Updated: 04-15-09 06:16 AM
Updated:04-15-09 06:16 AM
Created:04-11-09 09:42 PM


Version: 1.0.
by: Fannia [More]

Sends either a funny random message or a simple utility message in the specified channel when a resurrection spell is used. Tell people who you are resurrecting and help maintain smiles after wipes to boot.

works with any client of the game and any rez-capable class.
messages will still only display in english.

toggle it on or off to fit your raid leader's mood

Includes an auto-select channel depending on your preferred channel and current situation.
i.e. if you choose "raid" as your default sending channel, but you are not in a raid, it will try to set the channel to "party". if you aren't even in a party it will set it to "say"

Toggle between simple "Rezzer casting Rez-spell on Dead-player" to funny random messages.

It uses the messages found in the old Serenity addon for priests. Some messages have been altered, some added, but most are exactly the same. A text file should soon be included with a method as to how to modify those messages and add others.

Hide de control panel if it bothers you. everything can still be done via slash commands :

slash commands :


/crez on : activate messages
/crez off : desactivate messages
/crez simple : use simple message : "Casting <spell> on <target>"
/crez random : use random message from a bank of 60 (initialy) possible messages.
/crez say, yell, party, raid : sets the prefered channel.
/crez hide,show : hide or show the control frame

Included in the folder is a txt file that explains how to change the messages or add your own to the bank of quotes. You are free to upload your customized lua file for other people to enjoy and get inspiration from.

other notes: this is my first addon. as such, there might be a lot of optimisation potential, but i won't bother with these for now. The main idea was to recreate the only feature i liked of Serenity : the random rez messages. I'm sorry i didn't ask permission for copy-pasting them, but you guys are in my credits and i thank you for this great bank of fun quotes. ^^

-0.9 : should work for evey clients. added interface pannel for easier setup.
-0.93 : found out why it wasn't showing for anybody else than me. should work for everyone now
-1.0 : added tooltips, fixed some other stuff, removed tracing
-changed zip file's name for the svn
Optional Files (0)

