Updated: 05-27-18 07:21 AM
Shadows of Argus (7.3.0)
Updated:05-27-18 07:21 AM
Created:05-27-18 07:18 AM
Categories:Libraries, Developer Utilities


Version: 2.0
by: wartoshika [More]


Yet another World of Warcraft library addon. I am developing this library with the focus on modularity, generics and performance. Another aim was to use an understandable object orientated code pattern to improve readability and modularity. The memory footprint of the QhunCore addon is very small.

Happy coding!

Please also view the Github page for issues, contribution and documentation. Github [wartoshika/wow-QhunCore]


If you want to contribute to this addon, please develop your features/bug fixes on a fork of this project. You can then make a pull request and we can discuss the changes within a separate ticket.

Please also consider to writing unit tests for your changes. I included my own unit testing framework to make sure everything works as expected (Please follow the current existing examples for the documentation of the QhunUnitTest addon)


API documentation is on my todo list


MIT style licence, see licence file for more details

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