Added Atal'ai Signet shoulder enchants from SoD's Signets of the Lost Temple quest turn in of Flask of Nightmarish Mojo.
Added new versions of the SoD Zul'Gurub Leg/Head enchants.
Updated TOC
Updated deDE German translations courtesy of COl3RA79!
Updated TOC
Fixed Backslot's Rune display.
Updated TOC
Updated TOC
Updated TOC
Fixed Era EngravingFrame error.
Updated TOC
Fixed Era EngravingFrame error.
Updated TOC
Fixed spell hit.
Reordered Ranged stats to be consistant with the default paperdoll.
Updated TOC.
Fixed ItemQualityColors alpha display issue.
Fixed DCS Engraving toggle logic to always display DCS unless it is collapsed by the user.
Added Rune options section.
Added an option to display Runes beside the item for better icon visibility.
Updated TOC
Updated the RuneFrame to be EngravingFrame to be compatible and properly hide.
Updated TOC
Added support for SoD Runes.
Updated ToC
Added a separate Ranged Category Header.
Removed ranged stats from the melee stats.
Fine tuned the header Y offsets to be a 7 or 3, because, reasons.
Updated TOC
Updated TOC
Fixed Spellschool iteration errors.
Fixed "TradeSkill", "Craft", and "Talent" UI OnShow and OnHide errors; DCS should hide more consistently while these frames are open.
Updated TOC
Updated TOC with localizations, art, and meta information
Fixed several event functions to only execute when the paper doll frame is open. this should remove any FPS lag hiccups when changing gear or receiving/removing buffs when the paper doll frame is not showing.
Updated TOC.
Fixed several event functions to only execute when the paper doll frame is open. this should remove any FPS lag hiccups when changing gear or receiving/removing buffs when the paper doll frame is not showing.
Updated TOC.
Fixed multiple frame copies being created for lack of existence check.
Subsequently, as fixed above, restored previously removed frame
registrations and their respective functions when equipping/unequipping
Updated TOC.
Fixed multiple frame copies being created for lack of existance check.
Subsequently, as fixed above, restored previously removed frame registrations and their respective functions when equipping/unequipping gear.
Updated TOC.
Fixed Biznicks to change ranged hit.
Fixed in combat stuttering caused by overzealous event registrations.
Updated TOC.
Reverted some German translations back to abbreviated forms.
Updated TOC.
Added translator names to the About section.
Updated French, German, Russian, Simplified and traditional Chinese localizations.
Updated TOC.
Fixed another lag issue with events firing with the addon-wide event frame.
Updated TOC.
Fixed a stuttering issue, too many event's triggering stat creation, doh!
Updated TOC.
Added all current phrases that need translated to CurseForge.
Updated all available localizations to be current, waiting for new ones added, as stated above.
Updated TOC.
Updated German, French, Korean, Russian, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese localizations.
Updated TOC.
* Added Ranged Hit stat to accommodate Biznicks 247x128 Accurascope. Thanks to [vorfare](https://www.curseforge.com/members/vorfare) for specifying the issue.
* Added Block Value stat.
* Fixed itemqualitycolor login error (It should only fire when the paperdoll frame opens, before then it is nil, thus the error).
* Fixed overlapping stat panels' mouseover displays (hid them when...hidden, doh!)
Added checkboxes to show/hide each stat category,
Added an item Quality Glow slider.
Added a CharacterFrame toggle button in InterfaceOptionsPanel.
Added CharacterFrame showing when the DCS InterfaceoptionsPanel shows, i.e. when using a macro /dcstats config or when clicking on the tab.
Added abbreviated enchant labels.
moved the main hand, offhand and ranged weapon enchant labels and their repair/durability labels to fit on the paperdoll better and look more pleasing. Feedback welcome.
Moved bracer and offhand enchant labels when default stats are displayed (requires UI reload).
Updated TOC.
