Updated: 06-17-21 10:41 AM
File Info
Updated:06-17-21 10:41 AM
Created:06-09-21 05:25 AM
Categories:Graphical Compilations, DPS Compilations

Yulu UI Classic (2560x1440)

Version: 1.1.1
by: Aur0r4 [More]

I'm very proud to present you my personal user interface for Classic TBC.
As you can see it is based on the old Caith UI from TBC-times.
I've used it with a screen resolution of 2560x1440 (27" display)
and it is useable with all specs.

The installation guidelines are in the
You can watch my short ingame tutorial video here.

I use these addOns to modify my UI

UNITFRAMES: PitBull, Quartz, Kui_Nameplates
BUTTONS: Dominos, OmniCC
BUFFS: Raven
CHAT: Prat
COMBAT: Skada, TotemTimers, NugComboBar
MAP: EKMinimap
MISC: kgPanels, Masque, Bagnon, Peddler, TipTac, Questie

Thanks a lot to Caith, since the first time I've used your UI I wanted to create an UI by myself someday. Also thanks to the addOn authors out there, you guys are awesome! And of course thanks to Janede, dpmr, Fizzlemizz and all the others for helping me out with Lua! <3

- disabled bar 6
- addOns updated

- added a new actionBar on the right side of screen (visible on mouse-over)

- fixed error-message 'UnitQuestTrivialLevelRange' when you mouseover a target that is trivial

v1.0 - [Shamanistic Rage]
- initial release, ported from YuluUIClassic (Era)
- design is inspired from the old Caith UI from 2008
- THERE ARE SOME Lua errors, but as far as I can tell no serious ones
- we need to wait for the addOn authors to fix some problems
- RaidFrames up to 40 players are ready to use
- it is also coming with a VuhDo profile if you decide to be a raid-healer
- download VuhDo AddOn by yourself, it is NOT in the compilation
- FocusFrame not yet configured
- no bossmod implemented yet
- chat-settings are saved with Prat memory module
- I suggest that you set your chat up like you want it and then click save in Prats memory module

- THANKS to Caith for this awesome interface that you share with us in the `good old` TBC times :)
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