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Unread 01-13-10, 08:36 AM  
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"<target> - all that time-- ...there he was. Just standing there. Regenerating 5, health. Per. Second.",
"<target> - So, as you all know, I play a Shaman.",
"Uh… Strangers... Do they want to share what they got or take what you got? Do you say 'hi' or do you blow them away? Huh, %t?",
"<target> - Even though my teammates are now charred corpses, they continue to cheer.",
"<target> - a Blood Elf Paladin with Crusader Aura on just bubbled and fled in terror.",
"<target> - 'And there's nothing you can do about it' the Troll whispered.",
"<target> - I glared at the Troll.",
"<target> - The Troll glared back at me.",
"<target> - Silence flooded the world.",
"<target> - The end has come! Let the unraveling of this world commence!",
"<target> - Vanquish the Deceiver!",
"<target> - LET THE WORLD BURN!",
"<target> - STICK AROUND!",
"<target> - Your duplicity is hardly surprising.",
"<target> - My people and all of Northrend shall be free!",
"<target> - You are not prepared!",
"<target> - You were not prepared!",
"<target> - Behold the flames of Azzinoth!",
"<target> - Death... Really isn't so bad.",
"<target> - I was the first, you know. For me, the wheel of death has spun many times. ",
"<target> - Your reach exceeds your grasp.",
"<target> - I won't be ignored.",
"<target> - The pain is only the beginning!",
"<target> - Look at what you made me do.",
"<target> - How long do you believe your pathetic sorcery can hold me?",
"<target> - Vermin! Leeches! Take my blood and choke on it!",
"<target> - Illidan is an arrogant fool!",
"<target> - Away, you mindless parasites! My blood is my own!",
"<target> - Beg for life.",
"<target> - Unworthy.",
"<target> - You not so tough after all!",
"<target> - Gronn are the real power in Outland!",
"<target> - You face not Malchezaar alone, but the legions I command!",
"<target> - All realities, all dimensions are open to me!",
"<target> - How can you hope to withstand such overwhelming power?",
"<target> - You are but a plaything, unfit even to amuse.",
"<target> - Your greed, your foolishness has brought you to this end.",
"<target> - Surely you did not think you could win.",
"<target> - Wow, that sucked. Oh well let's try again.",
"<target> - Vengeance burns!",
"<target> - I'll turn your world...upside...down.",
"<target> - Your demise accomplishes nothing!",
"<target> - You will drown in your own blood! The world shall burn!",
"<target> - I foresee no complications at this... wait! What is this!?",
"<target> - No!!! A curse upon you, interlopers!",
"<target> - You have no idea what horrors lie ahead. You have seen nothing!",
"<target> - Death is close.",
"<target> - You are already dead.",
"<target> - You are weak.",
"<target> - You will betray your friends.",
"<target> - You will die.",
"<target> - Your courage will fail.",
"<target> - Your friends will abandon you.",
"<target> - Your heart will explode.",
"<target> - Sands of the desert, rise and block out the sun!",
"<target> - You were terminated.",
"<target> - THIS CANNOT BE!!! Rend, deal with these insects.",
"<target> - Looking for the Red Scepter Shard? Come and get it...",
"<target> - Foolsss...Kill the one in the dress!",
"<target> - Concentrate your attacks upon the healer!",
"<target> - Pain and suffering, are all that await you.",
"<target> - You're not cut out for this!",
"<target> - Common. Such a crude language. Ban'dal!",
"<target> - Enjoy your final moments. Again.",
"<target> - All of your efforts have been in vain,",
"<target> - This world will burn!",
"<target> - All creation will be devoured!",
"<target> - Bow to my will.",
"<target> - Your resistance is insignificant!",
"<target> - No, it cannot be! Noooooooooooooooooo!",
"<target> - As you can see, I have many weapons in my arsenal.",
"<target> - By the power of the sun!",
"<target> - Having trouble staying grounded?",
"<target> - Let us see how you fare when your world is turned upside down.",
"<target> - You gambled...and lost.",
"<target> - Water is life. It has become a rare commodity here.",
"<target> - I did not wish to lower myself by engaging your kind, but you leave me little choice!",
"<target> - The time is now! Leave none on the floor!",
"<target> - You may want to take cover.",
"<target> - Straight to the heart!",
"<target> - Everybody always wanna take from us. Now we gonna start takin' back.",
"<target> - Got me some new me bruddah bear!",
"<target> - You too slow! Me too strong!",
"<target> - Let me introduce to you my new bruddahs: fang and claw!",
"<target> - We never forget. We never die. 'Dis is our land!",
"<target> - Did you think me weak? Soft? Who is the weak one now?!",
"<target> - You'll never leave this life alive.",
"<target> - Lapdogs. All of you!",
"<target> - Your friends will abandon you.",
"<target> - BY FIRE BE PURGED!",
"<target> - Let the games begin.",
"<target> - The Ashbringer…",
"<target> - I was… pure… once…",
"Hail to the king, %t!",
"I'm succeeding you, father!",
"<target> - Forgive me %t, your death only adds to my failure!",
"<target> - HAHAHA!! because mage is EZ SELECT MODE.",
"<target> - I am Qubec so please excuse my unexcellence typing.",
"UPDATE TO THE SKY: %t coming up!",
"<target> - did you say OH NO WHY IS ANIMALS ON MY FACE?!",
"<target> - CAT DURID IS FOR FITE!",
"<target> - Code Monkey get up get coffee?",
"<target> - Are you the ret?",
"<target> - I am the ret.",
"<target> - This is my staff and it's a good one.",
"<target> - Rouges are the most overpowdered class in WoW."
"<target> - We're a generation of men raised by women.",
"<target> - Tyler's not here. Tyler went away. Tyler's gone. ",
"<target> - If you could fight anyone, who would you fight? ",
"<target> - The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men.",
"<target> - Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children.",
