Updated: 11-04-08 09:10 AM
File Info
Updated:11-04-08 09:10 AM
Created:11-04-08 09:10 AM

Dailies Quest Tracker German Fan Mod

Version: 3.0.1
by: Cigaro [More]

Dailies Quest Tracker Author: Fritos

V3.0.1 translated for German Clients

v3.0.1 | Cigaro | 2008-11-04 15:30:00 CET (Tu, 04 Nov 2008)
Edit enUS.lua:

Line 5-146, 298-305, 305-315, 326-332

Added deDE.lua:

Line 5-146, 298-305, 305-315, 326-332
Translated all for The Burning Crusade

Edit DailiesQuestTracker.toc at deDE:
# Locales
Edit LibBabble-Zone-3.0.lua at deDE:

-- Blade's Edge Plateau
["Forge Camp: Terror"] = "Konstruktionslager: Terror",
["Vortex Pinnacle"] = "Vortexgipfel",
["Rivendark's Perch"] = "Nachtreißers Hort",
["Ogri'la"] = "Ogri'la",
["Obsidia's Perch"] = "Obsidias Hort",
["Skyguard Outpost"] = "Der Außenposten der Himmelswache",
["Shartuul's Transporter"] = "Shartuuls Transporter",
["Forge Camp: Wrath"] = "Konstruktionslager: Wut",
["Bash'ir Landing"] = "Landeplatz von Bash'ir",
["Crystal Spine"] = "Kristallrücken",
["Insidion's Perch"] = "Isidions Hort",
["Furywing's Perch"] = "Zornschwinges Hort",

-- Zones
["Borean Tundra"] = true,
["Crystalsong Forest"] = true,
["Dalaran"] = true,
["Dragonblight"] = true,
["Grizzly Hills"] = true,
["Howling Fjord"] = true,
["Icecrown"] = true,
["Sholazar Basin"] = true,
["The Storm Peaks"] = true,
["Wintergrasp"] = true,
["Zul'Drak"] = true,

Edit DailiesQuestTrackerList.lua and DailiesQuestTracker.lua:
Replace if available:

1. at first rename all ["Shattered Sun Offensive"] to [L["Shattered Sun Offensive"]]
2. then rename all group = "Shattered Sun Offensive" to group = L["Shattered Sun Offensive"]
3. then rename all group ="Shattered Sun Offensive" to group = L["Shattered Sun Offensive"]
4. then rename all == "Shattered Sun Offensive" to == L["Shattered Sun Offensive"]
5. then rename all BF[L["Shattered Sun Offensive"]] to L["Shattered Sun Offensive"]

1. at first rename all ["Netherwing"] to [L["Netherwing"]]
2. then rename all group = "Netherwing" to group = L["Netherwing"]
3. then rename all group ="Netherwing" to group = L["Netherwing"]
4. then rename all == "Netherwing" to == L["Netherwing"]
5. then rename all BF[L["Netherwing"]] to L["Netherwing"]

