc Priest
Resto Shaman
Survival Hunter
Augment Evoker
Frost Mage
Vengence Demon Hunter
Rogue ( was subtlety )

Brewmaster Monk (TR)
Prot Paladin (TR)
Blood Death Knight ( TR)

As you can see I am missing a warrior

And .. I don't have all the allied races covered. Time Runner time when it happens again

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Unread 09-28-23, 07:33 PM  
nUI Maintainer
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1.14.4 Error List

It appears I either didn't get around to fixing these errors. Or forgot to upload them when I did.

Unfortunately my computer died on me and I lost some files and had to choose which files needed saving for when the new computer was set up. Addons I had thought were already up to date were amongst the latter.

That said, whilst checking for something else I noticed these errors and thought they were new ( it was a year ago after all ). I'll post them here and I will hopefully get these sorted asap.

The following are log in errors that appear to have surfaced after Blizzard updated nUI Classic to 1.14.4. I will endeavour to fix these and any others I come across and any visuals that don't quite look right for Classic.

Error 1 :

1x ...aceBlizzard_BindingUI/Blizzard_BindingUI.lua:156: attempt to index field 'key1Button' (a nil value)
[string "@Blizzard_BindingUI/Blizzard_BindingUI.lua"]:156: in function `KeyBindingFrame_LoadKeyBindingButtons'
[string "@Blizzard_BindingUI/Blizzard_BindingUI.lua"]:64: in function <...aceBlizzard_BindingUI/Blizzard_BindingUI.lua:59>
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: in function `LoadAddOn'
[string "@nUI/Integration/nUI_KeyBinding.lua"]:45: in function <nUI/Integration/nUI_KeyBinding.lua:41>

Error 2 :

1x ...youts/Default/InfoPanels/nUI_InfoPanel_CombatLog.lua:306: Usage: self:SetClampedToScreen(clampedToScreen)
[string "=[C]"]: in function `SetClampedToScreen'
[string "@nUI/Layouts/Default/InfoPanels/nUI_InfoPanel_CombatLog.lua"]:306: in function `setEnabled'
[string "@nUI/Layouts/Default/InfoPanels/nUI_InfoPanel_CombatLog.lua"]:144: in function <...youts/Default/InfoPanels/nUI_InfoPanel_CombatLog.lua:134>
[string "@nUI/Main/ExceptionHandler.lua"]:53: in function <nUI/Main/ExceptionHandler.lua:53>
[string "=[C]"]: in function `xpcall'
[string "@nUI/Main/ExceptionHandler.lua"]:53: in function `SafeCall'
[string "@nUI/Integration/nUI_InfoPanel.lua"]:747: in function `applyScale'
[string "@nUI/Integration/nUI_InfoPanel.lua"]:872: in function `applyOptions'
[string "@nUI/Integration/nUI_InfoPanel.lua"]:901: in function `applySkin'
[string "@nUI/Main/nUI.lua"]:243: in function <nUI/Main/nUI.lua:82>

Error 3 :

1x ...ns/Blizzard_AchievementUI/Blizzard_AchievementUI.lua:422: attempt to concatenate local 'numAchievements' (a nil value)
[string "@Blizzard_AchievementUI/Blizzard_AchievementUI.lua"]:422: in function `AchievementFrameCategories_DisplayButton'
[string "@Blizzard_AchievementUI/Blizzard_AchievementUI.lua"]:356: in function `AchievementFrameCategories_Update'
[string "@Blizzard_AchievementUI/Blizzard_AchievementUI.lua"]:267: in function <...ns/Blizzard_AchievementUI/Blizzard_AchievementUI.lua:223>
[string "=[C]"]: in function `LoadAddOn'
[string "@nUI/Plugins/nUI_Movers.lua"]:630: in function <nUI/Plugins/nUI_Movers.lua:535>

Error 4 :

6x ...ns/Blizzard_AchievementUI/Blizzard_AchievementUI.lua:680: attempt to index global 'AchievementMicroButton' (a nil value)
[string "@Blizzard_AchievementUI/Blizzard_AchievementUI.lua"]:680: in function <...ns/Blizzard_AchievementUI/Blizzard_AchievementUI.lua:642>
[string "=[C]"]: in function `LoadAddOn'
[string "@nUI/Plugins/nUI_Movers.lua"]:630: in function <nUI/Plugins/nUI_Movers.lua:535>

Error 5 :

1x Blizzard_BindingUI/Blizzard_BindingUI.xml:4 Deferred XML Node object named KeyBindingFrameBindingButtonTemplate already exists

All Level 70 Characters:
Demon Warlock
Resto Druid
Disc Priest
Resto Shaman
Survival Hunter
Augment Evoker
Frost Mage
Vengence Demon Hunter
Rogue ( was subtlety )

Brewmaster Monk (TR)
Prot Paladin (TR)
Blood Death Knight ( TR)

As you can see I am missing a warrior

And .. I don't have all the allied races covered. Time Runner time when it happens again

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Unread 12-08-22, 06:31 PM  
nUI Maintainer
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Classic 1.14 Update errors in nUI

Because I don't play Classic I didn't come across these set of errors sooner but thanks to someone mentioning it today in response to a general discussion query on the curse page I found out that they did a big API update September 2021.