"<target> - yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of the dead, I shall fear no evil, for I am the baddest mother****er in that valley!",
"<target> - And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers.",
"<target> - Just because you are a character doesn't mean that you have character.",
"<target> - GET OFF MY LAWN",
"<target> - We are consumers. We're the bi-products of a lifestyle obsession.",
"<target> - Hitting bottom isn't a weekend retreat. Stop trying to control everything and just let go! LET GO!",
"<target> - Without pain, without sacrifice, we would have nothing.",
"<target> - the things you own end up owning you.",
"<target>. You like to eat ice cream and you really enjoy a nice pair of slacks. Years later, a doctor will tell you that you have an I.Q. of 48 and are what some people call mentally retarded.",
"<target> - If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball.",
"<target> - If you can dodge traffic, you can dodge a ball. ",
"<target> - Go ahead, make your jokes, Mr. Jokey... Joke-maker. But let me hit you with some knowledge. Quit now. Save yourself the embarrassment of losing with these losers.",
"<target> - Is it necessary to rez you? Necessary? Is it necessary for me to drink my own urine?",
"Just don't go cryin' to your mommy when I spank you in front of all these people, <target>.",
"<target> - I'm curious, is it strictly apathy, or do you really not have a goal in life?",
"<target> - you're a skidmark on the underpants of society.",
"<target> - I found that if you have a goal, that you might not reach it. But if you don't have one, then you are never disappointed. And I gotta tell ya... it feels phenomenal.",
"<target> - Will someone kill a goddamn boss? It's like watching a bunch of retards trying to hump a doorknob out there!",
"<target> - You happy? Fatty make a funny?",
"<target> - You're adopted! Your parents don't even love you!",
"<target> - Victory. Honor. Pride. All these mean nothing... if you don't have balls.",
"<target> - Here at <Renaissance> we're better than you, and we know it. ",
"<target> - it's time to separate the wheat from the chaff, the men from the boys, the awkwardly feminine from the possibly Canadian.",
"<target> - Ouchtown, population you, bro!",
"<target> - Son, you're about as useful as a cock-flavored lollipop.",
"<target> - YOU GOT SLYCED SON!",
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Unread 09-14-09, 03:54 PM  
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"<target> - If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball.",
"<target> - If you can dodge traffic, you can dodge a ball. ",
"<target> - Go ahead, make your jokes, Mr. Jokey... Joke-maker. But let me hit you with some knowledge. Quit now. Save yourself the embarrassment of losing with these losers in Las Vegas, La Fleur.",
"<target> - Is it necessary to rez you? Necessary? Is it necessary for me to drink my own urine?",
"Just don't go cryin' to your mommy when I spank you in front of all these people, <target>.",
"<target> - I'm curious, is it strictly apathy, or do you really not have a goal in life?",
"<target> - you're a skidmark on the underpants of society.",
"<target> - I found that if you have a goal, that you might not reach it. But if you don't have one, then you are never disappointed. And I gotta tell ya... it feels phenomenal.",
"<target> - Will someone kill a goddamn boss? It's like watching a bunch of retards trying to hump a doorknob out there!",
"<target> - You happy? Fatty make a funny?",
"<target> - You're adopted! Your parents don't even love you!",
"<target> - Victory. Honor. Pride. All these mean nothing... if you don't have balls.",
"<target> - Here at <Renaissance> we're better than you, and we know it. ",
"<target> - it's time to separate the wheat from the chaff, the men from the boys, the awkwardly feminine from the possibly Canadian.",
"<target> - Ouchtown, population you, bro!",
"<target> - Son, you're about as useful as a cock-flavored lollipop.",
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Unread 09-05-09, 10:25 PM  
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"<target>, what's the dealie dude? Are we gonna blow up this tree line or what? Tuk-Tuk and Kim got the blue balls and I wanna let em squirt it for a go... <target>, can he hear me?",
"I need some dudes who speak American god dammit! <target>'s making a ****ing sweater here, I'm tryin' to put Tiger Balm on this jungle's nuts.",
"Yeah, <target>. But seriously, a nutless monkey could do your job.",
"<target>, everybody knows you never go full retard.",
"Hey <target>, I know a place where a man's worth is measured by the ears hanging off his dog tags. Get up and go kill me some, son.",
"Hey, <target>, remember way back when I said your mother was a cankerous ho'? I'm sorry, man. I did not mean that. She's not.",
"<target> - Listen you cherry ****, you call in that snake'n nape and get us some boomboom now!",
"<target> can't be bought, bullied, reasoned or negotiated with. Some people just want to watch the world burn.",
"<target>, you thought we could be decent men in an indecent time. But you were wrong. The world is cruel, and the only morality in a cruel world is chance. Unbiased. Unprejudiced. Fair.",
"<target>, the sensation you are feeling is the quickening.",
"<target>, I am Connor MacLeod of the Clan MacLeod. I was born in 1518 in the village of Glenfinnan on the shores of Loch Shiel. And I am immortal.",
"<target>, why does the sun come up, or are the stars just pinholes in the curtain of night?",
"<target>, I apologize for calling your wife a bloated warthog, and I bid you good day.",
"<target>, I am Juan Sánchez Villalobos Ramírez, Chief metallurgist to King Charles V of Spain. And I'm at your service.",
"<target>, you have the manners of a goat and you smell like a dung-heap. And you've no knowledge whatsoever of your potential. Now, get alive!",
