WorldDungeonLocations shows dungeon and raid location map pins on the world map as well as the zone map. Clicking on a dungeon or raid pin will take you to the zone map, where you can "Supertrack" them or open the Encounter Journal.
- Adds the new Dungeon / Raid Location pins to the world map
- Adds dungeon entrance pins Blizzard forgot to add
- Shows pins for dungeons your character has yet to discover
- Shows dungeon/raid lockout status in the tooltip
- Adds custom pins for multi-instance entrances, with lockout status for all instances
Multi-Dungeon Entrances- Blackrock Mountain
- Blackwing Lair
- Upper Blackrock Spire
- Lower Blackrock Spire
- Blackrock Caverns
- Blackrock Depths
- Molten Core
- Caverns of Time
- Dragon Soul
- The Battle for Mount Hyjal
- The Culling of Stratholme
- The Black Morass
- Well of Eternity
- Old Hillsbrad Foothills
- End Time
- Hour of Twilight
Credits:- p3lim for writing the original pin code
- Numy for helping with the custom pin code and for writing the updated pin database