Thankfully, there is a blue post that says it is now close to the Burning Crusade version. So I will endeavour to get as many errors related to the differences between TBC and Classic out as I can via regular questing/combat testing.

All Level 70 Characters:
Demon Warlock
Resto Druid
Disc Priest
Resto Shaman
Survival Hunter
Augment Evoker
Frost Mage
Vengence Demon Hunter
Rogue ( was subtlety )

Brewmaster Monk (TR)
Prot Paladin (TR)
Blood Death Knight ( TR)

As you can see I am missing a warrior

And .. I don't have all the allied races covered. Time Runner time when it happens again

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Unread 04-07-21, 10:31 AM  
nUI Maintainer
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TBC Classic Compatibility

For those wondering ... I am in the TBC Classic Beta and have started working on updating the Classic version of nUI to work in TBC Classic.

There are 5 main problems in this task and 4 of them are fixed*

1. attempt to call method 'SetBackdrop' (a nil value) = Changed to BackdropTemplate base in 9.0 2.

2. attempt to call global 'AttemptToSaveBindings' (a nil value) = Changed to SaveBindings in 9.0 3.

3. attempt to index global 'MiniMapTrackingFrame' (a nil value) = Changed to MiniMapTracking in 9.0

4.*Font not set - nUI missed off setting unique font objects for the Location Frame text

5. See the below block


"Interface\\FrameXML\\RestrictedExecution.lua:473: Cannot call restricted closure from insecure code"

Process Stack:

[string \"=[C]\"]: ?\n[string \"@Interface\\FrameXML\\RestrictedExecution.lua\"]:473: in function <Interface\\FrameXML\\RestrictedExecution.lua:447>

[string \"=(tail call)\"]: ?

[string \"@Interface\\FrameXML\\SecureHandlers.lua\"]:499: in function <Interface\\FrameXML\\SecureHandlers.lua:473>

[string \"=[C]\"]: in function `SetAttribute'

[string \"@Interface\\FrameXML\\SecureHandlers.lua\"]:743: in function <Interface\\FrameXML\\SecureHandlers.lua:725>

[string \"=(tail call)\"]: ?

[string \"@Interface\\AddOns\\nUI\\Plugins\\nUI_ButtonBag.lua\"]:136: in main chunk"

This is a Blizzard related bug so until they have made that change I won't know how many other changes are needed at log in time to work.* *Once I have a log in friendly version that works with regular levelling and questing I'll post up a version.

All Level 70 Characters:
Demon Warlock
Resto Druid
Disc Priest
Resto Shaman
Survival Hunter
Augment Evoker
Frost Mage
Vengence Demon Hunter
Rogue ( was subtlety )

Brewmaster Monk (TR)
Prot Paladin (TR)
Blood Death Knight ( TR)

As you can see I am missing a warrior

And .. I don't have all the allied races covered. Time Runner time when it happens again

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Unread 09-28-19, 08:26 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Thumbs up Re: Re: nui-classic

Originally Posted by Xrystal
I did reply to your report on the portal. As far as I know zhCN has worked in nUI for years. However, I know some localization errors have been occurring on Classic in certain areas but these are due to Blizzard not making relevant changes in those files.

All I could find that may explain the problem with zhCN users is that the font nUI uses for font1 may have been removed by blizzard.

Here is my response to your earlier request:

All I can suggest is to try other languages and see if you get the same error. If you can select enUS or enGB then try them too. Failing that, the next task is to adjust the localization file for zhCN and try other fonts to see if they exist or upload a new one into the nUI/Layouts/Default/Fonts folder and see if wow classic allows you to load it in game ( I can't remember if they removed that ability ).
Thank you very much!Thank you for your reply!
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Unread 09-27-19, 05:55 AM  
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Re: nui-classic

I did reply to your report on the portal. As far as I know zhCN has worked in nUI for years. However, I know some localization errors have been occurring on Classic in certain areas but these are due to Blizzard not making relevant changes in those files.

All I could find that may explain the problem with zhCN users is that the font nUI uses for font1 may have been removed by blizzard.

Here is my response to your earlier request:

Around line 469 of the file mentioned is this block of code:
if latency.text.fontsize ~= fontsize then
latency.text.fontsize = fontsize;
latency.text:SetFont( nUI_L["font1"], fontsize * 1.75, "OUTLINE" );

Looking in the zHCN language file font1 is set as follows:
nUI_L["font1"] = "Fonts\\FZLBJW.TTF"

With the enUS language file equivalent set as follows:
nUI_L["font1"] = "Fonts\\ARIALN.TTF";

The enUS version works fine in Classic and considering I haven't touched that file since it was originally added, it should be working as it always has. If the problem only exists in the Classic version of nUI then perhaps Blizzard has removed that font from their system for some reason. If the problem exists in both retail and classic then maybe there are no chinese built in fonts. In which case .. if you look near the top of the zhCN localization file you will see lines commented like this :

nUI_L["font1"] = "Interface\\AddOns\\nUI\\Layouts\\Default\\Fonts\\Tw_Cen_MT_Bold.ttf"

These are test lines from an old version of nUI that allowed you to use custom font files inside your addon folder. Unfortunately, I don't know whether they changed that ability but it might be worth trying if this seems to be the only workable option.
All I can suggest is to try other languages and see if you get the same error. If you can select enUS or enGB then try them too. Failing that, the next task is to adjust the localization file for zhCN and try other fonts to see if they exist or upload a new one into the nUI/Layouts/Default/Fonts folder and see if wow classic allows you to load it in game ( I can't remember if they removed that ability ).