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Unread 09-05-09, 03:16 PM  
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"<target> - This is worse than that time the raccoon got in the copier!",
"And I'm Ron Burgundy. You're a little bitch, San Diego.",
"Hey girl - what do you say if we go out on a date? Have some chicken, maybe some sex... You know, see what happens.",
"Excuse me... is that 'sex panther' you're wearing?",
"Okay, <target>. Let's dance, ****weed. You wanna dance? I wanna polka.",
"Okay, <target>, I'd like to apologize to everyone I've offended with these rez sayings ...NOT!",
"<target> wants you to go slow, and that's wrong because it's the fastest who get paid and it's the fastest who get laid.",
"Repeat after me, <target> - Hakuna Matata, biitches!",
"<target> - Well let me just quote the late-great Colonel Sanders, who said...'I'm too drunk to taste this chicken.'",
"Here's the deal - <target> - I'm the best there is. Plain and simple. I wake up in the morning and I piss excellence.",
"This is America, <target>. America is all about speed. Hot, nasty, badass speed. -Eleanor Roosevelt, 1936",
"From now on, <target> you're the Magic Man and I'm El Diablo. (What does Diablo mean?) It's like... Spanish for like a fighting chicken.",
"Sorry, <target>. Hard habit to break. Like stalking an ex-girlfriend.",
"Join me now, <target>. Dear Lord Baby Jesus, I want to thank you for this wonderful meal, my two beautiful son's, Walker and Texas Ranger, and my Red-Hot Smokin' Wife, Carley.",
"I like to picture Jesus in a tuxedo T-Shirt because it says I want to be formal, but I'm here to party. You dig, <target>?",
"I like to think of Jesus like with giant eagles wings, and singin' lead vocals for Lynyrd Skynyrd with like an angel band and I'm in the front row and I'm hammered drunk! Yeah, <target>!",
"Help me Jesus! Help me Jewish God! Help me Allah! AAAAAHHH! Help me Tom Cruise! Tom Cruise, use your witchcraft on me to get the fire off <target>!",
"Holy moly <target>, that's like lookin' up Yasmine Bleeth's skirt!",
"We don't have any corporate sponsors, we don't have any fancy team owners. We have <target>. And this car, and this cougar, which symbolizes the fear that <target> has to overcome.",
"<target>, that just cost you 50 CBP - Coldbear Points. You're now 50, 000 in the hole. CBP can be regained at 5pts per 100g. Or you can buy me hookers.",
"<target> - Did you know The Highlander won the Academy Award for best movie ever made?",
"They say some people are born with 'The Right Stuff.' These people are heroes, their exploits become legend. <target> does not have the right stuff.",
"<target> hereby forfeits his/her eternal soul and all their possessions now belong to the rezzer. Click 'Accept' to contractually bind yourself to this agreement.",
"<target> is a loot prostitute. All in favour click 'Accept'.",
"Red Bull gives you wings. Rezzing <target> gives you a dirty feeling.",
"<Renaissance> as a guild highly approves of <target>'s dying.",
"Buff feral druids! All in favour click 'Accept'.",
"Nerf DKs, paladins, rouges (THEY'RE GAY, SO MIGHT AS WELL SPELL IT R-O-U-G-E), mages, hunters and resto anything. All in favour click 'Accept'.",
"<target> is a retard. All in favour click 'Accept'.",
"<target> is a noob. All in favour click 'Accept'.",
"Noob is as <target> does.",
"Void zones and circles of fiery death - ridding the world of warcraft of people like <target> since 2004.",
"<target> - please don't move while Flame Wreath is cast OR THE RAID BLOWS UP.",
"<target> crossed the streams. Let this be a lesson to you. DON'T CROSS THE STREAMS!",
"<target> - did you flask up? Did you have a well fed foodbuff? Is your gear fully and properly gemmed and enchanted? Do you have the proper raiding spec with talents to maximize the raid's performance as opposed to your own personal dps/healing?",
"<target> - so, how about that hard mode 10man run you promised me?",
"<target> - momma said I should never touch dead strangers, so you'll forgive me if I'm at max range for this.",
"<target> died. Don't suck. Don't die. Enough said.",
"Hmmm... I wonder if the WWS or WMO report will say how many health pots, healthstones and haste/strength/wildmagic pots <target> used to try to keep us from wiping.",
"Oh look - there's an imprint in the floor from where <target>'s face hit!",
"Ooooohhhh <target>.... FACEPLANT!",
"<target> knew the risks and didn't have to be there. It rains... you get wet.",
"<target> - if I'm there and I gotta put you away, I won't like it. But I tell you, if it's between you and me, brother, you are going down.",
"<target> - A guy told me one time, 'Don't let yourself get attached to anything you are not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat around the corner.'",
"I gotta hold on to my angst, <target>. I preserve it because I need it. It keeps me sharp, on the edge, where I gotta be.",
"<target> - see any cool **** on the other side?",
"<target> - say Hi to Elvis for me.",
"Good news, <target> - Erectile Dysfunction isn't your worst problem anymore!",
"Whooa! <target> looks like he got worked over with a jackhammer!",
"Don't sweat the petty stuff, <target>. Just pet the sweaty stuff.",
"Remember, <target> - never go out the front door if it rings at her place. Just pick up your clothes and go out the back window.",
"I'm telling you, <target> - it's not worth it. You never know if the husband has a shotgun or not.",
"Hey <target> - you think it's true that fat women give better ********?",
"So then she tells me, <target> - no **** - 'YOU MAKE ME FEEL LIKE A WET NOODLE!'",
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Unread 09-05-09, 03:16 PM  
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if you modify the .lua text like I did, make sure not to include and quotation marks inside each quote or it'll break the addon

