Updated: 07-24-24 09:39 PM
File Info
The War Within Beta (11.0.0)
Dark Heart (10.2.7)
Updated:07-24-24 09:39 PM
Created:05-11-17 08:55 AM
Categories:Minimalistic Compilations, Class Compilations, Healer Compilations, Tank Compilations

Zera UI  Updated less than 3 days ago!  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

Version: v1.6k
by: MetalMusicMan [More]

My Twitter: MetalMusicMan_

This is the UI that I use on my Holy/Prot/Ret Paladin, Vengeance Demon Hunter, Brewmaster/Mistweaver Monk, Resto Shaman, Guardian/Resto Druid, Prot Warrior, Arms Warrior, Preservation Evoker, Frost Mage, and a few other alts. This is NOT an ElvUI-based setup, it is addons and WeakAuras that I have customized myself.

Do not change the "UI Scale" setting or things will be bad.

For non-English clients: my custom nameplate colors are not working, due to being flagged by Unit Name rather than Unit ID. I am sorry about that, I will update them someday when I have time.

TWW Pre-Patch is supported with SUF being updated on 7/24. Please see changelog for more information, as some addons are still not updated and should be disabled temporarily (those addons are not included in the current download, but will be added back as they are updated).

---------- ---------- ---------- ----------

Installation Instructions:

  • In your "...\World of Warcraft\_retail_" directory, rename the folders "WTF" and "Interface" to be "old_WTF" and "old_Interface" so you have a copy of your old files in case you want to switch back

  • Place the Zera UI zip file's folders ("WTF", "Interface", "Fonts", and "Sounds") into your World of Warcraft "_retail_" directory.

  • Rename these folders to match your account name, server name, and character name:
  • Login to your character, type "/bt" and click "Profiles". Select the "Zera" profile.

  • Type "/oc" and click "Profiles". Select the "Zera" profile.

  • Open "Edit Mode" from the game menu and select the "Zera" profile.
    • Or, use this Import String:
      1 39 0 0 1 7 7 UIParent 0.0 45.0 -1 ##$$%/&('%)#+#,$ 0 1 1 6 0 MainMenuBar 0.0 5.0 -1 ##$$%/&('%(#,$ 0 2 1 6 0 MultiBarBottomLeft 0.0 5.0 -1 ##$$%/&('%(#,$ 0 3 1 5 5 UIParent -5.0 -77.0 -1 #$$$%/&('%(#,$ 0 4 1 2 0 MultiBarRight -5.0 0.0 -1 #$$$%/&('%(#,$ 0 5 1 1 4 UIParent 0.0 0.0 -1 ##$$%/&('%(#,$ 0 6 1 1 7 MultiBar5 0.0 0.0 -1 ##$$%/&('%(#,$ 0 7 1 1 7 MultiBar6 0.0 0.0 -1 ##$$%/&('%(#,$ 0 10 1 6 0 MainMenuBar 0.0 5.0 -1 ##$$&('% 0 11 1 6 0 MainMenuBar 0.0 5.0 -1 ##$$&('%,# 0 12 1 6 0 MainMenuBar 0.0 5.0 -1 ##$$&('% 1 -1 0 2 8 PlayerFrame -24.0 -30.0 -1 ##$$%# 2 -1 0 0 0 UIParent 1280.0 -584.3 -1 #$$#%( 3 0 0 0 0 UIParent 646.1 -686.5 -1 $$3# 3 1 0 0 0 UIParent 654.8 -564.4 -1 %$3# 3 2 1 3 5 TargetFrame -10.0 0.0 -1 %## 3 3 0 0 0 UIParent 389.7 -614.9 -1 '$(#)#-k.%/#1#3# 3 4 0 0 0 UIParent 167.3 -0.0 -1 ,#-#.#/#0%1#2( 3 5 1 5 5 UIParent 0.0 0.0 -1 &#*$3# 3 6 1 5 5 UIParent 0.0 0.0 -1 -#.#/#4# 3 7 1 4 4 UIParent 0.0 0.0 -1 3# 4 -1 0 1 1 UIParent -3.9 -33.6 -1 # 5 -1 1 6 0 MainMenuBar 0.0 5.0 -1 # 6 0 0 2 2 UIParent -236.1 -4.4 -1 ##$#%#&.(&)( 6 1 0 7 7 UIParent 0.4 -0.0 -1 ##$#%#'+(%)( 7 -1 0 1 1 UIParent -514.6 -1.7 -1 # 8 -1 0 6 6 UIParent 32.0 32.0 -1 #'$8%$&8 9 -1 1 6 0 MainMenuBar 0.0 5.0 -1 # 10 -1 0 3 3 UIParent 160.5 103.2 -1 # 11 -1 0 0 0 UIParent 1036.8 -704.3 -1 # 12 -1 0 0 0 UIParent 1313.9 0.0 -1 #@$#%# 13 -1 0 0 0 UIParent 1308.7 -809.9 -1 ##$#%)&- 14 -1 0 0 0 UIParent 1321.9 -774.2 -1 ##$#%# 15 0 1 7 7 StatusTrackingBarManager 0.0 0.0 -1 # 15 1 1 7 1 MainStatusTrackingBarContainer 0.0 0.0 -1 # 16 -1 0 5 5 UIParent -182.9 -179.7 -1 #( 17 -1 1 1 1 UIParent 0.0 -100.0 -1 ## 18 -1 1 5 5 UIParent 0.0 0.0 -1 #- 19 -1 1 7 7 UIParent 0.0 0.0 -1 ##