Fixed Crit bonus percentages in tooltips for spells and melee from 150% and 200% to 50% and 100% respectively.
Fixed some German translations.
Added a new quality color icon outline overlay art and folder for quality colors on equipped items.
Updated TOC.
Added MP5 to total Mana Regen's display to reflect what is seen in practice each tick outside of the FSR.
Made Mana Regen display to two decimal places.
Fixed MP5 display.
Added MPT(mana per tick) in the MP5 tooltip.
Fixed Defense display.
Updated TOC.
Added more German translations.
Updated TOC
Added a checkbox option for item quality color borders/
Added shortened German translations from CurseForge user barneyandroid.
Made colored, no-desaturated talent background art the default.
Rearranged option check boxes to make more sense.
Updated TOC
Fixed Equipped item's quality color outlines with the help of CurseForge user wazerFPS
Added functionality that hides the DCS stat panel when skill panel are displayed. it then reshows the panel when skill panels are hidden. The 1302b025 beta had a hacky OnUpdate scheme and playing with schemes using OnLoad on demand were too convoluted. Blizzard has a weird and inconsistent display mechanism for the skill panels. I was literally rewriting how they showed. Not gonna do that. I will just hide the panel so it doesn't overlapp with skill panels.
Updated TOC.
Skill, Craft and Talent frames now move when the DCS panel is open.
Updated the TOC.
Skill, Craft and Talent frames now move when the DCS panel is open.
Added About DCS button and frame to thank all of the contributors to DCS! Thank you!
Fixed a bug with "ADDON_LOADED" where it registered for every addon instead of only DCS...DOH!
Added a couple of new Korean translations.
Updated TOC.
Localizations for French, German, Russian, most Korean, and a little Simplified Chinese
Added Magic school power stats (+ Arcane, + Fire, etc.)
Several weaks to stats and how they are displayed. Major function overhaul of primary stats.
A very few number of stats do not work and will take time to figure out and then implement tooltip scanning to accumulate and then display (Defense is an example)
Removed useless or redundant stats (Spell power for example)
Added a checkbox to Show/Hide the default stat frames
Added a checkbox to Move Resistance frame to default location
Show/hide on mosueover/mouseout, or always show Character Rotation Buttons
Talent art is now according to how many points spent in each tree; the tree with the most points spent is on top, second most in middle, least at bottom
Percentages are now to two decimal places on percentage displays (except for Blizzard's defaults which is to one decimal place).
Updated TOC.
Added scrollbar show/hide checkbox.
Added all other current localization phrases.
Changed several labels and descriptions to be more succinct and congruent with established DCS nomenclature.
Reorganized the checkbox order in the Interface Options Panel.
Updated TOC.
Updated prepared localizations.
Fixed game fonts for Russian, Chinese and Korean languages.
Updated TOC.
Initial Classic localization implementation.
Updated TOC.
Fixed an error with the item quality color of items not being retrievable at login before loading on-demand.
Updated TOC.
Fixed text placement overlap on item frames.
Updated TOC.
Added Enchants? Enchants!
Made options save per character (sorry about that, copypastadrama)
Made weapons a lil more legible when showing stats.
Hopefully fixed Druid swim speed in Aquatic form.
Buncha little stuff I forget, I'll update this changelog should I remember.
Updated TOC.
Cleaned up code a bit
Updated TOC.
Added ranged items to have item displays and be included in mean calculation and display.
Added an alternate placement button for the Expand button.
updated TOC.
Changed mana regen formula.
Updated TOC.
Fixed Movement Speed rounding error.
Fixed background art localization error.
Added template for stat mouseover text and Defense as first stat with mouseover description.
Other stuff I forgot, I'm sure.
Update TOC.
Fixed Ranged Attack position.
Added a hide background art option.
Added a background art desaturation option.
Centered the character model frame.
Made the model rotation buttons hidden unless moused over.
Updated TOC.
Fixed Repair Total display (I left debugging in, DOH!).
Updated TOC.