just pm'd the author a whole bunch of new quotes, hopefully he or she'll add some of them

"I hope this works out ok, <target>. The last guy I rezzed couldn't stop eating everyone's brains.",
"<target> please don't eat my brains, but you can go after Sarador's if you want.",
"I guess <target> forgot to get out of the fire.",
"Dude, <target>, get off the damn floor.",
"<target>'s idea of fun: Bowling. Driving around. The occasional acid flashback. Dying.",
"<target>, I told those ****s down at the league office a thousand times that I don't bowl on Shabbos!",
"<target>, Shomer ****ing shabbos. Kapisch??",
"<target>, This is what happens when you **** a stranger in the ***!",
"<target> - Also, my rug was stolen.",
"<target>, that rug really tied the room together.",
"<target> - Let me tell you something, pendejo. You pull any of your crazy **** with us, you flash a piece out on the lanes, I'll take it away from you, stick it up your *** and pull the ****ing trigger 'til it goes 'click.'",
"<target> - **** it, Dude, let's go bowling.",
"<target>, you have got to buck up, man. You cannot drag this negative energy into the tournament!",
"Nobody calls me Lebowski, <target>. You got the wrong guy. I'm the Dude, man.",
"Yeah, well, <target>. The Dude abides.",
"<target> - Did you ever hear of 'The Seattle Seven'? That was me... and six other guys.",
"Fortunately, <target>, I'm adhering to a pretty strict, uh, drug, uh, regimen to keep my mind, you know, uh, limber.",
"I'm sorry, <target>. You were over the line, that's a foul.",
"<target>, this is not 'Nam. This is bowling. There are rules.",
"<target> - Darkness warshed over the Dude - darker'n a black steer's tookus on a moonless prairie night. There was no bottom.",
"<target> My only hope is that the big Lebowski kills me before the Germans can cut my **** off.",
"That's right, <target>, they peed on your ****ing rug.",
"<target> - I do mind, the Dude minds. This will not stand, ya know, this aggression will not stand, man.",
"Yes, <target>, you're right. There is an unspoken message here. It's '**** YOU, LEAVE ME THE **** ALONE!' Yeah, I'll rez you.",
"<target> died in a freak and unexplainable gasoline-fighting accident.",
"<target> - is it true you gain a dps buff in the voidzone?",
"<target>, I love you, but sooner or later, you're going to have to face the fact you're a goddamn moron.",
"<target>, **** it! Yes! That's your answer. That's your answer for everything! Tattoo it on your forehead!",
"Now that is just ridiculous, <target>. Nobody is going to cut your **** off. Not if I have anything to say about it.",
"<target> My father's weakness is vanity, hence the slut.",
"<target> - Let me tell ya something - I dig your work. Playing one side against the other, in bed with everybody - just fabulous stuff.",
"You know, <target>, I myself dabbled in pacifism once. Not in 'Nam of course.",
"<target> - Sometimes you eat the bar, and sometimes, well, he eats you.",
"Seriously, <target> do you like service yourself ten times a day?",
"<target> - I'm sorry that good-looking people like us made you throw up and feel bad about yourself.",
"Now if you'll excuse me, <target>, I have an after-funeral party to attend.",
"What, <target>? Are you here to tell me what a bad eugoogoolizer I am?",
"<target> - Just because we have chiseled abs and stunning features, it doesn't mean that we too can't not die in a freak gasoline fight accident.",
"<target> - Discovered by the Germans in 1904, they named it San Diego, which of course in German means a whale's ******.",
"Don't get me wrong, <target>, I love the ladies. I mean they rev my engines, but they don't belong in the newsroom.",
"You stay classy, <target>. I'm Ron Burgundy?",
"<target> - You are a smelly pirate hooker.",
"<target> - I'm a man who discovered the wheel and built the Eiffel Tower out of metal and brawn. That's what kind of man I am. You're just a woman with a small brain. With a brain a third the size of us. It's science.",
"<target> - Panda Watch. The mood is tense.",
"<target> - I love scotch. Scotchy, scotch, scotch. Here it goes down, down into my belly...",
"Take it easy, <target>. Why don't you sit this next one out, stop talking for a while.",
"<target> - I'll give this little cookie an hour before we're doing the no-pants dance. Time to musk up.",
"<target>, I'm gonna be honest with you, that smells like pure gasoline.",
"<target> - It's called Sex Panther by Odeon. It's illegal in nine countries... Yep, it's made with bits of real panther, so you know it's good.",
"Rezzing <target> - They've done studies, you know. 60% of the time it works, every time.",
"<target> - I'm gonna punch you in the ovary, that's what I'm gonna do. A straight shot. Right to the babymaker.",
"<target> - I will smash your face into a car windshield, and then take your mother, Dorothy Mantooth, out for a nice seafood dinner and never call her again.",
"The resurrection of <target> is based on actual events. Only the names, locations and events have been changed.",
"<target> - The only way to bag a classy lady is to give her two tickets to the gun show... and see if she likes the goods.",
"Como estan, beetches? Waassssuuuup, <target>?",
"I think I was in love once, <target>. She was Brazilian, or Chinese, or something weird. I met her in the bathroom of a K-Mart and we made out for hours. Then we parted ways, never to see each other again.",
"I'm <target>. People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks. Years later, a doctor will tell me that I have an I.Q. of 48.",
"If you want to throw down fisticuffs, <target>, fine. I've got Jack Johnson and Tom O'Leary waiting for ya, right here.",
"I'm proud of you <target>. You kept your head on a swivel, and that's what you gotta do when you find yourself in a vicious cock fight.",