1. at first rename all ["Sha'tari Skyguard"] to [L["Sha'tari Skyguard"]]
2. then rename all group = "Sha'tari Skyguard" to group = L["Sha'tari Skyguard"]
3. then rename all group ="Sha'tari Skyguard" to group = L["Sha'tari Skyguard"]
4. then rename all == "Sha'tari Skyguard" to == L["Sha'tari Skyguard"]
5. then rename all BF[L["Sha'tari Skyguard"]] to L["Sha'tari Skyguard"]
["The Scryers"] to [L["The Scryers"]]
["The Aldor"] to [L["The Aldor"]]
For Filters Translation:
" .. "Shattered Sun Offensive", to " .. L["Shattered Sun Offensive"],
" .. "Netherwing", to " .. L["Netherwing"],
" .. "Sha'tari Skyguard", to " .. L["Sha'tari Skyguard"],
" .. "Battleground", to " .. L["Battleground"],
" .. "Dungeon Instance", to " .. L["Dungeon Instance"],
" .. "Heroic Instance", to " .. L["Heroic Instance"],
" .. "World PvP", to " .. L["World PvP"],
Important Translation to see Quests in DQT!:
"Shattered Sun Offensive:4" to L["Shattered Sun Offensive:4"]
"Netherwing:4" to L["Netherwing:4"]
"Netherwing:5" to L["Netherwing:5"]
"Netherwing:6" to L["Netherwing:6"]
"Netherwing:7" to L["Netherwing:7"]
"Sha'tari Skyguard:4" to L["Sha'tari Skyguard:4"]
"Honor Hold:4" to L["Honor Hold:4"]
"Honor Hold:6" to L["Honor Hold:6"]
"The Sha'tar:6" to L["The Sha'tar:6"]
"Cenarion Expedition:6" to L["Cenarion Expedition:6"]
"Keepers of Time:6" to L["Keepers of Time:6"]
"Lower City:6" to L["Lower City:6"]
Questgiver Translation:
qgiver = "Alliance Brigadier General", to qgiver = L["Alliance Brigadier General"],
qgiver = "Horde Warbringer", to qgiver = L["Horde Warbringer"],
qgiver = "Nether-Stalker Mah'dunn", to qgiver = L["Nether-Stalker Mah'duun"],
qgiver = "Wind Trader Zhareem", to qgiver = L["Wind Trader Zhareem"],
qgiver = "Warrant Officer Tracy Proudwell", to qgiver = L["Warrant Officer Tracy Proudwell"],
qgiver = "Battlecryer Blackeye", to qgiver = L["Battlecryer Blackeye"],
qgiver = "Exorcist Sullivan", to qgiver = L["Exorcist Sullivan"],
qgiver = "Exorcist Vaisha", to qgiver = L["Exorcist Vaisha"],
qgiver = "Karrtog", to qgiver = L["Karrtog"],
qgiver = "Lakoor", to qgiver = L["Lakoor"],
qgiver = "The Rokk", to qgiver = L["The Rokk"],
qgiver = "Sky Sergeant Doryn", to qgiver = L["Sky Sergeant Doryn"],
qgiver = "Skyguard Khatie", to qgiver = L["Skyguard Khatie"],
qgiver = "Sky Sergeant Vanderclip", to qgiver = L["Sky Sergeant Vanderlip"],
qgiver = "Skyguard Prisoner", to qgiver = L["Skyguard Prisoner"],
qgiver = "Chu'a'lor", to qgiver = L["Chu'a'lor"],
qgiver = "Kronk", to qgiver = L["Kronk"],
qgiver = "Mistress of the Mines", to qgiver = L["Mistress of the Mines"],
qgiver = "Dragonmaw Foreman", to qgiver = L["Dragonmaw Foreman"],
qgiver = "Yarzill the Merc", to qgiver = L["Yarzill the Merc"],
qgiver = "Chief Overseer Mudlump", to qgiver = L["Chief Overseer Mudlump"],
qgiver = "Commander Arcus", to qgiver = L["Commander Arcus"],
qgiver = "Commander Hobb", to qgiver = L["Commander Hobb"],
qgiver = "Overlord Mor'ghor", to qgiver = L["Overlord Mor'ghor"],
qgiver = "Old Man Barlo", to qgiver = L["Old Man Barlo"],
qgiver = "Vindicator Xayann", to qgiver = L["Vindicator Xayann"],
qgiver = "Captain Theris Dawnhearth", to qgiver = L["Captain Theris Dawnhearth"],
qgiver = "Harbinger Haronem", to qgiver = L["Harbinger Haronem"],
qgiver = "Lord Torros", to qgiver = L["Lord Torvos"],
qgiver = "Harbinger Inuuro", to qgiver = L["Harbinger Inuuro"],
qgiver = "Battlemage Arynn", to qgiver = L["Battlemage Arynna"],
qgiver = "Magistrix Seyla", to qgiver = L["Magistrix Seyla"],
qgiver = "Exarch Nasuun", to qgiver = L["Exarch Nasuun"],
qgiver = "Astromancer Darnarian", to qgiver = L["Astromancer Darnarian"],
qgiver = "Vindicator Kaalan", to qgiver = L["Vindicator Kaalan"],
qgiver = "Magister Ilastar", to qgiver = L["Magister Ilastar"],
qgiver = "Smith Hauthaa", to qgiver = L["Smith Hauthaa"],
qgiver = "Captain Valindria", to qgiver = L["Captain Valindria"],