---------- ---------- ---------- ----------

DF S4: Prot Paladin: +13 Azure Vault

DF S3: Prot Paladin: +27 Galakrond's Fall

DF S3: Prot Paladin, +25 Murozond's Rise

DF S3: Prot Paladin, +26 Darkheart Thicket

DF S3: Retribution, +22 Blackrook Hold

Holy, +21 Iron Docks

Protection, Normal Raszageth

---------- ---------- ---------- ----------

  • (DH) Soul Shards
  • (DH) Spirit Bomb bar above Target Health Bar
  • (DH) Demon Spikes yellow shield indicator on Health Bar
  • (DK) Bone Shield Charges
  • (Dk) Blood Plague bar above Target Health Bar
  • (DK) Marrowrend/Blood Shield/Recently Used Death Strike yellow shield indicator on Health Bar
  • (DK) Timer bars for Dancing Rune Weapon, Vampiric Blood, Icebound Fortitude, Bonestorm, and AMS
  • (Paladin) Avenging Wrath and all other cooldown timer bars on Health Bar
  • (Paladin) Shield of the Righteous yellow shield indicator on Health Bar
  • (Paladin) Red X Target Indicator for Hammer of Wrath when available
  • (Prot Paladin) Consecrate indicator (for when you're standing in your own)
  • (Holy Pally) Beacon indicator on self, target, and all party member frames
  • (Ret Paladin) Execution Sentence debuff tracker bar on Target frame
  • (Ret Paladin) Free Divine Storm proc indicator on Target frame
  • (Ret/Prot) Free heal indicator at top for Selfless Healer / Shining Light
  • (Brewmaster Monk) Shuffle yellow shield indicator on Health Bar
  • (Brewmaster Monk) Timer bars on Target Health Bar for Breath of Fire and Keg Smash debuffs
  • (Mistweaver) trackers for Enveloping Mist, Renewing Mist, Essence Font on Party Frames
  • (Guardian Druid) Iron Fur yellow shield indicator on health bar
  • (Guardian Druid) Frenzied Regeneration indicator on health bar
  • (Resto Druid) Life Bloom, Rejuvenation, Regrowth, Wild Growth, and Spring Blossom indicators on party, player, and target frames.
  • (Resto Shaman) Earth Shield and Riptide indicators on Party Frames
  • (Resto Shaman) Tidal Surge indicator on player frame
  • Timer bar for Healer externals (above personal timer bars for all classes/specs)
  • Necrotic Rot, Bursting, and Grievous stack count and timer bar on Party Frames
  • Necrotic Rot, Bursting, and Grievous timer and stack count below player Health Bar
  • Sanguine on Target Health Bar
  • Zera Cast Bars
  • Zera Dungeon Warnings
  • Zera Party Heal/Dispel Focus Alerts
  • Zera Party Personals and Zera Raid Personals

---------- ---------- ---------- ----------


- Shadowed Unit Frames

- WeakAuras

- Bartender

- Zera custom art assets

- Miir Gui (some of the custom art assets, also mods of some of those assets)

- OmniCC

- Shared Media

- Threat Plates (pink = don't have aggro, orange = threat transition, red = have aggro)

- Mini Map Button Bag Reborn

- LS: Toasts

- Deadly Boss Mods

- Method Raid Tools

- Titan Panel

- TipTac (frozn)

