Updated: 06-25-19 09:20 PM
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Updated:06-25-19 09:20 PM
Created:06-23-19 12:47 PM
Categories:Graphic UI Mods, Action Bar Mods, Other, Miscellaneous, Plug-Ins & Patches

Btex Fan Update 2.0

Version: Version 8.2.0
by: dyeslee [More]

BTex version 8.2.0

A newly continued development of Tiggy's original Btex Addon

Original file/addon can be found here along with more details of Btex and extra links :

Btex Fan Update by Sharani
Includes additional links to artist creations for Btex

Translation :
Language aviable for all frame config are :
- default : english/US,
- french
- German
- Russian

What is it? :
Btex (for 'Bottom TEXture') is a very lightweight addon for World Of Warcraft providing Background texture at the bottom of the screen and was created by Tiggy.
It contains a package of pre-made skins, a simple menu for settings skins, texture height,width,transparency,colors, positions, viewport,etc ..

What can it do? :
- Put a texture of your choice on the bottom of the screen via menu options (use /bx menu or /btex menu),
- Set height/width/transparency/position/colors/layer of your texture,
- Use any other TGA/BLP texture file or any other 'pack' of skin,
- Display a grid to setup your interface correctly,
- Modify the 3D rendering area with viewport function,
- Work in any resolution,
- Low memory usage & standalone addon (no libs or dependency are needed).

How do I install Btex? :

  1. Download and extract
  2. Open BtexFA2 folder
  3. Copy Btex Folder
  4. Navigate to the following locations and Paste Btex Folder into World of Warcraft addon Directory
  5. For Retail WoW: World of Warcraft\_retail_\Interface\AddOns

Ready to use skins :
The following skins are packaged and are ready to use via the option menu:
- Dark Shadow
- Simple Black
- Fade Black
- Red Fury
- Warcraft Classic
- Ice Dragon
- Ice Dragon remake (credits to Xaphiroth)
- Ice Dragon remake with pet bar(credits to Xaphiroth)
- Wall,
- White Dragon
- Hex Grid (added by Dyeslee)
- Test - Use to create your own custom skins - Gray backgroudn with red border (added by Dyeslee)
- Custom skin - Load your own skin via this choice (Read the FAQ for more details.

How do I use it?
First unzip it into your interface\addons directory. For more info on installing, please read install.txt.
Now just run WoW and once logged in, type '/bx menu' to get the options screen and choose a skin.

How do I run menu config ? type "/bx Menu" or "/Btex menu" in the chat windows.
Why the download is so big ? it's because it contain many images.
How do i load custom skins? Copy TGA or BLP files to /interface/btex/skins/ directory, and use the "custom texture" options on the top dropdown menu. Write name file without

the end "-1.tga". Exemple: for 'blabla' skin, you have 4 tga named blabla-1.tga, blabla-2.tga. Write 'blabla' in the custom name.
Do the skin support transparency ? yes. Via images files and via WOW API.
Can i use BLP file? Yes. use custom load skin, and do like with any other tga file.

Last Update :
V8.2.0 - 6-25-2019
  • Patch update for WoW RoA 80200

V 8.1.2 6/23/2019
  • Grid overlay .LUA error fixed and reapplied to Btex - Credit goes to Fizzlemizz for fixing this error.

V 8.1 6/23/2019
  • Updated to Wow version 80100, Battle for Azeroth
  • Temporarily removed Grid overlay option until Lua script errors can be addressed and fixed.
  • Added 2 Skins to the dropdown list for use (Hex Grid, Test)
  • Added 1 skin to Skins folder directory (Lava: with petbar)
  • Will be updated for WoW Classic when server is live
V2.9.3 6 February 2010
- Modified function with X and Y placement for main frame. You can now set negative value.
V2.9.2 10 Decemeber 2009
- Updated TOC for Wow 30300,
- Fixed bug with saving variable in viewport mode.

For full previous version history log, please see here:
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