qgiver = "Mar'nah", to qgiver = L["Mar'nah"],
qgiver = "Master Fire Eater", to qgiver = L["Master Fire Eater"],
qgiver = "Earthen Ring Elder", to qgiver = L["Earthen Ring Elder"],
qgiver = "Luma Skymother", to qgiver = L["Luma Skymother"],
qgiver = "Emissary Mordin", to qgiver = L["Emissary Mordin"],
qgiver = "Taskmaster Varkule Dragonbreath", to qgiver = L["Taskmaster Varkule Dragonbreath"],
Questzones Translation (qzone):
qzone = "Capital Cities", to qzone = L["Capital Cities"],
qzone = "Shattrath City", to qzone = BZ["Shattrath City"],
qzone = "Terokkar Forest", to qzone = BZ["Terokkar Forest"],
qzone = "Nagrand", to qzone = BZ["Nagrand"],
qzone = "The Slave Pens", to qzone = BZ["The Slave Pens"],
qzone = "Dun Morogh", to qzone = BZ["Dun Morogh"],
qzone = "Blackrock Depths", to qzone = BZ["Blackrock Depths"],
qzone = "Scarlet Monestary", to qzone = BZ["Scarlet Monestary"],
qzone = "Shadowmoon Valley", to qzone = BZ["Shadowmoon Valley"],
qzone = "Hellfire Peninsula", to qzone = BZ["Hellfire Peninsula"],
qzone = "Blade's Edge Mountains", to qzone = BZ["Blade's Edge Mountains"],
qzone = "Isle of Quel'Danas", to qzone = BZ["Isle of Quel'Danas"],
qzone = "Dalaran", to qzone = BZ["Dalaran"],
qzone = "Howling Fjord", to qzone = BZ["Howling Fjord"],
qzone = "Dragonblight", to qzone = BZ["Dragonblight"],
qzone = "Borean Tundra", to qzone = BZ["Borean Tundra"],
qzone = "Sholazar Basin", to qzone = BZ["Sholazar Basin"],
qzone = "Grizzly Hills", to qzone = BZ["Grizzly Hills"],
Questzones Translation (qszone):
qszone = "Terrace Of Light", to qszone = L["Terrace of Light"],
qszone = "Terrace of Light", to qszone = L["Terrace of Light"],
qszone = "Lower City", to qszone = L["Lower City"],
qszone = "Silmyr Lake", to qszone = L["Silmyr Lake"],
qszone = "Allerian Stronghold", to qszone = L["Allerian Stronghold"],
qszone = "Stonebreaker Hold", to qszone = L["Stonebreaker Hold"],
qszone = "Sanctum of the Stars", to qszone = L["Sanctum of the Stars"],
qszone = "Altar of Sha'tar", to qszone = L["Altar of Sha'tar"],
qszone = "Honor Hold", to qszone = L["Honor Hold"],
qszone = "Dragonmaw Base Camp", to qszone = L["Dragonmaw Base Camp"],
qszone = "Skyguard Outpost", to qszone = L["Skyguard Outpost"],
qszone = "Blackwind Landing", to qszone = L["Blackwind Landing"],
qszone = "Throne of Kil'jaeden", to qszone = L["Throne of Kil'jaeden"],
qszone = "Shattered Sun Staging Area", to qszone = L["Shattered Sun Staging Area"],
qszone = "Sun's Reach Armory", to qszone = L["Sun's Reach Armory"],
qszone = "Silvermoon's Pride", to qszone = L["Silvermoon's Pride"],
qszone = "Sun's Reach Sanctum", to qszone = L["Sun's Reach Sanctum"],
qszone = "Sun's Reach Harbor", to qszone = L["Sun's Reach Harbor"],
qszone = "Telaar", to qszone = L["Telaar"],
qszone = "Garadar", to qszone = L["Garadar"],
qszone = "The Grim Guzzler", to qszone = L["The Grim Guzzler"],
qszone = "Graveyard", to qszone = L["Graveyard"],
qszone = "Thrallmar", to qszone = L["Thrallmar"],
qszone = "Skettis", to qszone = L["Skettis"],
qszone = "Ogri'la", to qszone = L["Ogri'la"],
qszone = "A Hero's Welcome", to qszone = L["A Hero's Welcome"],
qszone = "Cartier & Co. Fine Jewelry", to qszone = L["Cartier & Co. Fine Jewelry"],
qszone = "Kamagua", to qszone = L["Kamagua"],
qszone = "Moa'ki Harbor", to qszone = L["Moa'ki Harbor"],
qszone = "Kaskala", to qszone = L["Kaskala"],
qszone = "Steel Gate", to qszone = L["Steel Gate"],
qszone = "Transitus Shield", to qszone = L["Transitus Shield"],
qszone = "Westguard Keep", to qszone = L["Westguard Keep"],
qszone = "Wyrmrest Temple", to qszone = L["Wyrmrest Temple"],
qszone = "Rainspeaker Canopy", to qszone = L["Rainspeaker Canopy"],
qszone = "Frenzyheart Hill", to qszone = L["Frenzyheart Hill"],
qszone = "The Violet Hold", to qszone = L["The Violet Hold"],
qszone = "Venture Bay", to qszone = L["Venture Bay"],