"Mmmmm... I look good, <target>. I mean really good. Hey everyone come see how good I look.",
"<target> here! I'm all about havin' fun. You know, get a couple cocktails in me, start a fire in someone's kitchen. Maybe go to SeaWorld, take my pants off.",
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Unread 09-03-09, 05:46 PM  
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Unread 09-03-09, 05:36 PM  
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I guess <target> forgot to get out of the fire.
Dude, <target>, get off the damn floor.
<target>'s idea of fun: Bowling. Driving around. The occasional acid flashback. Dying.
<target>, I told those ****s down at the league office a thousand times that I don't bowl on Shabbos!
<target>, Shomer ****ing shabbos. Kapisch??
<target>, This is what happens when you **** a stranger in the ***!
<target> - Also, my rug was stolen.
<target>, that rug really tied the room together.
<target> - Let me tell you something, pendejo. You pull any of your crazy **** with us, you flash a piece out on the lanes, I'll take it away from you, stick it up your *** and pull the ****ing trigger 'til it goes "click."
<target> - **** it, Dude, let's go bowling.
<target>, you have got to buck up, man. You cannot drag this negative energy into the tournament!
Nobody calls me Lebowski, <target>. You got the wrong guy. I'm the Dude, man.
Yeah, well, <target>. The Dude abides.
<target> - Did you ever hear of "The Seattle Seven"? That was me... and six other guys.
Fortunately, <target>, I'm adhering to a pretty strict, uh, drug, uh, regimen to keep my mind, you know, uh, limber.
I'm sorry, <target>. You were over the line, that's a foul.
<target>, this is not 'Nam. This is bowling. There are rules.
<target> - Darkness warshed over the Dude - darker'n a black steer's tookus on a moonless prairie night. There was no bottom.
<target> My only hope is that the big Lebowski kills me before the Germans can cut my **** off.
That's right, <target>, they peed on your ****ing rug.
<target> - I do mind, the Dude minds. This will not stand, ya know, this aggression will not stand, man.
Yes, <target>, you're right. There is an unspoken message here. It's "**** YOU, LEAVE ME THE **** ALONE!" Yeah, I'll rez you.
<target> died in a freak and unexplainable gasoline-fighting accident.
<target> - is it true you gain a dps buff in the voidzone?
<target>, I love you, but sooner or later, you're going to have to face the fact you're a goddamn moron.
<target>, **** it! Yes! That's your answer. That's your answer for everything! Tattoo it on your forehead!
Now that is just ridiculous, <target>. Nobody is going to cut your **** off. Not if I have anything to say about it.
<target> My father's weakness is vanity, hence the slut.
<target> - Let me tell ya something - I dig your work. Playing one side against the other, in bed with everybody - just fabulous stuff.
You know, <target>, I myself dabbled in pacifism once. Not in 'Nam of course.
<target> - Sometimes you eat the bar, and sometimes, well, he eats you.
Seriously, <target> do you like service yourself ten times a day?
<target> - I'm sorry that good-looking people like us made you throw up and feel bad about yourself.
Now if you'll excuse me, <target>, I have an after-funeral party to attend.
What, <target>? Are you here to tell me what a bad eugoogoolizer I am?
<target> - Just because we have chiseled abs and stunning features, it doesn't mean that we too can't not die in a freak gasoline fight accident.
<target> - Discovered by the Germans in 1904, they named it San Diego, which of course in German means a whale's ******.
Don't get me wrong, <target>, I love the ladies. I mean they rev my engines, but they don't belong in the newsroom.
You stay classy, <target>. I'm Ron Burgundy?
<target> - You are a smelly pirate hooker.
<target> - I'm a man who discovered the wheel and built the Eiffel Tower out of metal and brawn. That's what kind of man I am. You're just a woman with a small brain. With a brain a third the size of us. It's science.
<target> - Panda Watch. The mood is tense.
<target> - I love scotch. Scotchy, scotch, scotch. Here it goes down, down into my belly...
Take it easy, <target>. Why don't you sit this next one out, stop talking for a while.
<target> - I'll give this little cookie an hour before we're doing the no-pants dance. Time to musk up.
<target>, I'm gonna be honest with you, that smells like pure gasoline.
<target> - It's called Sex Panther by Odeon. It's illegal in nine countries... Yep, it's made with bits of real panther, so you know it's good.
Rezzing <target> - They've done studies, you know. 60% of the time it works, every time.
<target> - I'm gonna punch you in the ovary, that's what I'm gonna do. A straight shot. Right to the babymaker.
<target> - I will smash your face into a car windshield, and then take your mother, Dorothy Mantooth, out for a nice seafood dinner and never call her again.
The resurrection of <target> is based on actual events. Only the names, locations and events have been changed.
<target> - The only way to bag a classy lady is to give her two tickets to the gun show... and see if she likes the goods.
Como estan, beetches?
I think I was in love once, <target>. She was Brazilian, or Chinese, or something weird. I met her in the bathroom of a K-Mart and we made out for hours. Then we parted ways, never to see each other again.
I'm <target>. People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks. Years later, a doctor will tell me that I have an I.Q. of 48.
If you want to throw down fisticuffs, <target>, fine. I've got Jack Johnson and Tom O'Leary waiting for ya, right here.
I'm proud of you <target>. You kept your head on a swivel, and that's what you gotta do when you find yourself in a vicious cock fight.