All Level 70 Characters:
Demon Warlock
Resto Druid
Disc Priest
Resto Shaman
Survival Hunter
Augment Evoker
Frost Mage
Vengence Demon Hunter
Rogue ( was subtlety )

Brewmaster Monk (TR)
Prot Paladin (TR)
Blood Death Knight ( TR)

As you can see I am missing a warrior

And .. I don't have all the allied races covered. Time Runner time when it happens again

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Unread 09-26-19, 03:15 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Thank you first!Can you help me make a version of the CN server?Now use Infinite to report the following error:
Message: Interface\AddOns\nUI\Plugins\nUI_SysInfo.lua:326: nUI_SysInfo_LatencyBarLabel:SetText(): Font not set
Time: Sat Sep 21 21:24:14 2019
Count: 2
Stack: Interface\AddOns\nUI\Plugins\nUI_SysInfo.lua:326: nUI_SysInfo_LatencyBarLabel:SetText(): Font not set
[C]: in function `SetText'
Interface\AddOns\nUI\Plugins\nUI_SysInfo.lua:326: in function <Interface\AddOns\nUI\Plugins\nUI_SysInfo.lua:277>

Locals: (*temporary) = nUI_SysInfo_LatencyBarLabel {
enabled = true
relative_to = "nUI_SysInfo_LatencyBar"
yOfs = -1.066667
xOfs = 0
relative_pt = "BOTTOMRIGHT"
fontsize = 5.333334
value = "65毫秒"
0 = <userdata>
anchor_pt = "TOPRIGHT"
(*temporary) = "65毫秒"

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Unread 09-08-19, 06:29 PM  
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Classic Combat Log Monitoring Decision

After looking a the combat log output, the aura output and the spell info output. None of the events or functions output a timespan you can use as a guide to anything the target is doing or receiving timewise.

Even a cast bar seems unavailable as the SPELL_CAST_ events do not supply a spellID or name to offer a clue as to what spell they may be casting. Whether there is a castbar addon that works for target enemy I don't know.

However, it seems that WeakAuras for Classic are using a library to gain access to information that they have somehow managed to acquire. I would rather not risk nUI's functionality trying to circumvent Blizzards restriction, so I will leave users the choice of whether to use weakauras as their aura addon, hopefully it will work fine with nUI or at worst a small compatibility update.

So just to confirm, some of the items missing from nUI in Classic that isn't in Retail may be chosen to be inaccessible by Blizzard or an oversight/lack of knowledge by myself during the conversion from Retail to Classic.

All Level 70 Characters:
Demon Warlock
Resto Druid
Disc Priest
Resto Shaman
Survival Hunter
Augment Evoker
Frost Mage
Vengence Demon Hunter
Rogue ( was subtlety )

Brewmaster Monk (TR)
Prot Paladin (TR)
Blood Death Knight ( TR)

As you can see I am missing a warrior

And .. I don't have all the allied races covered. Time Runner time when it happens again

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Unread 09-04-19, 02:09 PM  
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This is an amalgamation of all the updates I have made since Classic went live. I shifted the base version of the code to a more recent version of nUI Retail that included the features that both would have.

Going forward I will have to work on them separately.

I am actively playing Classic at the moment so will spot more bugs than on Retail so your reports would be useful there.

Now that I have nUI Classic somewhat stable I have a set of enhancements to make due to limitations of the Classic game or that would be added to both versions. These will understandably take a while to do and then test so these will be done under the Alpha version of the addon in question ( probably on Classic Version ) so that the bug fix cycle is not affected which uses the Beta/Release versions.

Enhancements so far identified

Classic Only
> Combat Log Monitoring System to hopefully add those missing combat elements Blizzard didn't want to put in our laps rofl.

Both Versions
> Open Up/Down toggle for the inventory bags in case they are moved to a higher element
> Minimap Button Bag Management System to allow users to choose which are displayed around the minimap and keep that option between sessions

All Level 70 Characters:
Demon Warlock
Resto Druid
Disc Priest
Resto Shaman
Survival Hunter
Augment Evoker
Frost Mage
Vengence Demon Hunter
Rogue ( was subtlety )

Brewmaster Monk (TR)
Prot Paladin (TR)
Blood Death Knight ( TR)

As you can see I am missing a warrior

And .. I don't have all the allied races covered. Time Runner time when it happens again

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