Updated: 04-12-17 07:06 PM
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Tomb of Sargeras (7.2.0)
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Updated:04-12-17 07:06 PM
Created:10-11-16 04:08 AM

Artifact Hidden Skin Progress Tracker

Version: 2.04
by: Eternal_Lynx [More]

This addon adds progression information to mouse tooltips for your artifact hidden skin color scheme unlocking. (Of course info only appears when you're pointing at your artifact weapons)

It also supports slash command "/ht" to display info to your default chat frame.
So if tooltips become too long or messy for you, open core.lua file of this addon, change "true" on the first line to "false" to disable tooltip info display, and use /ht instead.

This addon supports all clients, but only localized in simplifed & traditional Chinese, and English. Feel free to add your own to core.lua.

Alternatively, if you're sick of addons, you can use these macros below instead, this add-on is just an extended version of these macros:

Lua Code:
  1. /run local a local b=0 for i = 1,GetAchievementNumCriteria(11152) do _, _, _, a = GetAchievementCriteriaInfo(11152,i) b = b + a end print("Dungeons: " .. b .. "/30")
Lua Code:
  1. /run local _,_,_,c, d = GetAchievementCriteriaInfo(11153,1) local _,_,_,e, f = GetAchievementCriteriaInfo(11154,1) print("WQ: "..c.."/"..d) print("Kills: "..e.."/"..f)

*Apr.12 Hotfix: "The requirement 'Complete 100 dungeons while using your Hidden Artifact appearance' to unlock Hidden Artifact appearance color variant 2 has been reduced from 100 to 30 dungeon completions."

*TOC updated.
*L10n updated.

*TOC updated.
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