(670 b)
Updated: 02-25-19 07:01 PM
File Info
Updated:02-25-19 07:01 PM
Created:02-25-19 05:30 PM
Categories:Group, Guild & Friends, Chat Mods, RolePlay, Music Mods


Version: 1.1
by: enterLivi [More]

This is a very small add-on to allow players in trial mode to 'add themselves' to your friends list by simply doing the /talk emote so they may whisper you. This could be quite strong the more people opt to use this add-on.

Having emotes visible is not required for this to work.

There shouldn't be any issues with abuse from gold sellers considering the character needs to be close to yours in order for the event to trigger.

I am happy to expand on this add-on should people want more things added to it. Feel free to suggest stuff, and spread the word!

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