Updated: 12-03-14 01:46 AM
Patch for:
Virtual Piano.
File Info
Warlords of Draenor (6.0.3)
Warlords of Draenor Pre-Patch (6.0.2)
Updated:12-03-14 01:46 AM
Created:11-27-14 04:49 AM

MIDI Parser for Virtual Piano

Version: 1.1a
by: Trololol [More]

The midi parser tools allow you to play midi files ingame using the Virtual Piano script interface.
Preview of this tool in action here:

Updated for Virtual Piano 1.4

Get the addon Virtual Piano and start playing your midi files!

Compatibility update with Virtual Piano 1.4
Add optional check boxes to delete the .csv file, and create a text file
Included some test midi files

Included program source code
Include the last octave, I must have forgotten about this
Place script in the user's clipboard, instead of creating a text file
Instead of displaying a message box when we're done, display status text on the form
Modify form size to be a lot smaller and less annoying
Try to delete .csv file after we're done

Initial Release
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