Addons that are returning eventually
(not in currently, will probably re-add when DF version is updated):

- Gladius (will update when/if I ever PvP again, lul)

Change Log:

TWW 1.6k
- Added TipTac back as it was updated

TWW 1.6j
- Restored SUF as it has been updated
- Therefore restored previous Bartender and Edit Mode profiles
- Updated other addons
- Still need to be deleted/disabled for now: Angry Keystones, Handynotes, Scrap, TipTac, RIO

TWW 1.6i
- Additionally removed Tip Tac (again, for now)
- Updated Details, Titan Panel, and a few other addons
- Adjusted stock bossframe layout and stock tooltip layout

TWW 1.6h
- Early TWW Pre-Patch version
-- Removed SUF and using a custom addon/WA for Player/Target/Focus/ToT frames
-- Using default party/raid frames
-- Temporarily Deleted: Shadowed UnitFrames, TipTac, Scrap, Handy Notes, Angry Keystones
-- Make sure you choose /bt "Zera (New Working)" profile
-- Make sure you choose Edit Mode "Zera UF" profile

Dragonflight 1.6g
- Fixed Omni CD showing Offensives on raid frames after the last patch which fixed the bricked profile issue (whoops)

Dragonflight 1.6ff
- Recreated entire Omni CD profile because the author bricked all profiles with the latest version 🙃

Dragonflight 1.6e
- Nameplate updates

Dragonflight 1.6d
- Addon and nameplate updates

Dragonflight 1.6b
- Custom nameplate updates for kicks/stops/kill targets for DF Season 4
- Sorry, I still have not fixed these for non-english client users. I will do this... someday... (punch me accordingly until then)

Dragonflight 1.6a
- Added back PvP/arena support for the first time since DF (lolsry)
- Added back Gladius addon for arena frames
- Added FatalArenaFrames addon because apparently DF arena frames refuse to hide (wtf?)
- Added back Zera PvP Target Text Alerts addon for PvP target buff immunities

Dragonflight 1.5j
- Adjusted some graphics settings for performance
- Swapped Dazzar'ai Juggernaut for Augur on kick plates
- Updated addons/WAs

Dragonflight 1.5i
- fixed symbol of hope not showing on raid cds list (was in party list in raid, whoops)
- fixed call of the wild not tracking for bm hunters
- resized raid/party debuffs

Dragonflight 1.5hh
- Removed SUF debuffs/buffs on Raid frames entirely (still using SUF for raid frames themselves)
- Created "Zera Debuff Icons" WA to track debuffs (party and raid, anchors to bottom-left of unit frames)
- Created "Zera Raid Healing Buff Icons" WA to track buffs for healers (raid only, anchors to bottom-right of unit frames)

Dragonflight 1.5g
- Updates for 10.2.5 for addons and tocs

Dragonflight 1.5f
- Removed old ZeraTopMap addon (hasn't been used in a long time)
- Removed Details Explosive tracker addon (hasn't existed in a long time)

Dragonflight 1.5e
- Wrote an addon called "ZeraCVAR" that forces nameplate CVAR spacing (and other things maybe, in the future?)
- Also enforces less spacing on FRIENDLY nameplates (if enabled)

Dragonflight 1.5d
- Custom TPTP nameplates for kicks/stops/minor mobs updated
- Various WA updates

Dragonflight 1.5c
- Fixed an issue with ZeraHideFrames and ZeraScaleFrames that was preventing them from loading, and thus causing the Titan Panel bottom bar to overlap the bottom UI elements and prevent use of the calendar, clock, etc.

Dragonflight 1.5b
- Fixed a few OmniCD trackers showing up on raid frames where they weren't supposed to
- Changed OmniCD charge tracker to not be yellow (just looks like text like the rest of them now)
- Updated many WeakAuras
- Added a few new kick/stop/frontal nameplates to ThreatPlates

Dragonflight 1.5a
- Added several new frontal warnings to TPTP nameplates
- Added several new bossmod warnings to bossmod WA bars
- Added several new Honkie Honkie knockback alerts to Dungeon Warnings WA
- Removed a few older WAs that aren't needed anymore

Dragonflight 1.4w
- Added several more new kick/stop/frontal nameplates to TPTP

Dragonflight 1.4v
- Added several new kick/stop/frontal nameplates to TPTP

Dragonflight 1.4u
- Added several new nameplates for kick/stop/minor/kill mobs in S3 dungeons
- Updated party buff/debuff trackers for s3 dungeons
- Updated addons