Mmmmm... I look good, <target>. I mean really good. Hey everyone come see how good I look.
<target> here! I'm all about havin' fun. You know, get a couple cocktails in me, start a fire in someone's kitchen. Maybe go to SeaWorld, take my pants off.
<target> - This is worse than that time the raccoon got in the copier!
And I'm Ron Burgundy. You're a little bitch, San Diego.
Hey girl - what do you say if we go out on a date? Have some chicken, maybe some sex... You know, see what happens.
Excuse me... is that 'sex panther' you're wearing?
Okay, <target>. Let's dance, dickweed. You wanna dance? I wanna polka.
Okay, <target>, I'd like to apologize to everyone I've offended with these rez sayings ...NOT!
<target> wants you to go slow, and that's wrong because it's the fastest who get paid and it's the fastest who get laid.
Repeat after me, <target> - Hakuna Matata, biitches!
<target> - Well let me just quote the late-great Colonel Sanders, who said..."I'm too drunk to taste this chicken."
Here's the deal - <target> - I'm the best there is. Plain and simple. I wake up in the morning and I piss excellence.
This is America, <target>. America is all about speed. Hot, nasty, badass speed. -Eleanor Roosevelt, 1936
From now on, <target> you're the Magic Man and I'm El Diablo. (What does Diablo mean?) It's like... Spanish for like a fighting chicken.
Sorry, <target>. Hard habit to break. Like stalking an ex-girlfriend.
Join me now, <target>. Dear Lord Baby Jesus, I want to thank you for this wonderful meal, my two beautiful son's, Walker and Texas Ranger, and my Red-Hot Smokin' Wife, Carley.
I like to picture Jesus in a tuxedo T-Shirt because it says I want to be formal, but I'm here to party. You dig, <target>?
I like to think of Jesus like with giant eagles wings, and singin' lead vocals for Lynyrd Skynyrd with like an angel band and I'm in the front row and I'm hammered drunk! Yeah, <target>!
Help me Jesus! Help me Jewish God! Help me Allah! AAAAAHHH! Help me Tom Cruise! Tom Cruise, use your witchcraft on me to get the fire off <target>!
Holy moly <target>, that's like lookin' up Yasmine Bleeth's skirt!
We don't have any corporate sponsors, we don't have any fancy team owners. We have <target>. And this car, and this cougar, which symbolizes the fear that <target> has to overcome.
<target>, that just cost you 50 CBP - Coldbear Points. You're now 50, 000 in the hole. CBP can be regained at 5pts per 100g. Or you can buy me hookers.
<target> - Did you know The Highlander won the Academy Award for best movie ever made?
They say some people are born with "The Right Stuff." These people are heroes, their exploits become legend. <target> does not have the right stuff.
<target> hereby forfeits his/her eternal soul and all their possessions now belong to the rezzer. Click "Accept" to contractually bind yourself to this agreement.
<target> is a loot prostitute. All in favour click "Accept".
Red Bull gives you wings. Rezzing <target> gives you a dirty feeling.
<Renaissance> as a guild highly approves of <target>'s dying.
Buff feral druids! All in favour click "Accept".
Nerf DKs, paladins, rouges (THEY'RE GAY, SO MIGHT AS WELL SPELL IT R-O-U-G-E), mages, hunters and resto anything. All in favour click "Accept".
<target> is a retard. All in favour click "Accept".
<target> is a noob. All in favour click "Accept".
Noob is as <target> does.
Void zones and circles of fiery death - ridding the world of warcraft of people like <target> since 2004.
<target> - please don't move while Flame Wreath is cast OR THE RAID BLOWS UP.
<target> crossed the streams. Let this be a lesson to you. DON'T CROSS THE STREAMS!
<target> - did you flask up? Did you have a well fed foodbuff? Is your gear fully and properly gemmed and enchanted? Do you have the proper raiding spec with talents to maximize the raid's performance as opposed to your own personal dps/healing?
<target> - so, how about that hard mode 10man run you promised me?
<target> - momma said I should never touch dead strangers, so you'll forgive me if I'm at max range for this.
<target> died. Don't suck. Don't die. Enough said.
Hmmm... I wonder if the WWS or WMO report will say how many health pots, healthstones and haste/strength/wildmagic pots <target> used to try to keep us from wiping.
Oh look - there's an imprint in the floor from where <target>'s face hit!
Ooooohhhh <target>.... FACEPLANT!
<target> knew the risks and didn't have to be there. It rains... you get wet.
<target> - if I'm there and I gotta put you away, I won't like it. But I tell you, if it's between you and me, brother, you are going down.
<target> - A guy told me one time, "Don't let yourself get attached to anything you are not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat around the corner."
I gotta hold on to my angst, <target>. I preserve it because I need it. It keeps me sharp, on the edge, where I gotta be.
<target> - see any cool **** on the other side?
<target> - say Hi to Elvis for me.
Good news, <target> - Erectile Dysfunction isn't your worst problem anymore!
Whooa! <target> looks like he got worked over with a jackhammer!
Don't sweat the petty stuff, <target>. Just pet the sweaty stuff.
Remember, <target> - never go out the front door if it rings at her place. Just pick up your clothes and go out the back window.
I'm telling you, <target> - it's not worth it. You never know if the husband has a shotgun or not.
Hey <target> - you think it's true that fat women give better ********?
So then she tells me, <target> - no **** - "YOU MAKE ME FEEL LIKE A WET NOODLE!"
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Unread 04-23-09, 05:16 PM  
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Re: Re: Re: Permanently turning off the GUI