After you changed all above:
Edit DailiesQuestTracker.lua:
Line 2483 -- Location unfold
Line 2485 'text', L["Multiple Characters"],
Line 2491 'tooltipTitle', L["Multiple Characters"],
Line 2492 'tooltipText', L["Displays tooltips for dailies known by all characters on "].."[" .. Crayon:Green(GetRealmName()).. "]."

Line 2495 -- QuestGiver locations
Line 2497 'text', L["Quest Givers"],
Line 2504 'tooltipTitle', L["Quest Givers"],
Line 2505 'tooltipText', L["Shows the Quest Givers location in the Dailies Quest Tracker tooltips."]

Line 2130 -- Get Quest Giver information, add it to the tooltip
Line 2136 QuestRewardsTooltip:AddLine(QuestTitleValue .. (Crayon:Cyan(L["\nQuest Giver:"])))
Line 2151 QuestRewardsTooltip:AddLine(Crayon:White(L["Coordinates: "]) .. Crayon:Green(ceil(LeftCoord)) .. Crayon:Silver(", ") .. Crayon:Green(ceil(RightCoord)))
Line 3191 'tooltipText', QuestLocation .. DailyQuestsList[QuestName]["area"] .. "\n" .. Crayon:White(L["Monetary Value: "]) .. MoneyValueTooltip .. "\n" .. Crayon:Cyan(L["\nQuest Giver:"]) .."\n" .. DailyQuestsList[QuestName].qgiver .. "\n" .. Crayon:White("Location: ") .. DailyQuestsList[QuestName].qszone .. Crayon:White(", ") .. DailyQuestsList[QuestName].qzone .. "\n" .. Crayon:White(L["Coordinates: "]) .. Crayon:Green(LeftCoord) .. Crayon:White(", ") .. Crayon:Green(RightCoord)

Line 2524 -- AceComm Joining Channel Delay
Line 2536 'text', L["Communications Delay"],
Line 2539 'tooltipTitle', L["Communications Delay"],
Line 2540 'tooltipText', 'tooltipText', L["Sets the delay when joining the AceComm Channel. Setting this value higher, will help with older computers having issues with AceComm joining Channel 1.\n\nThis setting will take effect the next time you log-in the game or reload your user interface."]

Line 2551 -- Expansions Display
Line 2553 'text', L["Expansions"],
Line 2685 'tooltipText', L["Shows dailies for The Burning Crusade in the Dailies Quest Tracker tooltip."]
Line 2703 'tooltipText', L["Shows dailies for The Wrath of the Lich King in the Dailies Quest Tracker tooltip."]

Line 2560 -- Faction Display
Line 2567 'tooltipText', L["Lets you change how the faction values are displayed in the DQT Tooltip."]

Line 2611 'text', L["Time Format"],
Line 2615 'tooltipTitle', L["Time Format"],
Line 2616 'tooltipText', L["Lets you display the time in Standard AM/PM or 24 hour format."]

Line 2785 'text', "Standard",
changed to
'text', "AM/PM",

Line 2791 'tooltipTitle', "Standard",
changed to
'tooltipTitle', "AM/PM",

Line 2792 'tooltipText', L["The time will display with the AM/PM format."]
Line 2796 'text', L["24 Hour"],
Line 2802 'tooltipTitle', L["24 Hour"],
Line 2803 'tooltipText', L["The time will display with the 24 hour format."]
Edit DailiesTooltips.lua:
Line 38 ExpansionsTitle:SetText(Crayon:White(L["Expansions"]))
Line 44 ExpansionsTitleSub:SetText(Crayon:Gold(L["Lets you choose which dailies to display from the following World of Warcraft expansions:"]))
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Unread 08-06-11, 08:57 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Hallo, wie funktiont dieses Addon? Welche Eingabe muss ich machen, damit ich einsehen kann bzw. diese Toolbox sehen kann, wo das alles aufgelistet ist?

Wäre lieb, wenn jemand erklären könnte.

Danke. Lg
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Unread 11-05-08, 02:03 AM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Bitte schön
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Unread 11-04-08, 11:02 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Vielen Dank!
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