Dragonflight 1.4t
- Fixed an issue with ZeraScaleFrames addon causing MiniMap cluster to shift left after a cut scene finished.
- Addon updates

Dragonflight 1.4s
- Slightly repositioned Mail Icon on MiniMap
- Fixed issue that caused Mail Icon to not show the new mail tooltip on mouseover
- Updated Zera Chat/Hide/Scale Frames Addons and TOCs for 10.2

Dragonflight 1.4q
- Added several WAs for Frost Mage (most notably freeze nameplate and target unit frame tracking)
- Re-enabled pet bar (whoops)
- Re-positioned Bag Bar to be centered (didn't notice that the 10.1.5 menu updates misaligned it, whoops)
- Updated addons and WeakAuras

Dragonflight 1.4p
- Added OmniCD border highlights for active spells
- Adjusted left-side icons to be slightly larger in OmniCD
- Adjusted Charge Text to be larger in OmniCD

Dragonflight 1.4o
- Fixed some big errors with the OmniCD raid profile, whoops!

Dragonflight 1.4n
- Adjusted sort order of Raid Cooldown tracking / left side Dungeon Cooldown tracking so that abilities that are on cooldown are at the bottom of the list

Dragonflight 1.4m
- Replaced MRT Raid Cooldown tracking with OmniCD (more accurate, configured pretty much the same as I had MRT configured previously)

Dragonflight 1.4l
- Addon and WA updates
- Adjusted OmniCD trackers for new abilities

Dragonflight 1.4kk
- Updated OmniCD tracker for Augmentation Evokers

Dragonflight 1.4l
- Updated addons for 10.1.5
- Adjusted Bartender Micro Menu bar settings to fix things after the 10.1.5 Micro Menu update

Dragonflight 1.4k
- Fixed a typo in the name of a Stop Mob in Neltharon's Lair
- Added and customized an Afflicted notifier WeakAura
- Inverted sorting of OmniCC kick tracker (ascending with available on top of list)

Dragonflight 1.4j
- Added Vultures in Brackenhide to important kick nameplates
- Created a new nameplate that changes to teal and glows when a tank frontal occurs (currently only for Halls of Infusion Spear Flurry, more as they come)

Dragonflight 1.4i
- Added several kick/stop nameplates to Underrot

Dragonflight 1.4h
- Fixed an issue with the KILL ZOMG nameplate group being invisible in TPTP

Dragonflight 1.4g
- Added Primalist Galesinger and Primalist Icecaller to Important Kick Mobs nameplates
- Updated Zera Party Buffs/Debuffs to no longer have individual WAs and instead use the newer dynamic smart group setup
- Updated Zera Raid Personals WA to include Cheat Deaths and Forbearance

Dragonflight 1.4f
- Adjusted style and position of Omni CD Interrupt tracker
- Removed Liquid Rashok WA since the new Aberrus Co-Tank WA has a Rashok helper

Dragonflight 1.4e
- Removed Zentracker and Zera ZT Interrupt Tracker WeakAuras, as apparently there are issues with performance in the new WeakAuras version. I think this is stupid and probably not a big deal, they still work, but I am going to try using just OmniCD to track kicks to see if there is actually any improved performance. Blerg.

Dragonflight 1.4f
- Added more kick/stop nameplate mobs, updated weakauras for dispels/stacks/debuffs for new dungeons

Dragonflight 1.4e
- Added mobs to kick/stop Nameplate colors that I am too lazy to document :D
- Added a "JUMP!" weakaura for Vortex Pinnacle last boss

Dragonflight 1.4c
- Added large nameplate for Totem from first boss in Brackenhide
- Added Irontide Stormcaller to Important Kicks nameplate list
- Updated Zera Party Priority Heals/Dispels WA for several new abilities

Dragonflight 1.4b
- Updated Addons for Aberrus release week
- Added Causese Co-Tank WeakAura for Aberrus, customized stack counter
- Enabled SUF Aura Indicators for Boss Debuffs on Raid Frames in the Lower Right Corner (trying this out, might disable later, not sure yet)

Dragonflight v1.4a
- Updated remaining addons for 10.1
- Swapped back to live version of SUF as it was updated
- Reenabled IDTip

Dragonflight v1.3w
- Updated Addons for 10.1
- Swapped to Alpha version of SUF as it is the only current working version
- Removed IDTip for now as it does not have a working version
- Created a new Default UI Edit Mode Export String

