Updated: 08-14-24 03:13 AM
File Info
The War Within (11.0.2)
Updated:08-14-24 03:13 AM
Created:02-12-24 07:24 AM
Categories:Character Advancement, Auction House & Vendors, Bags, Bank, Inventory, ToolTip, Miscellaneous

Simple Gold Counter

Version: 1.6.5
by: Hexiatröhm [More]

GoldCounter by Hexiatröhm

A small window you can place anywhere if you want to keep an eye on your business while questing, grinding or use Auction House for example.*Or maybe know how much you won or lost after repairs when finished a dungeon...

A very simple addon and yet might be useful for some people I believe, it can optionally show your gear state then you know it will be time to repair soon and has*History Records for when the counter is reset.

A panel*that show your*overall characters funds is also available.

*More functions or options may come in later versions.

*Command line: /gc or /goldcounter

( /gc options let you change the frame scale, numbers font, view mode, and history length )

*Feedback, suggestion, reporting of translation errors, are welcomed and appreciated!

=== UPDATE 1.6.5 ===
-- Update for WoW Retail 11.0.2

=== UPDATE 1.6.4 ===
-- Update for WoW Retail 11.0.0

=== UPDATE 1.6.3 ===
-- Compatibility WoW 10.2.7

=== UPDATE 1.6.2 ===
-- Improved Profiles Management
-- Added right-click context menu on the counter for quick settings and profiles switching

Spanish translation by Roding

( Translators/Proofreaders wanted ! )

=== UPDATE 1.6.1 ===
-- BugFix: Fix a bug when importing profile that enable Daily Reset option to a character that did not previously use it.

=== UPDATE 1.6.0 ===
-- Added profile system accessible to all characters of the account (check Options panel)
* Frame location, settings and options of the addon can be saved as global and reloaded with any other character of the account.
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