Updated: 11-26-20 07:48 AM
File Info
Updated:11-26-20 07:48 AM
Created:08-25-20 12:04 PM
Categories:Graphic UI Mods, Graphical Compilations, Minimalistic Compilations, Class Compilations, DPS Compilations, Generic Compilations

AbyssUI TexturePack  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

by: Yugen [More]

This project was discontinued due to the lack of time and the amount of work that was needed to make it work under different conditions. It may still work, but no support or upcoming updates are planned.

Updated UI can be found here: AbyssUI

Flat Player Icons are the textures used as a base for the UI portraits.

Clean Icons are the icons used in this texture pack.

How to Install?
1- Extract the compact folder, and you will notice a folder named Interface;
2- In WoW folder make a backup of your old Interface folder (e.g rename to Interface.old);
3- Then copy the Interface folder to the WoW folder;
4- It's that simple.

- Some texture are looking/acting weird or Texture/Image is not right or cropped??
A: You are probably using a old texture version of AbyssUI, you need to download the new AbyssUI_TexturePack and things should be fixed (fresh installation, delete the old version).

- Buttons are gray or in another color instead of the default, and I don't want this?
A: Go to the AbyssUI options (/abyssui options) and check "Disable Button Color Text".

- I don't like the new buttons (white background), what should I do?
A: There's a folder named "zzBackup", copy the folders inside it, and replace them with the already on the interface folder.
After that, start the game, go to the AbyssUI options (/abyssui options) and check "Disable Button Color Text".

Global release for:
Patch 9.0.2 Shadowlands
26/11/20 (
~ News and Updates
- Minus frames fixes;

- Minor updates;
17/11/20 (
~ News and Updates
- Texture Update for 9.0.2;

- HelpFrame fixes;

- Minor updates;
20/10/20 (
~ News and Updates
- Minimap Texture Fix;

- Minor updates;
13/10/20 (
~ News and Updates
- Pre-patch launch;

- New Textures;

- Minor updates;
07/10/20 (
~ News and Updates
- New texture to check if the interface is using the old redbutton.

- Minor fixes;
06/10/20 (
~ News and Updates
- Fixed some textures;

- New textures;

- Icons update;
26/09/20 (
~ News and Updates
- Buttons;

- Glues;

- New textures;

- Shadowlands icons;

- Shadowlands updates.
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