Dragonflight v1.3v
- Created a separate profile for Raid/Dungeon in MRT to track more CDs, specifically external defensives (two columns in raid, single column in dungeons)
- Added Flashfrost Earthshaper to kick/stun mob nameplate list
- Disabled certain unnecessary raid weakauras from the BDGG pack

Dragonflight v1.3u
- Correctly labeled Primalist Arcblade as a stop mob (yellow nameplate) instead of a caster mob (white nameplate)

Dragonflight v1.3t
- Fixed an issue with custom colored nameplates not being fully opaque when targeted

Dragonflight v1.3s
- Removed forced opacity for custom nameplates (so they will not be transparent when not the target)
- Added Mouse Cursor Weakaura
- Updated Thundering Weakaura
- Updated Addons

Dragonflight v1.3r
- resized/repositioned Omni CD to be bigger and a single row

Dragonflight v1.3q
- Further Addon updates for 10.0.5
- Fixed issue with Micro Menu and Bags from a Bartender change due to 10.0.5

Dragonflight v1.3p
- Removed Party Pets
- Added Omni CD and positioned it where Party Pets were, tracking only major offensive CDs
- Added a new "Zera DBM Bar" weakaura to track and make noises for very important DBM warnings (mostly for tank role, but a few for all)
- Addon updates for 10.0.5

Dragonflight v1.3N
- Added a few new mobs to the TPTP custom nameplates
- Split TPTP custom nameplates into "Kick Mobs" and "Stun/Blind-only" mobs
- Various WA/Addon updates that I didn't document because I am lazy

Dragonflight v1.3m
- Various WA and Addon Updates that I was too lazy to document, sorry :D

Dragonflight v1.3l
- Added more nameplates for important mobs in dungeons
- various addon and weakaura updates

Dragonflight v1.3k
- Added nameplates for important mobs in dungeons
- Updated healing and party dungeon alerts for new dungeons

Dragonflight v1.3j
- Added Handynotes for DF (glyphs and treasures, etc.)
- Updated addons and WAs
- Adjusted Talking Head Frame scaling from 0.85 to 0.80

Dragonflight v1.3i
- Swapped from Masque Entropy(Zoomed) to Masque Lily
- re-added Angry Keystones and Scrap as they are working again
- re-created base UI edit mode, hopefully will help with the base UI's bugs regarding it :\ (Blizzard, please)

Dragonflight v1.3h
- Moved new mail indicator to top left corner of minimap to be more annoying/noticeable
- Temporarily removed Angry Keystones and Scrap as they have not been working since 10.0.2

Dragonflight v1.3g
- Repositioned Loot and Toast windows
- Updated addons for 10.0.2 patch (DF prepatch #2)
- Made main action bar (bar 1) grow inward to outward (helps with vehicle mapping)

Dragonflight v1.3f
- Disabled Bag Bar Masque (bugged for that element with a new update, but I like the default anyway)
- Updated addons

Dragonflight v1.3e
- Swapped to Masque Entropy-Zoomed (Zera UI originally used that, but I couldn't find it during my last pass :D)

Dragonflight v1.3f
- Added frozn's TipTac back now that it's been updated
- Added Masque back (using Apathy skin with 1.25 scale)
- Added Angry Keystones back
- Slightly increased minimap border width
- Updated Addons

Dragonflight v1.3e
- Moved Calendar Icon to bottom right corner
- Made New Mail Icon visible, stacked it on top of Calendar Icon

Dragonflight v1.3d
- Fixed Druid Skullbash accidentally showing up for all specs on Interrupt Tracker
- Hid all instance difficulties "weird silver square" instead of only M+/Challengemode
- Updated Addons

Dragonflight v1.3b
- Hid Titan Panel background bar so it doesn't overlap minimap buttons

Dragonflight v1.3a
- Hid weird "Challenge Mode Timer Indicator" on stock mini menu
- Scaled Talking Head Frame to 85%
- Fixed Healer specs that now have Interrupts in DF not being tracked

Dragonflight v1.3
- Added Titan Panel back, yay
- Made chat entry box anchor to the top of the chat frame instead of the bottom (yay!)