Originally posted by gizmogeek
Sorry, I didn't clarify my previous post. I know the 4th button closes the GUI. I have set up each toon with your nice interface and then closed it with the buttn. However, every time I log onto the toon, it is open on the screen again. It would be nice to close it once and not have to worry about closing it every time you log on.

BTW: That little corner is filled with a map on my screen. WOW is starting to look like a jet cockpit. ;D
i know what you mean now. it will be added in a later version. that one might be coming some time later as i'm pretty busy with finals and such right now.
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Unread 04-17-09, 08:21 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Re: Re: Permanently turning off the GUI

Originally posted by Fannia
the 4th button does just that.
Sorry, I didn't clarify my previous post. I know the 4th button closes the GUI. I have set up each toon with your nice interface and then closed it with the buttn. However, every time I log onto the toon, it is open on the screen again. It would be nice to close it once and not have to worry about closing it every time you log on.

BTW: That little corner is filled with a map on my screen. WOW is starting to look like a jet cockpit. ;D
Last edited by gizmogeek : 04-17-09 at 08:21 AM.
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Unread 04-16-09, 05:37 AM  
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Re: Permanently turning off the GUI

Originally posted by gizmogeek

Like you, I thought the best part of Serenity was the messages when rezzing people, particularly because it prevented overlaps in rezzing toons.

So far, I haven't had any issues with the addon - it is specific and easy to set up, but I do have one concern. Whenever I load a toon that has this addon activated, I have to manually shut down the GUI. Although it is nice for initially setting the addon up, screen real estate is already overloaded without having another GUI floating around unnecessarily.

A nice feature would be an option to toggle the GUI on/off.

Thanks for taking the time to bring us the best of an old favorite.
by GUI, do you mean the control frame? if so, the 4th button does just that. alternatively, it fits really well in the bottom right corner in the little hole between the bottom and side action bars.
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Unread 04-15-09, 11:35 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Permanently turning off the GUI


Like you, I thought the best part of Serenity was the messages when rezzing people, particularly because it prevented overlaps in rezzing toons.

So far, I haven't had any issues with the addon - it is specific and easy to set up, but I do have one concern. Whenever I load a toon that has this addon activated, I have to manually shut down the GUI. Although it is nice for initially setting the addon up, screen real estate is already overloaded without having another GUI floating around unnecessarily.

A nice feature would be an option to toggle the GUI on/off.

Thanks for taking the time to bring us the best of an old favorite.
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Unread 04-12-09, 05:44 AM  
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Originally posted by Aezay
To localise it, all you have to do is to pull the spellnames from GetSpellInfo() rather than hardcoding the names in.
:O oh yeah. that would do it. not hard to implement either. will do
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Unread 04-11-09, 10:28 PM  
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To localise it, all you have to do is to pull the spellnames from GetSpellInfo() rather than hardcoding the names in.
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