Updated: 08-30-12 12:35 AM
File Info
Updated:08-30-12 12:35 AM
Created:07-29-10 08:18 PM


Version: 5.0.4a
by: gameldar [More]

MTarget is an addon that (primarily) assists in targeting through the replacement of tokens in macros. It announces the variables to the raid/party to allow synchronization of targets.

Through the replacement of tokens with values macros can be rewritten on the fly as group and situations dictate.

Note: Given that this is working with macros the updating of the macros can only occur when out of combat.

Version 2 removes the use of the unit ids. Using names works better because the group repositioning and tracking could not be performed effectively (zoning in and out of dungeons could easily break it) and wasn't needed.

There is now a minimap icon and menu so you don't need an LDB launch add-on.

To view the command line commands run /mtarget help. For a more detailed description of the commands and menu actions have a look at the Commands page.

There are a number of configurable options for MTarget available in the addon tab of the Interface options. Go to Options for a description of the options.

I would recommend having the following options turned on:

Auto Write Macros

The following are two example macros that I use (for more go to Examples):

Hunter Misdirection Macro Template

/cast [@$tank,help,nodead][target=pet] Misdirection
When joining a party I assign the value tank to the name of the tank by right clicking on their name plate choosing the MTarget menu and the tank option and the macro gets rewritten to replace $tank with the player's name. In this way it can free up focus from tradition focus macros to be used for other uses. So after assigning the value of $tank you end up with the following macros:

Hunter Misdirection Macro

/cast [@MrTank,help,nodead][target=pet] Misdirection
Paladin Beacon of Light Macro Template

/cast [@$maintank,help,nodead][@$offtank,help,nodead][help,nodead] Beacon of Light
When joining a raid I assign the value "maintank to the name of the main tank by right clicking on their name plate choosing the MTarget menu and the maintank option and the same for offtank. The macro gets rewritten to replace $maintank and "$offtank" with the players' names. This goes beyond the scope of a focus macro because you essentially have two focuses. Additionally through the broadcast mechanism the main and offtanks could be assigned by a raid leader and distributed to the raid automatically.

So after assigning the value of $maintank and $offtank you end up with the following macros:

Paladin Beacon of Light Macro

/cast [@MrsMainTank,help,nodead][@MrOffTank,help,nodead][help,nodead] Beacon of Light
For a quick tutorial on using this addon have a look at the Getting Started page

* Fixed up the version tag so it isn't being marked as out-of-date (although it will be in date with patch 5.4!)

* Update version tags for 5.0.4
* Move the Templates button to fit the new layout of the Macro window.

* Make the drop down menu work for raid player targets (which is different from the standard player target drop down).

* Updated version tags for 4.3

* Updated version tags for 4.2
* Fixed up loading of the template button on the Macro dialog if another addon had loaded Blizzard's Macro UI before MTarget was loaded (e.g. MacroSoft)

* Updated version tags for 4.1
* Fixed a bug when trying to set a variable manually if it had a space in it
* Write macros when the addon is loaded (if the autowrite option is on) - this allows you to share macros between characters (in the global macro section) and set a variable to update the spell name for each character - useful for CC macros which generally all look the same, but contain a different spell.

* Updated version tags for 4.0.1

* Actually apply the fixes correctly as stated in 2.1.5. Yay for merge failures.
* Change the output on failure to write macros in combat to be a debug text to stop spam that happens when raid icons are used.

* Fix up the use of deprecated global variable this
* This version is Cataclysm capatible

* Incorporate some missing dependencies so you can use this without having Ace3 installed elsewhere.

* fix up some package dependency issues

* Fix an uninitialized variable error with the templates

* Implemented a proper menu launching from the minimap icon.
* Fixed up profile so that they actually work - this does mean your old configuration settings will had disappeared.
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