Dragonflight v1.2a
- Fixed an issue with Blizzard Compact Raid Frame Manager not hiding (will be fully hidden now)

Dragonflight v1.2
- Repositioned Quest Frame and secondary right bar slightly
- Updated Bartender (no longer having the issues with abilities activating when dragging)
- Added MRT and DBM back into the package

Dragonflight v1.1
- Various fixes to make things that worked on Beta work on Retail (you'd think these things would be the same, eh? Blizzard decided to remove certain UI features from the retail release... bleh.)
- Added DBM and TomTom back (updated versions)

Dragonflight v1.0f
- Brain melted and I forgot some folders in 1.0e, this version fixes that

Dragonflight v1.0e
- Added "LS Toasts" addon since it's pretty and the DF Default Toasts cannot be moved ~_~

Dragonflight v1.0d
- Enlarged Clock size, hid Zone Location Bar (just shows text and not the background texture now)

Dragonflight v1.0c
- Updated Details, WeakAuras, SUF, and Threat Plates to newest DF versions

Dragonflight v1.0b
- Scaled ObjectiveTrackerFrame (Quest Tracker) and Minimap to 85%

Dragonflight v1.0
- Overhaul due to Dragonflight breaking lots of things. See Readme.txt or main page for more info.

- Made Spiteful Shade nameplates 20% smaller than other nameplates. Made them yellow.
- Made non-threat table mobs in Junkyard 20% smaller than other nameplates and 20% transparent. Made them orange.
- Updated Honkie Honkie to include knockbakcs in Junkyard.

- Several weak aura updates, mostly for new dungeons and fated raids from Season 4
- Updated addons

- Re-added Castle Nathria, Sanctum of Domination, and Sepulcher of the First Ones Weakauras for Fated Raids

- Updated for S4 with new dungeon weak auras
- Enabled special announcements for the new M+ affix in DBM
- removed encrypted icons since the affix is no longer active

- Consolidated Zera UI WeakAuras into folders now that nested groups are a thing (yay!)
- Added Loyal Beasts and Cry of Mrrggllrrggrr WeakAuras (when successfully casted)
- Updated addons

- Updated for 9.2.5
- Added Havoc Demon Hunter's Blur to defensive tracker on Party WeakAura (not sure how I missed that, d'oh!)

- Added a nameplate weakaura for Inspiring
- Added an audio cue weak aurafor Loyal Beasts
- Addon updates
- Repositioned Extra Action Button (again, again, again, looool)

- I accidentally deleted the file, whoops! It's back now. If you were having issues with UI Scale, this was why, my bad!

- Added Encrypted Targeting Weakaura
- Updated various addons/weakauras

- Added the SFO WeakAura pack for the raid (meant to do that sooner :D)
- Added a WeakAura for clickable buttons for targeting Urh/Wo/Vy relics in M+ (a mod of Zerger's WA)
- Addon updates
- Once again, reduced vertical spacing of stacked nameplates from 110% to 80%. Not sure how that keeps resetting...

- Added threat to Encrypted Relic nameplates (only in combat, so pre-pull they are still color-coded and then on-pull they turn red based on threat)
- Added custom nameplate for Invigorating Fish Stick in Tazavesh (140% and yellow, for easily noticing it)

- Added color-coded nameplates for Urh (blue), Wo (purple), and Vy (green) Relics in M+ Encrypted. Also added matching shape icons (circle/square/star) to the nameplates.
- Updated other weakauras

- slightly enlarged quest tracker frame, repositioned it slightly as well to fix a small overlap that occurred after the size increase
- Further 9.2 Addon Updates

- Further 9.2 Addon Updates
- Repositioned Extra Action Bar/Buttons and Flight Path Cancel button
- Repositioned that weird Cosmic Energy Bar in Zereth Mortis
- Added Tazavesh Console weakaura.

- Updated addons for 9.2
- Disabled sounds in the SL Dungeon WA (not sure when they got turned on, whoops)
- Switched to frozn's community version of TipTac as the main addon is no longer maintained. Thanks to frozn for doing great work!!! Please note that this version does not update via apps such as WoWUp, so make sure to disable updates for TipTac if you use such an app.

- Removed Who Framed Watcher Wabbit as it has not been used in some time due to a lack of updates
- Repositioned Pet unit frame to be a thin bar above Player unit frame. Also hid pet bar (I prefer to just drag pet abilities onto my main bar).
- Adjusted BM Hunter WeakAuras

- Addon and compatibility updates, nothing exciting :)

- Reduced vertical spacing of stacked nameplates from 110% to 80%
- Reduced range of visible nameplates from 60 to 40
- Added resource bar to Target-of-Target and Focus unit frames
- Various minor WeakAura updates that I am too lazy to detail :P

- Adjusted "honkie honkie" noise for knockback warning to play sooner for all knockbacks
- Updated addons
- Switched back to Gladius again :D

- Updated all addons for patch 9.1
- Removed Who Framed Watcher Wabbit as it's buggy with 9.1 (rescaled Quest Objective Tracker window with MoveAnything)
- Updated WeakAuras for Tormented affix (fixed a bug with stun indicator and added a counter for Melt Soul stacks when greater than 1)
- Manually repositioned Tormented Anima Power button and anchored it to M+ Enemy Forces percentage counter

- Replaced Gladius with Gladius EX (Gladius no longer supported?)
- Added two invisible action bars to the left/right of player frame (on the edges of the existing ones). Just in case you need extra extra extra buttons.
- Various WeakAura and addon updates that I am too lazy to note.
- Swapped Skada for Details (I hate Details' UX, it's awful... but it tracks things like explosives and gives better breakdowns, so I guess I'll use it. Barf)

- Updated Explosive Orb nameplate weak aura appearance
- Updated Zera UI statusbar texture again

- Created a custom statusbar texture (previously had used Glamour 4 from Shared Media). New texture is basically the same as Glamour 4 but without the weird "swooshie" stuff on it. Glamour 4 still available.

- Resized and tweaked Glass settings a bit
- Minor Weak Aura updates
- Added Venture Plan

- Added Glass because it makes chat pretty (have been meaning to do this for a while, it was finally updated with some features that I wanted, yay!)
- Weak Aura updates for dungeon/raid mechanics
- General addon updates

- Updated Who Framed Watcher Wabbit to the latest version
- Changed position and height of WW Monk Chi bar to match Holy Power, Combo Points, etc.
- Repositioned/resized Pet Frame and Pet Action Bar a bit
- Updated other addons

- Addon updates and minor weak aura tweaks/cleanup before shadowlands

- Added additional party weak auras for Resto Shaman and Resto Druid
- White-listed personal Resto Druid HoTs for Raid Buffs on Raid frames

- Addon updates for 9.0.2
- Added Brewmaster Monk Purified Chi Weak Aura to track stacks/duration for Celestial Brew shield increase

- Removed addon "LibGroupInspecT" as it was an accidental leftover from testing and having it installed interfered with my interrupt weak aura and prevented it from working properly.

- Added Guardian Druid Weak Auras
- Priest Atonement Party Weak Auras updated
- Addon Updates (TipTac now using the official updated version)

- Re-repositioned party class role/leader/pvp flag/combat indicators again (still not sure what I prefer lol)
- New icon for DPS role in Party (Miir Gui edit)

- Updated to new community version of TipTac (manual, don't update it with addon manager)
- Completely overhauled my Zera Interrupt Tracker WeakAura (click here for full information on

- Added MoveAnything back as it has been updated
- Repositioned party indicator icons and added Miir Gui textures for them


- Manually updated Who Framed Watcher Wabbit with community code changes
- Updated Chatter
- Updated a few Weak Auras
- Updated Dominos (Loot Frame and Alert Frame work normally again)

- Chatter, SexyMap, Dominos, and ThreatPlates updated to new developer releases that work with 9.0.0 Prepatch
- Skada and Tiptac are currently using community-made manual fixes so do not re-install them or update them from this .zip's files or they will revert to the currently non-working official release
- MoveAnything disabled as it is currently breaking everything. Replaced with "MoveTalkingHead" addon. Shift-Left-Click the Talking Head frame to move it manually. Shift-Scroll-Wheel to shrink/grow it.

- Added Shadowed Unit Frames Inline Heal Absorb (makes shields/absorbs go over Health bar, more like default UI for absorb shields)

- Same as 3.9j except LOL I accidentally left in two unit frame addons, deleted the unused one (accidentally left it from testing)

- Redid anchoring of Party/Target frames to player frame (hopefully this helps with things being positioned correctly in other resolutions besides just 1920x1080?)
- Created some new Weak Auras for Brewmaster Monk and Resto Shaman
- Updated addons
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Unread 03-25-24, 03:17 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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thank you
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Unread 03-01-24, 06:15 PM  
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Originally Posted by rodolfus
Originally Posted by MetalMusicMan
Originally Posted by rodolfus
That's what I did but I'm still not identical to yours on Galakrond 27, you can see the white, red and yellow frames in my interface, they're all red, orange or pink depending on the aggro
It sounds like you're missing the Kick/Stop Custom Nameplate groups, or they're disabled somehow. Do you see the "Important Kicks" and "Stops" groups in your Custom Nameplates in TPTP?

yes I'm not all that and I know why. You put the names in English and not the IDs so any interface other than English doesn't work
Oh noooooo, I'm sorry about that

I will update them... someday.
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Unread 02-27-24, 06:36 AM  
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Originally Posted by MetalMusicMan
Originally Posted by rodolfus
That's what I did but I'm still not identical to yours on Galakrond 27, you can see the white, red and yellow frames in my interface, they're all red, orange or pink depending on the aggro
It sounds like you're missing the Kick/Stop Custom Nameplate groups, or they're disabled somehow. Do you see the "Important Kicks" and "Stops" groups in your Custom Nameplates in TPTP?

yes I'm not all that and I know why. You put the names in English and not the IDs so any interface other than English doesn't work
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Unread 02-23-24, 05:26 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Originally Posted by rodolfus
That's what I did but I'm still not identical to yours on Galakrond 27, you can see the white, red and yellow frames in my interface, they're all red, orange or pink depending on the aggro
It sounds like you're missing the Kick/Stop Custom Nameplate groups, or they're disabled somehow. Do you see the "Important Kicks" and "Stops" groups in your Custom Nameplates in TPTP?
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Unread 02-22-24, 01:27 PM  
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That's what I did but I'm still not identical to yours on Galakrond 27, you can see the white, red and yellow frames in my interface, they're all red, orange or pink depending on the aggro
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Unread 02-21-24, 07:51 AM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Originally Posted by rodolfus
I just watched your video and I was surprised that the Threat Plates are not set up like you how can I make it identical to yours
If you have my full UI, they should look exactly like mine with no adjustments needed right out of the box.

Are you just missing a few mob color categories? I do update the categories every now and then. If so, you can download the latest version of my UI and grab the Threat Plates files from it. They're in:

And you're looking for "TidyPlates_ThreatPlates.lua" and "TidyPlates_ThreatPlates.lua.bak"
Last edited by MetalMusicMan : 02-21-24 at 07:52 AM.
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Unread 02-20-24, 01:50 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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I just watched your video and I was surprised that the Threat Plates are not set up like you how can I make it identical to yours
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Unread 01-23-24, 08:46 AM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Re: DBM Sounds

Originally Posted by Darkmojo
What is keeping DBM from making any sounds?
It's just a setting in DBM itself:

-- /dbm
-- "Core Options" tab
-- "Global Disables & Filters" on the left
-- "Disable DBM Features"
-- Un-check: "Do not show text or play sound for ANY general (non-emphasized) announcements
-- Un-check: "Do not play special announce sounds"

I find DBM audio and special announce text to be too spammy, so I disable them. If you prefer that on, those two options should enable it again. There are also other settings in there you can enable/disable to your preference.
Last edited by MetalMusicMan : 01-23-24 at 08:46 AM.
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Unread 01-22-24, 09:34 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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DBM Sounds

What is keeping DBM from making any sounds?
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Unread 01-22-24, 12:28 PM  
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Re: Mini-map

Originally Posted by LestatDraconia
Are you able to change the mini-map style in the settings from round to square? Or will I need a separate add-on for that?
You would need to use an addon like SexyMap to do that. If you decided to use that, you may need to remove my minimap art replacements (can do this by renaming or deleting the "Interface\HUD" folder).
Last edited by MetalMusicMan : 01-22-24 at 12:35 PM.
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Unread 01-22-24, 12:21 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Are you able to change the mini-map style in the settings from round to square? Or will I need a separate add-on for that?
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Unread 11-30-23, 11:13 AM  
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great job thank you so much i updated them all it's great
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Unread 11-28-23, 01:38 PM  
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Originally Posted by rodolfus
Hello, every time I update your weak aura, I have to redo them all and go replace the names with the spell IDs, otherwise nothing works. Do you have a solution to update and keep the modifier IDs? I play Pal Tank War Prot DH Tank and Druid Tank it's done a lot to modify lol
I have just updated most all of my WAs to use Spell ID instead of Spell Name
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Unread 11-25-23, 12:41 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Re: Just installed

Originally Posted by Jooshe
I'm trying to figure out how I get rid of seeing party members CDs right reside their names.
That is OmniCD's cooldown tracker. You can disable it from the "Dungeons" section of /omnicd by unchecking the "enable" box.
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Unread 11-25-23, 04:39 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Just installed

I'm trying to figure out how I get rid of seeing party members CDs right reside their names.
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